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With Jordan to talk to every night while we were out of the country, I almost forgot how much I was dreading returning home. But when we got home, I had to face the fact that all the wonderful things Jordan and I talked about were only online. While we were out of the country, I could pretend that I wasn’t married or anything. But back here in Tulsa, in the real world, I couldn’t ignore all of that. I didn’t want to let Jordan in on how depressing that was, though. Things with us were going so well, and I only wanted that to continue.

As awful as it sounds, it was hard to pretend I had missed Kate while I was gone. Surely soon she would notice that something was different with me. When things were bad with Jordan, it was easy to find some reason to argue with Kate, too. But now that things were good, I couldn’t hide my stupid smile or the way I felt like bouncing off the walls all the time.

There was one way to hide it – a way that I knew would only upset Kate even more, but I didn’t care. Normally, I left my pot habit for the road where she couldn’t nag me for it. But after my good mood lead to her nagging and picking at me for no apparent reason other than that I was happy… well, then I really didn’t care that she didn’t want me to smoke at home. With my stash replenished, I settled in to once again talk to Jordan, longing desperately to be back in that fantasy world where it was only me and him.


Things were perfect. Better than perfect, even. Every time I talked to Sam, I fell more in love with him. He had a way of seeing things that was at once deep and insightful, and yet playful and light-hearted. He had a sarcastic streak, but not to the point of being cynical. He had such an innocent heart, and it hurt to hear how his wife treated him. I wanted nothing more than just to hold him, and make sure he was never hurt again.

It was getting harder to keep it online, though. Knowing that he lived in Tulsa, possibly within a few miles, was starting to eat away at my resolve. I was terrified of what would happen when he saw me, but it was getting more difficult to care. So many times I had to stop myself from asking where in Tulsa he lived, for fear that I’d just jump in the car and go.

I started to wonder if it would really be as bad as I was imagining. I would lay in bed, dreaming up scenarios where we would meet. Sometimes he would leave, as I feared, but more often he either wouldn’t care at all; and at least once, he admitted to having a crush on me. That one had made me smile, the tiny bit of pride I had showing. But every time we talked, when I considered it, I always chickened out. But, like I had told him, maybe someday…


x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hey
peregrin2201: hey 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how’s it going
peregrin2201: not too shabby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s good
peregrin2201: how about you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m… good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i have you to thank for that…
peregrin2201: aww
peregrin2201: what a coincidence. because i have you to thank.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: i am never going to get tired of that blushing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, it’s pretty much a permanent fixture at this point…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m starting to wonder if my cheeks will ever go back to normal again
peregrin2201: i wouldn’t complain if they don’t
peregrin2201: just makes you even more adorable
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush more*
peregrin2201: hehe
peregrin2201: pretty sure i’m never gonna get this smile off my face, either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sure it’s a beautiful smile
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like the rest of you
peregrin2201: *blushes*
peregrin2201: oh look, now we match. haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: if i’m smiling and blushing, people are probably gonna start to notice…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s too bad that would be a bad thing…
peregrin2201: yeah, i know…
peregrin2201: i wish i could tell everyone
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …yeah?
peregrin2201: yeah, i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …i do, too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’d be proud to call you my….
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: boyfriend?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah
peregrin2201: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that
peregrin2201: good to know you’re not ashamed of me 😛
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: of course not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: never
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam, i don’t want you to ever think that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, you don’t even know…
peregrin2201: i was just kidding…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i hate that it has to be this way
peregrin2201: me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not that it would matter…
peregrin2201: i mean, i can’t even tell people that i’m gay…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not anyone?
peregrin2201: i don’t think so
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m so sorry…
peregrin2201: i guess my wife should know, but… that would tear our little family apart.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
peregrin2201: and my family… i mean, they’re all pretty religious
peregrin2201: and i’m supposed to be the most religious of them all, haha. me and my wife.
peregrin2201: and friends… well, i dont’ really have many of those
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t believe that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: someone as amazing as you?
peregrin2201: i really don’t
peregrin2201: outside of my family… just a few, and i rarely get to see them
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how come?
peregrin2201: they don’t live nearby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ah
peregrin2201: i’m lucky if i get to travel and see them once or twice a year. one of them comes to visit sometimes.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well that’s good
peregrin2201: i could… probably… tell him
peregrin2201: maybe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that would be good for you
peregrin2201: he’s pretty open minded
peregrin2201: we haven’t talked for a while though… we’re both so busy…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s so hard, keeping something like this a secret
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i would know…
peregrin2201: yeah…
peregrin2201: if i did tell him, i might leave out the part where i used to have umm.. dreams… about him. heh.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ooh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: would it be bad if i told you i was a little jealous?
peregrin2201: well i have dreams about you now, so you don’t need to be jealous at all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …you do?
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
peregrin2201: although to be honest, most of them are pretty tame… just being near you, not necessarily even doing anything…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aww
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i like that even better
peregrin2201: god, we’re both chicks, aren’t we?
peregrin2201: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: makes it feel like more than just sex, you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: it is more than just sex
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry, i’m just having a hard time accepting…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, not that i don’t believe you
peregrin2201: i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just
peregrin2201: i’m just gonna keep reminding you. i don’t care if i’m annoying.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god sam, it hasn’t even been a month
peregrin2201: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: please don’t take the wrong way
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how can you be sure?
peregrin2201: i don’t know… i just am.
peregrin2201: i know that’s a shitty answer
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: its just
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just SO wasn’t expecting…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that
peregrin2201: i mean, you did kinda turn my life upside down. and i tried to fight that, but i just kept… being drawn back to you.
peregrin2201: that sounds kinda bad
peregrin2201: but what i mean is, it doesn’t feel so much like you just turned it upside down, but that you kinda… fixed it.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: even with everything that’s happened?
peregrin2201: yeah
peregrin2201: it’s not even so much that i don’t know who else to turn to, but i don’t want to turn to anyone else
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …really?
peregrin2201: really
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love you
peregrin2201: i love you too, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *laughs/sheds a tear*
peregrin2201: aww *wipes your tear away*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holds you close*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i feel like i can’t trust it, but i think that makes me trust it more… if that makes sense?
peregrin2201: umm… not really. but okay.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s like…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can’t believe it, so i just believe it’s right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because love doesn’t make sense
peregrin2201: i think i can get that
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and so because it doesn’t make sense, it has to be love
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ya know?
peregrin2201: i mean, you’re asking me to be logical about this… but i can’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i think love kind of defies logic, don’t you?
peregrin2201: absolutely
peregrin2201: for all that i really know about love, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i haven’t really been in love before either…
peregrin2201: i’m beginning to doubt that i have
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: although
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m kind of happy about it too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: after all, if you loved your wife…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you wouldn’t be here with me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *guilty smirk*
peregrin2201: i remember why i fell in love with her… but it doesn’t feel like this. not sure it ever did.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh* i just don’t know…
peregrin2201: i’m sorry…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not your fault
peregrin2201: i know, it just makes me sad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: please, don’t be sad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holds your face, kissing you softly*
peregrin2201: it just makes me sad that you haven’t been happy, that’s all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i’m more than happy enough to make up for it now
peregrin2201: good
peregrin2201: i’m really glad i can be what… who… makes you happy now
peregrin2201: hopefully i can do a good job of it, hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, you do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so happy
peregrin2201: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just hope i can make you half as happy as you make me
peregrin2201: i really can’t even begin to describe how happy you make me
peregrin2201: even though i tried to fight it and ignore it at first
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know baby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but it’s okay now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we’re together now, that’s all that matters
peregrin2201: i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: “together”
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: yeah…
peregrin2201: i really am just so grateful that you made me stop ignoring… part of myself
peregrin2201: i have a funny way of showing that, though. haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ?
peregrin2201: i mean, i guess i didn’t seem grateful at first
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well
peregrin2201: like, at all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i did drag you kicking and screaming from your closet… that you didn’t even know you were in
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😉
peregrin2201: i may have had some very vague notion of it…
peregrin2201: i mean, a guy starts to wonder after he has sex dreams about his best friend
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um, well yea…
peregrin2201: but if said guy is me, he chooses to totally deny it ever happened
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: i just needed someone who was just as stubborn as me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: erm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah
peregrin2201: it’s a compliment, actually
peregrin2201: in this particular instance
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you say so
peregrin2201: i do
peregrin2201: you know, you’re almost as bad at taking compliments as i am
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what can i say…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just don’t think i’m that special
peregrin2201: well, you’re just wrong
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well then
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes sir 😉
peregrin2201: hehe
peregrin2201: i think i’d rather you called me “baby” than “sir”…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, i’ll call you anything you want, baby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: as long as i get to call you mine…
peregrin2201: of course *smiles*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just wish…
peregrin2201: what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just wish i could see you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just once
peregrin2201: i don’t think once would be enough for me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah, well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know if you’d say that after you did…
peregrin2201: why not?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well
peregrin2201: are you secretly a serial killer or something?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: my life is just… complicated
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i doubt you’d want to get involved
peregrin2201: well, so is mine
peregrin2201: i kinda already am involved
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t think its the same kind of complicated though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and that’s not what i meant
peregrin2201: we’re both in the closet and married with kids, so… kinda similar
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah, i guess that’s the same…
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: what?
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it wouldn’t matter though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: even if we weren’t married…
peregrin2201: maybe not…
peregrin2201: i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wish we could live here
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: in here, everything is perfect
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: out there…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just… not
peregrin2201: the world’s a scary place sometimes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: scary and unfair
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think knowing where you live makes it even harder, though
peregrin2201: why?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i mean
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: knowing where you are, having a place i can point to and say “that’s where he is”
peregrin2201: sounds kinda like you’re stalking me 😛
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just reminds me that it doesn’t matter how close or how far we might be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha no
peregrin2201: good. that would be a little creepy, haha
peregrin2201: what if we were close, though…
peregrin2201: it wouldn’t matter at all?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t think it would
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we couldn’t…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i couldn’t
peregrin2201: why not?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: complicated
peregrin2201: you keep saying that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wish i could explain…
peregrin2201: i wish you could too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i feel awful…
peregrin2201: don’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’ve been so honest with me
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t want you to think i don’t trust you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because i do
peregrin2201: that’s not what i thought at all
peregrin2201: i just wish it was easier… for us to be together…
peregrin2201: really together
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do too
peregrin2201: or that we could even if it wasn’t easy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam… 🙁
peregrin2201: what?
peregrin2201: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holds you close*
peregrin2201: i know i’m not making it easier
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not your fault
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m the one with the screwed up life
peregrin2201: mine’s not so great either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i probably have you beat
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: trust me
peregrin2201: you never know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: neither do you
peregrin2201: i guess not
peregrin2201: i mean, i know it sucks, but…
peregrin2201: it doesn’t change what we’ve got, does it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess not…
peregrin2201: well then, stop worrying so much. please.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m trying…
peregrin2201: such a worrywart… it’s kinda cute, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: i just wish you… wouldn’t worry so much.
peregrin2201: stresses me out haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
peregrin2201: it’s okay, baby
peregrin2201: i’m just not good at being stressed, hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i really am sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i shouldn’t stress you out
peregrin2201: no, don’t say that
peregrin2201: i just want to fix things, that’s all. when i can’t fix things, it bothers me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: some things just can’t be fixed…
peregrin2201: i know…
peregrin2201: doesn’t make it any easier to deal with them, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know baby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *hugs you*
peregrin2201: i just wish there was some way we could ignore all the bullshit, you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: trust me, i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but that’ll never happen
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: as much as we may wish otherwise
peregrin2201: now i’m not liking your stubbornness so much… *pouts*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh baby *kisses you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i really don’t mean to sound so cynical about it…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just don’t want you to get your hopes up…
peregrin2201: i know… but you couldn’t disappoint me, you know that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not that i think i would disappoint you
peregrin2201: good
peregrin2201: because you wouldn’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not me, but my… life…
peregrin2201: well, mine wouldn’t make it easier either…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: the whole “married” thing, huh?
peregrin2201: yeah… that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… same here…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: among other things…
peregrin2201: my wife… my kids…
peregrin2201: *sighs*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *hugs*
peregrin2201: *wraps my arms around you* but… i love you so much, i really do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, you know i do too…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love how honest you are with me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know you don’t have to be, but you are…
peregrin2201: well, i trust you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: at least, i trust that you are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m glad you do
peregrin2201: i am
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because i love you, all of you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: the good and the bad
peregrin2201: i’ll never understand why but i’m glad you do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i’m not perfect either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: far from it
peregrin2201: i don’t believe that for a second
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that i’m not perfect?
peregrin2201: nope, don’t believe it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: i mean it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nobody’s perfect
peregrin2201: well then you’re as close as possible
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *major blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tell me more about you, sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i want to know everything about you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😀
peregrin2201: umm… i don’t even know where to start…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i want to know as much as i can about… the man i love…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay from now on, just assume i’m always blushing around you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’ll save time
peregrin2201: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: start anywhere
peregrin2201: umm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just be honest
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know you can tell me anything
peregrin2201: well… i don’t know, give me a place to start
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: share a memory
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: something that really stands out
peregrin2201: are you going to call it a total cop out if the memory is only about three weeks old? 😉
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hahaha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: come on…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: for me?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *puppy eyes*
peregrin2201: i’m thinking…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: take your time, baby…
peregrin2201: umm… i guess when i got my first real drum set. i really looked up to the guy who gave it to me.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aww
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so you play drums?
peregrin2201: yeah… guitar and piano too…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow
peregrin2201: i didn’t say i was good at any of them haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sure you’re better than you think
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: favorite ice cream flavor?
peregrin2201: any flavor with caramel
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oooh
peregrin2201: like turtle tracks
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh… caramel… you, naked…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: or, me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: either way 😉
peregrin2201: wow… my boyfriend is a perv
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hahaha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: pink floyd or led zeppelin?
peregrin2201: led zeppelin, no question
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow, really?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that was fast…
peregrin2201: well, it doesn’t hurt that so many of their songs are about lord of the rings
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good point
peregrin2201: and robert plant… wow. he’s just amazing.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah he is
peregrin2201: i mean, the whole band is incredibly… i’d kill to play like john bonham
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think anyone would
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know whose talent i wish i had, though?
peregrin2201: who?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: rick wakeman
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: from yes?
peregrin2201: oh man… yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that guy’s just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: genius
peregrin2201: so… you play too?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um… a little
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: little bit of everything
peregrin2201: that’s cool. multitalented.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yep
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: musicall ADD
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😉
peregrin2201: i’ve noticed 😉
peregrin2201: the multitalentedness
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: summer or winter?
peregrin2201: hmm… winter
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good for snuggling 😛
peregrin2201: yup
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: favorite cartoon growing up?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: lol i’m sorry for the random questions…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but like i said, i want to know everything about you
peregrin2201: freakazoid. or maybe thundercats
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you can ask me anything, too, you now…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ooh, good ones
peregrin2201: well… whatever you wanna tell me, i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nuh-uh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you made me ask stuff
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: now its your turn 😛
peregrin2201: haha okay
peregrin2201: favorite color?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: red
peregrin2201: suits you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because of all the blushing?
peregrin2201: yup
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what’s yours?
peregrin2201: blue
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… i think that suits you too
peregrin2201: yeah? why?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not sure
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it just… does
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you seem very… chill
peregrin2201: if you say so…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but deep
peregrin2201: can you umm.. hold that thought for a minute?
peregrin2201: i’ll be right back
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: of course
peregrin2201: okay… i’m back
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: everything alright?
peregrin2201: it is not easy to walk and type on this thing at the same time
peregrin2201: yeah… just umm… relocating outside
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, nice
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so where are you now?
peregrin2201: sitting on our picnic bench
peregrin2201: i umm… i mentioned that i sometimes smoke weed, right?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so you’re smoking?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nice
peregrin2201: can’t smoke in the house, not really even in the garage
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: the wife?
peregrin2201: yup
peregrin2201: she’s not really a fan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry you have to sneak around with it
peregrin2201: i go a little wild with it whenever she’s not around, hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh yeah?
peregrin2201: making up for lost time, you know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh man, i haven’t smoked in ages…
peregrin2201: i hadnt. but i caved a while ago
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what happened?
peregrin2201: just… stressed out
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: about what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam?
peregrin2201: everything that’s going on lately…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …me?
peregrin2201: just wanted to clear my mind for a while, you know?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m… sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, i really did mess your life up, didn’t i…
peregrin2201: it’s okay…
peregrin2201: no…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no… i don’t know if it is
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you didn’t deserve to have shit stirred up like that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it wasn’t my place
peregrin2201: jordan, no.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess i still feel pretty guilty about ruining everything…
peregrin2201: you didn’t ruin anything
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i stressed you out enough to turn to drugs
peregrin2201: you make that sound really bad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well
peregrin2201: it’s not like i have a drug problem or something
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i didn’t say you did
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s not what i meant
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: gah see? i screw up everything…
peregrin2201: no
peregrin2201: you do not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: look, i would be smoking all the time, stressed or not, if someone wasn’t breathing down my neck about it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: stoner, huh?
peregrin2201: i mean, it’s not like i quit and fell off the wagon because of you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you’re sure
peregrin2201: seriously. i’m sure.
peregrin2201: it’s just that my wife hates it, so.. it’s pretty rare these days.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hey sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: yeah?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m going to guess you’ve never had stoned sex, then?
peregrin2201: well… i may have…
peregrin2201: she just didn’t know it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ooh really?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hahaha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s good, isn’t it? 😉
peregrin2201: well, once i stopped being paranoid that she knew haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha yeah…
peregrin2201: umm… it’s kinda sad, but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ?
peregrin2201: that’s probably the most exciting sex i’ve had with her
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that is sad… but not because of you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s sad that your wife is so blind she doesn’t appreciate the amazing man she has
peregrin2201: because of her?
peregrin2201: oh…
peregrin2201: she’s just… uptight about sex, i guess
peregrin2201: which never really bothered me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sounds like she’s uptight about more than just sex…
peregrin2201: like what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, just you said she’s always nagging you
peregrin2201: that’s true…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: let me ask you, has she ever complimented your art?
peregrin2201: occasionally
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh…
peregrin2201: she’s one of the people who’s compliments i don’t really trust though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, what about your music?
peregrin2201: yeah… she likes my music…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re not making it easy to hate her, you know… 😛
peregrin2201: i guess i’m used to defending her…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what do you mean?
peregrin2201: she’s never been really popular with my family. can’t imagine why.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can kind of relate to that
peregrin2201: yeah… i guess the whole teen pregnancy thing wouldn’t go over too well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but she’s stuck by me through some pretty bad times
peregrin2201: i’m sorry you had to go through that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i feel bad for her too, though…
peregrin2201: same thing i said about my wife
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: she didn’t ask for this either
peregrin2201: yeah…
peregrin2201: *hugs*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: as cliche as it sounds, we love each other, but we’re not *in love* with each other
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *hugs you back*
peregrin2201: i think… i think i know what you mean, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: looking back, i wonder if we ever really were
peregrin2201: i’m sorry…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s okay…
peregrin2201: i just wish… i don’t know, i wish i could fix everything for you
peregrin2201: is that silly?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s beautiful
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holds you tightly*
peregrin2201: *smiles*
peregrin2201: it’s true though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, like i said before…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: in here we can be everything we want to be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: out there, it’s not so easy
peregrin2201: yeah…
peregrin2201: i know
peregrin2201: i wish i could just never leave here. i don’t even care how impossible that is.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know… i feel the same way
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, even if…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: even if we were to meet…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it would change too much
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t think it would be a good idea
peregrin2201: i guess so…
peregrin2201: maybe you’re right…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, we both have our perfect mental images, and at least i know i could never live up to that
peregrin2201: i have no doubt that you are even more beautiful than those pictures
peregrin2201: and god… it would feel so good to really hold you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and to kiss you…
peregrin2201: mmm, yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and look into your eyes
peregrin2201: to wake up beside you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh god sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you have any idea how difficult you’re making this?
peregrin2201: i’m sorry…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no…
peregrin2201: it’s hard for me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t be sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… we couldn’t…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i couldn’t…
peregrin2201: i guess not…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but god i wish i could
peregrin2201: i know, baby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *laces my fingers in yours*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know i love you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: right?
peregrin2201: yes
peregrin2201: and you know i love you too?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …yes
peregrin2201: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *touches your cheek, kissing you softly*
peregrin2201: god, i really wish we could just be together…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hey sam?
peregrin2201: yeah?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what if…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hypothetically speaking
peregrin2201: what…?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what if… we were…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if i could… see you?
peregrin2201: well… then i’d be really sad that you weren’t with me right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i… don’t want you to be sad…
peregrin2201: well i think if we could see each other, then we should
peregrin2201: that’s all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not like we can
peregrin2201: i know
peregrin2201: but if we could…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but we can’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i shouldn’t have brought it up
peregrin2201: it’s okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: it’s just… imagining that you were close, but knowing that it wouldn’t change anything…. i don’t like it 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: me neither
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: although…
peregrin2201: what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can’t help thinking…
peregrin2201: thinking what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, about…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what if
peregrin2201: if we could?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, it might only be a one-time thing…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… yeah
peregrin2201: would it have to be? 🙁
peregrin2201: if it could be, i mean
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you might end up wanting it to be…
peregrin2201: i highly doubt that…
peregrin2201: i mean, i might disappoint you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: NO
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: never
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… once you see what you’d have to deal with
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: my life, my… family..
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i doubt you’d want any part of it
peregrin2201: well…
peregrin2201: i don’t wanna drag you into all my… stuff. my family, this whole in the closet thing… but…
peregrin2201: i can’t imagine my feelings for you changing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …same here
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sometimes i wish i could just say the hell with it all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just to be with you
peregrin2201: aww, jordan…
peregrin2201: god, that’s so much easier said than done, isn’t it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: always is…
peregrin2201: i mean, i can’t even really imagine that… even if it does kinda sound nice
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i’m just tired of living a lie, you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: pretending to be happy
peregrin2201: yeah, i can definitely relate
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t get me wrong
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m thankful for everything i have
peregrin2201: yeah, me too…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and most of the time, i wouldn’t give it up for anything
peregrin2201: i mean, i could never walk away from my kids…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh god, no, i would never ask you to
peregrin2201: i know…
peregrin2201: i’m just… thinking about what might happen if my wife knew, i guess
peregrin2201: it could be bad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: same here i think
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: although… i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: my wife… i wonder sometimes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t think my being bi would exactly surprise her, you know?
peregrin2201: hmm… i suppose.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know…
peregrin2201: on one hand, i think my wife would be surprised
peregrin2201: on the other hand, it would probably explain a lot of our problems…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, love
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: as much as i hate it, i think we should probably get some rest
peregrin2201: you may be right…
peregrin2201: i feel quite relaxed now, anyway.
peregrin2201: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well that’s good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i hope i helped that…
peregrin2201: you always do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
peregrin2201: and you plus weed? not a bad combination, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wish i could fall asleep in your arms…
peregrin2201: god, i would love that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and wake up in them
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: have your eyes be the first and last thing i see
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: your face be the first and last thing i touch
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: your voice be the first and last thing i hear
peregrin2201: oh, jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: :'(
peregrin2201: aww, baby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holds you*
peregrin2201: *rubs your back gently*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry…
peregrin2201: it’s not your fault
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i feel like such a coward…
peregrin2201: why?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: scared to be alone, i guess…
peregrin2201: aww…
peregrin2201: well i may not be there with you, but you’re still not alone
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: neither are you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love you so much sam
peregrin2201: i know, baby. i love you too.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: even saying your name makes me smile
peregrin2201: aww…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: out of curiosity, is it short for anything?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: samuel?
peregrin2201: yeah… samuel
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i like that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: got a middle name?
peregrin2201: yeah, it’s john…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: samuel john…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nice
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love it
peregrin2201: you think so? 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do
peregrin2201: what about you? got a middle name?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: jordan is my middle name
peregrin2201: oh
peregrin2201: so, got a first name? 😛
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …you’re gonna laugh
peregrin2201: i promise i won’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: river…
peregrin2201: what’s funny about… oh
peregrin2201: i get it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… its stupid
peregrin2201: were your parents hippies or something? haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um, yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: something like that
peregrin2201: i mean, it’s kinda cool, though… reminds me of river phoenix
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm… yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean yeah
peregrin2201: i think i like it 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: samuel john
peregrin2201: yes?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kiss*
peregrin2201: i love you too, river jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😀
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ok sammy… you need sleep
peregrin2201: heh, i’m sammy now?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: does that bother you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think its cute
peregrin2201: no, i kinda like it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well my love…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses you softly*
peregrin2201: *sighs* i know… time for bed…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t want to go either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but hey
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: now that we’re being competely honest with each other
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we shouldn’t have any more reasons to run away, right?
peregrin2201: i’m not running anywhere…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: neither am i
peregrin2201: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pout* don’t wanna go…
peregrin2201: me either
peregrin2201: but you know we should…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know…
peregrin2201: and you know i’ll be online tomorrow
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so will i
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
peregrin2201: good 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s a date haha
peregrin2201: yes it is
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: goodnight sweet prince, may flights of angels wing you to your rest
peregrin2201: you are so cheesy, jordan. and i kinda love it.
peregrin2201: goodnight, baby 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: night



I hated how much Jordan worried about everything – about my marriage, about my drug habit, about what would happen if we ever met in person. He was kind of right to worry about the last one, though. I couldn’t help pushing a little bit for it to happen, but truthfully, I was scared to death of it, too. Still, I had to believe that once he saw me, who I really was, I could make him understand why I had lied about my name.

He had to understand, I told myself. I refused to let my slightly paranoid mind imagine any other scenario. Someday, we would meet and Jordan would still love me, even in spite of my lies. And I would still love him, too. His worry about what I would think of him in person was cute, but I knew there was no way I would ever see him as anything less than perfect.

I didn’t dare go back into the house that night. For one, I was still a little bit stoned even after I finished talking to Jordan for the night. But also, I just didn’t want to see Kate. I wanted to keep up the fantasy as much as I could, and crawling into bed with her, especially when she had nagged at me all night, would only remind me that I still wasn’t really with Jordan.


My heart ached as I shut down my laptop. Once again, the thought of meeting Sam face-to-face was frighteningly tempting. And it killed me to not be able to tell him why I was so afraid. But he wasn’t pushing. He seemed to understand, and that just made me love him more. He always understood, no matter how frustrating I was being.

I loved conversations like this one, though, where we shared little details about our lives. It made me feel like I really knew him, reminded me that this wasn’t just some game. He even told me his middle name; I’d felt guilty, giving him a fake first name, but I reminded himself that the name was the only lie I was telling. Not counting certain omitted truths, of course, but that was different.

As I lay in bed that night, I tried again to imagine what would happen if we met. It was a sweet dream this time, with Sam not caring about my identity. He understood why I’d lied, and he loved me still. It ended with us walking around Tulsa together, hand in hand, the sun shining down on us. The next morning, I woke up with tears in my eyes, but a smile on my lips. Maybe someday.


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