Progress report!

Okay, I’m a few days late. Is anyone surprised?

And I don’t really have a ton of progress to report on so far this year. At least, it certainly doesn’t feel like a lot…

On the solo front, I have only managed to post two chapters of Our Glory Days. And that’s it. Nothing more. I am, however, currently working on Cherry Lips for Camp NaNo, so there will be new chapters of it at some point in the near future.

On the collab front, Amber and I have managed to post one chapter of Where We Belong and a whopping five chapters of Flesh and Bone. We’ve hit stumbling blocks on both now, but will hopefully be able to add quite a bit to them once we’ve recovered from Camp. So far, we haven’t made any progress on our other collabs, but we do want to finish them both this year.

The most exciting news, however, pertains to the Like Ashes Series. Tara has added one chapter to Brothers’ Keeper, Elizabeth has added several chapters to Weightless, and a brand new author named KT has come on board and begun writing a Zoe fic, titled Rays of Light.

Look for more exciting news after April wraps up and I am hopefully back on track with my solo fics, if not my collab fics, too!

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