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I couldn’t focus at all during rehearsal, no matter how much I tried. All I could think about was Jordan and how I wished I knew how to fix things between us. When I started to really fall behind, Taylor’s patience wore thin more quickly than I’d ever seen. And of course, I couldn’t help pushing his buttons. But he pushed right back. Every sarcastic comment I threw at him was met with an insult designed to hit me in all my weak spots.

Well, maybe not all of them. But he still knew more of them than I expected. I knew it was a low blow to call him a girl, but I didn’t expect what he said in return. Okay, maybe it shouldn’t have surprised me that Kate and Natalie gossiped about our sex life. But it did. It didn’t enrage me, as it might have just a few weeks ago, before I understood the reason why I hadn’t been able to perform.

No, I wasn’t angry, even though my fists still flew. I was just… defeated. Everything was going wrong and the one thing I had hoped I could cling to in the storm – Jordan – was gone. Once Isaac pulled us apart, I sneaked into another room to sign online via my phone, but my messages went unanswered again.

That night, I ignored Kate completely, not even bothering to give her an excuse before I stalked off to the garage with my laptop to give it one last try. I knew just one more blow would knock me out, but I had to give it all I had. I had to get Jordan back.


I settled into my office chair, rubbing my eyes before staring at the computer screen. Today had been… well, it hadn’t been good. I hadn’t meant to snap at Zac; we weren’t even fighting about anything, really. But I was so on edge, that all it took was little push to set me off. And then, if that hadn’t been enough, I’d logged on for five minutes, and there was Sam. I’d almost broken. He said he missed me. But I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right, starting something I knew neither one of us could ever really see through.

I cried. I went out to my car, and I cried. I cried for everything I’d ever given up, and for everything I wasn’t allowed to hope for. I cried until I couldn’t cry any more, until my eyes burned and my chest heaved. And when my tears finally ran out, I took a few deep breaths, wiped my eyes, and drove home.

Home… This wasn’t the life I wanted, but it was the life I had. I walked in on Natalie cooking dinner, and stood in the doorway watching her. She really was lovely. I made a decision, to try to appreciate what I had. So what if I wasn’t entirely happy? So were millions of other people. But I could make do, and I could make her happy. She deserved that much, at least.

I was a model husband, helping with dinner, the kids, cleaning up, and even cuddling on the couch before bedtime. As we were laying down, she turned to me, touching my cheek. She told me how much she appreciated everything I’d sacrificed for her happiness. Then, she tilted her head, and asked if I ever kept any for myself; I couldn’t answer. She kissed my cheek and rolled over, but all I could do was lay there, staring at the ceiling.

She was right; I bent over backwards to please everyone else. When did I get my turn? When did I get to be happy? And then, I realized, I had my chance. Sam. So, I dragged my feet to my office, dropped into my chair, and opened my laptop with shaking hands. Maybe I was setting myself up for heartbreak. But right then, I couldn’t help thinking a little bit of happiness was better than a lifetime without.


peregrin2201: jordan
peregrin2201: answer me, please.
peregrin2201: look, i’m really sorry if you’re upset with me… can we please just talk?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hi sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m… not upset with you
peregrin2201: hi 😀
peregrin2201: i was beginning to think you wouldn’t ever reply
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve had a lot on my mind
peregrin2201: i know how that feels
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how are you
peregrin2201: i’ve been better
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what’s wrong
peregrin2201: just… frustrated with people
peregrin2201: i don’t really want to talk about it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …okay
peregrin2201: let’s just say, some people just know how to push my buttons in all the wrong ways
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: your wife again?
peregrin2201: among others, yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
peregrin2201: it’s not your fault
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m not so sure…
peregrin2201: it’s not, i promise
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you say so…
peregrin2201: what about you? how have you been?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve been… here
peregrin2201: you’ve been somewhere…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like i said
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i had a lot on my mind. i just needed some time to think
peregrin2201: do you want to talk about it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s nothing
peregrin2201: it’s not nothing
peregrin2201: you wouldn’t have stayed away so long if it was nothing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: stayed away?
peregrin2201: from me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam… i was busy
peregrin2201: is that really the only reason?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why shouldn’t it be?
peregrin2201: well, you said you were thinking. then you said you were busy. so which is it? or is it both?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *frustrated sigh*
peregrin2201: i just want you to tell me what’s wrong
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s nothing you can fix, sam. please, just forget it
peregrin2201: it might help just to talk about it, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: trust me, it won’t
peregrin2201: please, jordan. just talk to me.
peregrin2201: even if i can’t fix it, i want to know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why do you care
peregrin2201: why wouldn’t i care?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because you don’t know me, and i don’t know you, remember?
peregrin2201: you know a lot more about me than most people do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah, because i dragged it out of you, kicking and screaming…
peregrin2201: and i was so damn happy before that? it’s not gonna make my life easier, true. but i’m. glad i know.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well… i’m glad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i really am
peregrin2201: you mean that?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… you deserve to at least know yourself
peregrin2201: and you deserve to be happy, but i can tell you’re not right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah well, par for the course…
peregrin2201: do you think we can try for “less miserable?”
peregrin2201: if not happy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: you’re laughing now. that’s a start.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess
peregrin2201: i like making you laugh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, you’re one of the few people that can, lately
peregrin2201: aww, now i feel special
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you are, you know
peregrin2201: well, you are too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: and i like making you blush even more than i like making you laugh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *smirk*
peregrin2201: not quite smiling yet, but we’re getting there
peregrin2201: now, you wanna tell me what’s wrong or should i just keep showering you with compliments?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh* it’s just…
peregrin2201: i’m sorry… i didn’t mean to kill the almost good mood
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t be sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you didn’t
peregrin2201: okay if you say so
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just something my wife said to me today
peregrin2201: something bad?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no, actually not
peregrin2201: then why are you upset about it? if it was good?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well its complicated
peregrin2201: i’m familiar with complicated things
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i was in kind of a bad mood when i got home today, but i tried to turn it around
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: helped with dinner, spent time with the kids, even watched a movie w/ her
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but then, she said something to me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: something about how i’ve given up my happiness for hers, and how i don’t keep any for myself
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and… it just got me thinking, is all
peregrin2201: well, i think she’s right
peregrin2201: i did just say you deserve to be happy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m not saying i don’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just, i don’t like to do things half-assed
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if i do something, if i put my heart
peregrin2201: i think that’s a great quality
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… but it makes things… complicated
peregrin2201: are you talking about… us?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: us?
peregrin2201: yes. us. you know what i mean.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do i?
peregrin2201: look, i don’t know what else to call it… like everything else, it’s complicated.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… i guess… that’s part of it, maybe
peregrin2201: part of what? what you were upset about?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just didn’t want to set myself up for…
peregrin2201: for what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh* i was just having a hard time seeing the point
peregrin2201: well i don’t know about you, but my life honestly would not be the same without you in it. and it’s still a mess, just in a different way, but i wouldn’t change it.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you wouldn’t?
peregrin2201: no, i really wouldn’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but…
peregrin2201: but what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, we can’t even…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what happened to it just being words on a screen?
peregrin2201: i was wrong about that
peregrin2201: it’s not just words
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it has to be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can’t…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: WE can’t
peregrin2201: well, just because it’s only words, that doesn’t mean it’s meaningless
peregrin2201: why can’t we? are we not allowed to be happy?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we would just end up getting hurt in the end, sam
peregrin2201: i think… i think i’m willing to take that risk
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam… are you saying…
peregrin2201: what does it sound like i’m saying?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know
peregrin2201: i’m saying… i mean, we can’t really be “together,” i guess, but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but thats just it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we can’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so… why start something we can never finish?
peregrin2201: so we should be nothing at all?
peregrin2201: maybe someday we can. you never know.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t be ridiculous
peregrin2201: but i’m so good at it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re not going to leave your wife for someone you met online
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i… i can’t…
peregrin2201: i’m not asking you to leave your wife, okay?
peregrin2201: i’m just asking you not to give up on… whatever it is we’ve got.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: damn it, sam…
peregrin2201: what did i do now?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why couldn’t you just let it be… it was getting easier
peregrin2201: because i’m a stubborn motherfucker
peregrin2201: it wasn’t getting easier for me, and i don’t think it really was for you either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why are you doing this…
peregrin2201: because i…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you…?
peregrin2201: i don’t want this to end. i refuse to accept that. you make me so happy, jordan. i don’t wanna go back to what my life was before you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i… don’t either
peregrin2201: then don’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: dammit…
peregrin2201: i know it’s not simple, but… it doesn’t have to be that complicated
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess… not..
peregrin2201: i told you i wasn’t going anywhere. and i meant that. it hasn’t been just words on a screen to me for a long time, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it hasn’t… for me either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but you knew that, heh…
peregrin2201: i do know that. i just wish you would quit fighting it.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *deep sigh*
peregrin2201: please, jordan. just let this happen. let it… let us… be whatever we’re gonna be
peregrin2201: jordan, please just stop fighting this… stop fighting me… *reaches out and brushes my hand across your cheek gently*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *biting my lip*
peregrin2201: *runs my finger across your lip* jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blinking back a tear*
peregrin2201: *cups your chin my hand, kisses your lips softly* please…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck… *wrapping my arms around you, kissing you back*
peregrin2201: *relaxes into your arms, slipping my hands into your hair*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god i’ve missed you, sam
peregrin2201: i’ve missed you too. so much.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *tangling my hands in your hair, hugging you tightly, hiding my face in your shoulder as a few tears roll down my cheeks*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i tried so hard
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but i just couldn’t…
peregrin2201: *rubs your back gently* i know, i know
peregrin2201: i tried to fight it, too, you know
peregrin2201: and look where i am now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *looks into your eyes, stroking your hair* i’m so sorry
peregrin2201: you don’t have to apologize, because i understand… i really do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *nodding, kissing your neck* i know you do
peregrin2201: *purrs* god, missed that too…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh really?
peregrin2201: yup
peregrin2201: but i missed everything about you, not just your body 😛
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i missed you too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: everything about you
peregrin2201: even the fact that i’m a douchebag?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hahaha surprisingly, yes
peregrin2201: it is one of my better qualities, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i miss you making me laugh
peregrin2201: well, that’s good. because i miss making you laugh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😀
peregrin2201: i miss you being so much smarter than me. well, except for recently 😛 but that’s okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: smarter? where’d you get that idea?
peregrin2201: you’re just… thoughtful. i don’t think things through or try to understand what’s going on around me.. or with me.
peregrin2201: but you do. and you make me actually think about shit.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah, well… that’s not always a good thing
peregrin2201: well i think it is
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: even after what happened?
peregrin2201: after what happened?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: after i dragged you kicking and screaming from your closet that you didnt even know you were in
peregrin2201: i told you. it might complicated a lot of things, but i’m glad i know.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and even after i made a complete ass of myself?
peregrin2201: i am in no position to judge anyone else for being an ass. even though i don’t think you were at all.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam… you were BARELY able to admit to being gay, and i confessed to
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well you know *blush*
peregrin2201: i’m not gonna lie, it did freak me out
peregrin2201: but… you can’t help what you feel. no one can help what they feel.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh* i guess not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it was still embarrassing as hell though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: still is
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and, i’m sorry for freaking you out
peregrin2201: you don’t have to be sorry, or embarrassed
peregrin2201: please stop beating yourself up for this
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: for you
peregrin2201: okay 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so…
peregrin2201: so, let’s just try to get all that shit off your mind, okay?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam, i want you to tell me something
peregrin2201: okay
peregrin2201: what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: something you’ve never told anyone
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (besides the fact that you’re gay)
peregrin2201: damn, you beat me to it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: umm… hmm. you always put me on the spot with these questions
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just want to know you better
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: is that so wrong?
peregrin2201: no, it isn’t
peregrin2201: well… everyone thinks i’m really religious, but…. i’m really just doing it for my wife. maybe i used to be serious about it, but lately i just… i don’t know.
peregrin2201: losing my faith, i guess?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m… sorry
peregrin2201: i mean, i still believe… it’s just the church and everything that goes along with it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i understand
peregrin2201: i keep sleeping in on sundays anyway, so even if no one knows yet, they’ve probably noticed something is different
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sometimes i wish i didn’t have my life
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, the life i lead
peregrin2201: you mean… you want someone else’s life?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not someone else, like not anyone i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love my life, i really do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but, once in a while, i wish i could do it over
peregrin2201: i think i can relate
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: make different choices, you know?
peregrin2201: yeah
peregrin2201: i can definitely think of a few different choices i’d like to make
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: me too
peregrin2201: like, perhaps not marrying the first girl who ever said she loved me.
peregrin2201: or perhaps not marrying any girl… haha
peregrin2201: so, okay. now let me ask you a question.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay
peregrin2201: what’s one thing, anything, that you think i should know about you? not necessarily a secret. just any random thing.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think… what i was saying before
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t do anything half-assed
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like i started to say… when i put my heart in, my heart is all in
peregrin2201: and i really, really admire that about you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you know what i mean?
peregrin2201: i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good… because as much as i don’t want you to get hurt
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess i can’t help guard myself a bit still…
peregrin2201: i’m a big boy, i can take care of myself 😛
peregrin2201: i just want you to be happy. and i really hope i can be at least part of what makes you happy.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you already are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so much more than you know
peregrin2201: i could say the same to you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay, stealing your question
peregrin2201: okay
peregrin2201: well, i think you’ve picked up on this, but i can be really insecure… i rarely think anything i do is good enough
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, i’ve noticed…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and as adorable as it is, i think we need to work on that
peregrin2201: you may be right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s been known to happen…
peregrin2201: i just usually think when people compliment me or my art or whatever, they’re just trying to make me feel better
peregrin2201: they’re not sincere
peregrin2201: but you… what reason do you have not to be sincere? so i believe you.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i’m glad you believe me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but your reasons are a bit… skewed
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you should be proud of your work because it’s good
peregrin2201: and sometimes i am
peregrin2201: but there are a lot of people who… who i think just try to suck up to me
peregrin2201: i don’t think you have those kind of ulterior motives
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no, i don’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wish i could see some of your work
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sure it’s beautiful
peregrin2201: maybe… maybe someday i’ll paint something for you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …really?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i’d love that ^_^
peregrin2201: don’t say that until you see it, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sure it will be beautiful
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like you *kisses your nose*
peregrin2201: aww *giggles*
peregrin2201: well, if i could paint a picture of you, then it would definitely be beautiful…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hehe aww *blush*
peregrin2201: you blush more than anyone else i know
peregrin2201: so cute
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… i kind of can’t help it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve always blushed a lot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s… kind of annoying really
peregrin2201: it doesn’t annoy me 🙂
peregrin2201: just makes me wanna kiss your cheeks all the time
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: now that i know that, about you always blushing, my mental image of you got even more adorable
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh man… *blushing harder*
peregrin2201: hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hey i have an idea
peregrin2201: okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what if…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay well, i don’t actually have any pictures of myself on here
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (strange i know)
peregrin2201: not necessarily strange. depends on how vain you are, i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… i could try to find one online that looks similar
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so you could get an idea
peregrin2201: hmm… okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you wanted…
peregrin2201: i suppose
peregrin2201: i could do the same
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay, well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not quite right… but, you can at least get an idea
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: http://i42.tinypic.com/1z4hfg1.jpg
peregrin2201: oh… wow.
peregrin2201: okay, so my mental picture of you was pretty hot, but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m not as good as that
peregrin2201: i’m sure you’re just being modest
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but my style is pretty similar
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: this one’s more like my face
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: http://i41.tinypic.com/21j6kg1.jpg
peregrin2201: seriously, if you’re even half that beautiful… and i’m sure you are…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: okay, umm.. this is the closest i can find
peregrin2201: http://i49.tinypic.com/34fijxt.jpg
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow
peregrin2201: my hair isn’t as dark… and he’s definitely better built than me, but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um… *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh i have to say, my mind kind of just plummeted…
peregrin2201: heh, well it can join mine down here in the gutter
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can totally see you wearing that shirt, too
peregrin2201: yeah, that’s why i picked that picture
peregrin2201: although i don’t think i have a gnr shirt…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no? heh maybe i’ll get you one
peregrin2201: alright 😉
peregrin2201: hehe… scarves, though? really?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …what?
peregrin2201: heh. nothing.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what?
peregrin2201: it’s a little… girly
peregrin2201: i’m sure they look good on you though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it is not girly
peregrin2201: just a little
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: says who
peregrin2201: probably all the other guys in the world who don’t wear scarves.. 😛
peregrin2201: which… actually doesn’t include me.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ha
peregrin2201: i mean, i have like two.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just two?
peregrin2201: and they were christmas presents
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i kind of have another reason for wearing them, besides accessorizing
peregrin2201: what, hiding hickies? 😛
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well… this is going to sound really stupid
peregrin2201: i’m sure it’s not as bad as you think
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ok as dumb as it sounds, my neck is kind of long and, i always thinks it looks weird
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, i try to cover it up
peregrin2201: i’m sure it doesn’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know…
peregrin2201: that just means there’s more of it for me to kiss… 🙂
peregrin2201: and suck… maybe bite… hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i suppose so
peregrin2201: anyway, i’m sure you look good, scarf or no scarf. i look like a tool when i wear one.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sure you don’t
peregrin2201: if only you knew… haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, well scarves do have an added bonus, though…
peregrin2201: which is?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re always prepared for some quickie bondage 😉
peregrin2201: ooh… hadn’t thought of that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh no?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not into the kink?
peregrin2201: i don’t know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, perhaps i’ll have to teach you another lesson…
peregrin2201: i think i’d like that…that would definitely be new
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah?
peregrin2201: well, it sounds good. i just wouldn’t know from experience.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, we’ll see
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ll just add that to the list
peregrin2201: you have a list?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …maybe
peregrin2201: of what?! things you’re gonna do to me? haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha perhaps
peregrin2201: hmm.. interesting…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you mean to tell me there’s nothing you wouldn’t want to do to me?
peregrin2201: umm…
peregrin2201: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *smirk*
peregrin2201: you know i’m so inexperienced…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, you haven’t thought of anything? nothing you’re dying to do to me?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m a little hurt… 😉
peregrin2201: aww haha
peregrin2201: everything we’ve done is amazing… and i trust you…
peregrin2201: you seem to always know how to push my buttons anyway. i don’t need to know what i like. you already do. haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i try
peregrin2201: and you succeed, trust me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do trust you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know that
peregrin2201: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just… i still can’t believe…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: everything you said
peregrin2201: why not?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not that i don’t believe it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it makes me happy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so happy
peregrin2201: you make me happy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and you make me happy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so much more than i deserve, i think
peregrin2201: no
peregrin2201: you deserve so much happiness
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, whether i deserve it or not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: whether i deserve you or not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m glad i have you
peregrin2201: jordan, you are the most selfless person i know. and that’s amazing, and i want to be like you, but… you still deserve to be happy.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: and you deserve better than me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no, sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t deserve better than you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: there is no better than you
peregrin2201: okay, now you’re just wrong. but… wow. thank you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t think i’m wrong
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not about this
peregrin2201: there is better than me. i know there is.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: doubtful
peregrin2201: i’m talking to him
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *MAjOR blush*
peregrin2201: *pinches your cheeks* so precious, hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *giggle*
peregrin2201: oh, you giggle too?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no…
peregrin2201: you totally do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …i don’t know what you’re talking about…
peregrin2201: lies! 😛
peregrin2201: i bet your laugh is adorable, just like the rest of you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think my cheeks are permanently stained at this point haha
peregrin2201: if anyone asks, i will totally take the blame, hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aww
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i’d be proud to tell them whose fault it is
peregrin2201: yeah?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um…
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah?
peregrin2201: what are you going “um” about?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wish i could tell people…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: about you
peregrin2201: *sighs* i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: about who makes me so happy
peregrin2201: i wish i could too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you… you do?
peregrin2201: yeah, i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you really mean that, sam?
peregrin2201: yes
peregrin2201: i’m not ashamed of you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow
peregrin2201: what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just… that means a lot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that you would be willing to tell people, if you could
peregrin2201: i would
peregrin2201: i really would
peregrin2201: it’s terrifying though… but, i really wish i could
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: :’ )
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so do i
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: even though i’m not exactly sure what it is i would be telling…
peregrin2201: well…
peregrin2201: as far as anyone else knows, i’m straight. so that’s one thing.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh sam…
peregrin2201: yes?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wish we weren’t so complicated…
peregrin2201: me too…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know labels shouldn’t matter
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… i can’t help wishing…
peregrin2201: wishing what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: … it’s silly
peregrin2201: i doubt that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh oh no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i remember what happened last time you made me say something *poker face*
peregrin2201: oh, are you lady gaga now? 😛
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha hell no
peregrin2201: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we are what we are, right?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: there really isn’t any need to define it, is there?
peregrin2201: well… i suppose not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: right…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not like putting a label on it would make it any more real, right?
peregrin2201: i guess it wouldn’t…
peregrin2201: but it wouldn’t make it less real either, would it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i suppose…
peregrin2201: it wouldn’t really change anything either way…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: right…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but, then again it would help make sure we’re on the same page
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wouldn’t it?
peregrin2201: that’s true
peregrin2201: we are, aren’t we? i think we are…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think so…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but then, if we don’t voice it…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, neither one of us is psychic…
peregrin2201: if we don’t voice it, then what? then we can keep pretending it isn’t real and run away from it again? and i’m talking about both of us here.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m not pretending it isn’t real
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: whatever it is
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it is definitely real
peregrin2201: i know… i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to say that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe… maybe we should… talk about it?
peregrin2201: it’s hard to talk about “it” without saying what “it” is, isn’t it? haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, maybe labels arent such a bad thing…
peregrin2201: maybe not
peregrin2201: i mean, just found a new one for myself that isn’t so bad. hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh true
peregrin2201: so…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so…
peregrin2201: so maybe this label would be a good thing too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …maybe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam… can i be honest with you?
peregrin2201: always
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m a little… scared
peregrin2201: me too
peregrin2201: but being scared isn’t always bad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what are you scared of?
peregrin2201: honestly, still a little terrified by this whole sexuality thing.
peregrin2201: and… scared that i can’t trust my own feelings. i want to, i really do. but everything is all turned upside down. but still… maybe for the first time ever, i actually can trust my feelings.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm…
peregrin2201: i’m sorry if i’m not even making sense right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re making a lot of sense, actually..
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam
peregrin2201: yes?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what are you feeling?
peregrin2201: i… umm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you want to know what i’m scared of?
peregrin2201: yes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m scared of letting myself feel
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m scared of labelling this, because i’m afraid the label i would choose isn’t the same one you would
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m scared that it might be too late
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but most of all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m scared of doing anything to lose you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m also scared of what your answer would have been
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: or, wouldn’t have been if i hadn’t chickened out and cut you off
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush* um, you don’t have to…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, i don’t want to force you to say anything
peregrin2201: jordan… you’re not forcing me
peregrin2201: i mean, i’ve been dancing around it all night
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you only just recently accepted your sexuality
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can’t expect you to…
peregrin2201: and you were part of the reason why
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
peregrin2201: well what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m just saying
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we said we’d take things slow
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and, i don’t want you to feel like you have to rush into anything
peregrin2201: damn it, i keep trying to get through to you just how much you mean to me…
peregrin2201: but you still don’t get it, do you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wait
peregrin2201: why?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: this… this is too fast
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you… you said yourself, you’ve got a lot on your mind
peregrin2201: i know what i said, but… i can’t stop what’s already happened
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what’s… happened?
peregrin2201: i fell for you too
peregrin2201: jordan…
peregrin2201: say something
peregrin2201: please
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what?
peregrin2201: you um me? 😛
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you
peregrin2201: yes?
peregrin2201: i know what i said
peregrin2201: believe me, i am very very aware of it
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you
peregrin2201: i what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tell me again
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you mean what you said
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tell me again
peregrin2201: jordan, i love you
peregrin2201: umm…
peregrin2201: say something, please
peregrin2201: while i go find a crow bar to pry my foot out of my mouth
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pounces on you, kissing every part of you i can reach while crying my eyes out like a pathetic bitch*
peregrin2201: oh, jordan… you are NOT pathetic
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes i am
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but i don’t care
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you really…
peregrin2201: i really do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i… i can’t believe this
peregrin2201: i may be just as surprised as you are, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but i mean we haven’t even known each other that long
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not to sound critical
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… are you sure?
peregrin2201: i know, but… god, you know more about me than anyone else. really.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: likewise…
peregrin2201: i’m scared shitless, but… but i am sure.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam, i…
peregrin2201: yes?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i…
peregrin2201: yes…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god why is this so hard…
peregrin2201: well, if you’re even half as scared as i am…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh i think that might play a role
peregrin2201: but it’s a good scared
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you deserve…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: an answer
peregrin2201: i didn’t ask a question
peregrin2201: but okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holds you close, burying my face in your shoulder*
peregrin2201: *runs my hands up and down your back*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just so you know, i don’t think my cheeks are EVER returning to their normal color again
peregrin2201: good 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *looks into your eyes, my lips barely touching yours*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i…
peregrin2201: *runs my hands up and down your arms, encouragingly* yes…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *deep SHAKY breath*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: iloveyou
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses you*
peregrin2201: *smiling, even through the kiss*
peregrin2201: that wasn’t so bad, was it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh… it was terrifying, actually…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m still shaking
peregrin2201: yeah, okay. it was pretty scary.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do, though
peregrin2201: i know
peregrin2201: and you know i love you too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i could get used to that heh
peregrin2201: hehe good
peregrin2201: i could definitely get used to saying it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh yeah?
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so…?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *smirk*
peregrin2201: so what? *innocent face*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tease…
peregrin2201: is that a problem? 😉
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your nose, holding you and stroking your hair*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not at all…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: would it be greedy of me to ask to hear it again? *blush*
peregrin2201: not at all
peregrin2201: i love you, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love you, sam…
peregrin2201: yeah, i could definitely get used to hearing that too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: so can we stop shitting ourselves about labeling this?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: whatever do you mean? *innocent look*
peregrin2201: yeah right. i guess those horns are just there to hold up the halo?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, um…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess that would kind of make us…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um..
peregrin2201: boyfriends? 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *shiver*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: is that a good shiver?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes
peregrin2201: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess that works…
peregrin2201: you know you’re my first boyfriend, hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *groan/smile*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: are you trying to drive me insane?
peregrin2201: possibly….
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so… we’re actually…
peregrin2201: yeah
peregrin2201: we are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: boy…friends…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
peregrin2201: do you not like that word?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: NO
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no thats not it
peregrin2201: i suppose you could also call us lovers… hehe
peregrin2201: would that be better? 😛
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well it’s just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re… my first…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: too
peregrin2201: really?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
peregrin2201: wow…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: remember the whole teen pregnancy thing?
peregrin2201: i just figured… before that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i, uh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wasn’t really “out” yet…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess technically i’m still not…
peregrin2201: can i ask…
peregrin2201: how did you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve messed around a few times
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: one-time things
peregrin2201: oh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe one or two friends-with-benefits deals
peregrin2201: i see…
peregrin2201: well, i haven’t even had that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you don’t think less of me for that, do you?
peregrin2201: no, not at all
peregrin2201: i wish i were… more experienced…
peregrin2201: probably would have helped me figure this all out sooner… but then again, i’m glad that you helped me figure it out
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh *shy smile*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i am too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i really don’t want to have to go…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: especially now
peregrin2201: me either…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’ll be on tomorrow?
peregrin2201: of course
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: yes?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i..
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it still feels strange, being able to say it…
peregrin2201: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m going to be
grinning like an idiot tomorrow
peregrin2201: me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just know it
peregrin2201: you don’t have to be scared anymore though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you don’t, either
peregrin2201: you haven’t taken away all my fears, yet… but you’re getting close
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what are you still afraid of?
peregrin2201: just… how much has changed and how quickly. but it feels right. it had to change.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you didn’t have to say… what you said
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, it was so fast
peregrin2201: not saying it wouldn’t have meant i didn’t feel it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wouldn’t blame you, if…
peregrin2201: if what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you wanted to…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: take a step back?
peregrin2201: i don’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: are you sure?
peregrin2201: more sure than i’ve ever been about anything
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …wow
peregrin2201: i mean it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love you
peregrin2201: i love you too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so much
peregrin2201: yeah
peregrin2201: exactly
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know what i’ll be dreaming of tonight 😉
peregrin2201: i don’t think i’ll be able to dream about anything but you blushing…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i’ll be doing plenty of that, i’m sure
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: my family is going to wonder what the hell is wrong with me
peregrin2201: who cares what they think
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not that simple
peregrin2201: yeah, i know.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and… my wife…
peregrin2201: *sighs*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t mean to kill the mood
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess… the reality is starting to sink in
peregrin2201: i know it’s complicated as hell, i know
peregrin2201: but can we please.. please.. just try to be happy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: happier than i’ve been in…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, ever
peregrin2201: me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we can enjoy what we have, and to hell with the rest of the world
peregrin2201: exactly
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m in love with my boyfriend 😀
peregrin2201: what a coincidence
peregrin2201: i’m in love with mine
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kiss*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i should probably let you go…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: to sleep i mean
peregrin2201: if you must…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t want to…
peregrin2201: and i don’t wanna go
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but i’ll bet you have work tomorrow
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: at your mysterious “family business”
peregrin2201: hehe
peregrin2201: hey, i never asked what you do, anyway
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re right, you didn’t 😛
peregrin2201: hehe
peregrin2201: i bet whatever it is, you have to work tomorrow too
peregrin2201: so we really should let each other go
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… *pout*
peregrin2201: aww
peregrin2201: stick that lip out any further and someone’s gonna come along and bite it off
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh is that a promise? 😉
peregrin2201: maybe…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pout*
peregrin2201: heh *grabs your face and kisses you, nibbling on your bottom lip*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *gasp* ooh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses you back, tangling one hand in your hair, grabbing your ass with the other*
peregrin2201: mmm, hey there
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes? can i help you?
peregrin2201: surprise ass grab, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha you complaining?
peregrin2201: not a bit
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: alright then *squeezes your ass harder*
peregrin2201: *swats your hand away* we’re never gonna get to sleep if we keep this up
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hehe i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you gonna punish me? 😉
peregrin2201: hmm, i thought you were gonna punish me, actually
peregrin2201: for… something…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: meh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: either way
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can be dom or sub, depending on the mood
peregrin2201: i… umm… *gulps*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: cat got your tongue?
peregrin2201: you could say that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses you, sucking your tongue into my mouth*
peregrin2201: oh god, jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: did you know, that chemically speaking, there’s no such thing as pleasure?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: physical pleasure, i mean
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s the same part of the brain that feels pain…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just depends to what degree
peregrin2201: i see…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mhm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, all pleasure is really pain…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *bites your neck*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and all pain… can be pleasure
peregrin2201: oh god…
peregrin2201: you uh… sure know a lot about that stuff…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulls at your hair*
peregrin2201: fuck *moans*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
peregrin2201: that’s umm… wow…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grabs a fistful of your hair, gripping down to the scalp, pulling your head to the side and biting the muscle of your shoulder*
peregrin2201: oh god, jordan… *whimpers*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: too bad you need your sleep
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *laps at your wounds*
peregrin2201: god, you’re a fucking tease
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *shrug, innocent smile*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you love me anyway
peregrin2201: yeah, i do…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry baby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tell you what…
peregrin2201: say that again
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …say what?
peregrin2201: just the last part, not the apology
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh… heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: baby?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i used to call you baby all the time, you know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… i guess it has different meaning now, huh?
peregrin2201: you did… i forgot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but now…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re my baby
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …right?
peregrin2201: yes
peregrin2201: i definitely am
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i like that
peregrin2201: i love it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s… not very manly… 😛
peregrin2201: yeah well, neither am i
peregrin2201: except where it counts
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i thought that was me
peregrin2201: well i’m not too shabby, am i?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: of course not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: far from it
peregrin2201: but i still don’t have much room to mock your masculinity
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh please
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wear scarves, i blush all the time…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i even have a girly name
peregrin2201: i giggle
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well… true…
peregrin2201: and uh… i can sew
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …you can?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: thats… pretty cool, actually
peregrin2201: i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s a handy skill to have
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re just full of talent, aren’t you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: my voice is kind of high…
peregrin2201: yeah, mine too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s… strangely hot
peregrin2201: it is?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
peregrin2201: is there anything about me that you don’t find hot? 😛
peregrin2201: :p
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not so far
peregrin2201: aww
peregrin2201: well, i could say the same about you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: even though i’m kind of a girl?
peregrin2201: yes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha maybe you’re not really gay, you just fell for a guy that’s more like a chick
peregrin2201: a chick couldn’t fuck me like you did…
peregrin2201: i mean. you know.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, true…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grabs your hips, grinding them against mine*
peregrin2201: ugh, god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just checking… 😉
peregrin2201: for what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: making sure i still turn you on
peregrin2201: fuck. always.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you wouldn’t think i’m as manly if you could see me now…
peregrin2201: why?
peregrin2201: are you wearing a dress right now? because actually… hehe, nevermind
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: grinning like an idiot, doing the “i’ve got a boyfriend” happy dance
peregrin2201: awwww
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: HAHA what??
peregrin2201: just trying to think of how you could be even less manly haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but what was with the “because actually”?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t tell me…
peregrin2201: haha nothing…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: uh huh… right…
peregrin2201: just thought that might not look so bad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
peregrin2201: *shrugs*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean i’ve never…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you… really?
peregrin2201: yeah… me either. sorry. just a random thought.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t be sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you should never have to appologize for something you like
peregrin2201: kinda doesn’t help your theory about me just liking girly men… haha
peregrin2201: i don’t even know what i like… i mean, aside from the obvious.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, we’ll just have to try a little bit of everything won’t we?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: have you done anything other than vanilla sex?
peregrin2201: umm… no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: really?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no offense but your wife sounds kind of boring
peregrin2201: well… yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i’ll just have to make my baby all better, won’t i?
peregrin2201: *giggles* yes. yes you will.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: take care of all your needs…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your neck*
peregrin2201: mmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *nibbles your ear*
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mmm, sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *licks the edge of your ear*
peregrin2201: are you trying to drive me insane now?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, maybe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: is it working?
peregrin2201: what do you think?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *bites you behind your ear*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, i think my baby’s getting a little anxious…
peregrin2201: *whimpers*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *moves behind you, moving your hair out of the way to bite the back of your neck, grabbing your hips and pulling you against me*
peregrin2201: oh, god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we’ll have to continue this later, baby…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: as much as i hate to stop
peregrin2201: *whines* jordan…..
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mmm, sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grinds against you for a moment before taking a step back*
peregrin2201: fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ll still be here tomorrow, love…
peregrin2201: such a tease…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like i said
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you can punish me tomorrow
peregrin2201: love? i like that one, too.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ll call you anything you want
peregrin2201: hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: as long as i get to call you mine
peregrin2201: absolutely
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i like that…
peregrin2201: i do too. almost as much as i like calling you mine…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you can call me whatever you like too…
peregrin2201: you like that?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah, i do
peregrin2201: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: alright…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: get some sleep, my love
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses you gently*
peregrin2201: i will if you will
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh i’ll try
peregrin2201: i’ll be thinking about you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ll be thinking of you, too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love you… so much more than i should
peregrin2201: than you should?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: happy thoughts
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kiss*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: love
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kiss*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kiss*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, i’m such a girl…
peregrin2201: *soft sigh* i love you too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *goofy smile*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sweetest dreams, my love
peregrin2201: *smiles* goodnight, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: goodnight, sam *sad smile*



Jordan constantly amazed me with how stubborn and insecure he could be. At times, I thought he even gave me a run for my money. I should have realized why he was upset, though; it wasn’t with me, exactly, it was with our entire situation. That was a frustration I could completely understand.

In the days I had spent away from him, if you could call it that, I realized that it was useless to fight my feelings for him. They seemed to grow by the minute. Every moment I spent not talking to him, every time he ignored my messages, I felt my heart breaking just a little bit more. I was falling for him, too. It was terrifying, but I couldn’t fight it. I didn’t want to fight it.

But, god, it was hard to convince Jordan of that. Even when I shut my computer down for the night, I wasn’t sure I had fully won him over. That was okay, though. I was willing to hang in there and be just as stubborn as him. I’d prove to him that I meant it.

Anyway, I wouldn’t fully admit it to him, but I was scared and doubtful, too. How could I really know I loved him? Just a few weeks ago, not only did I not know him, but I didn’t even know – or at least believe – that I was gay. I didn’t know myself at all; how could I know my feelings? But I had to. I had to trust. Trust, and faith in Jordan, was really all I had. Even though he had been what set my life spiraling out of control, he was also the only thing keeping me from completely falling apart.

And that’s how I knew that I truly did love him, as crazy as it sounded.


I had to sit back for a full ten minutes, letting the tears run their course. But this time they were happy tears; I was happier than I could ever remember being. I could hardly believe it, but it was true; I was hopelessly, desperately in love with Sam. And the feelings were mutual. I smiled as I wiped my eyes, drawing a few trembling breaths.

I couldn’t remember the last time my emotions had run the gamut as quickly as they had the past couple weeks, but it was worth it. Even if it was only online, a thought I tried my hardest not to focus on, I had a boyfriend. A boyfriend. I laughed to myself, feeling like an over-emotional teenage girl. But I didn’t care how ridiculous I looked. For the first time in longer than I could remember, I was happy. Truly, simply, completely happy.

As I lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, I felt like a weight had been lifted. I felt free, almost dizzy with elation. I wondered how far this would go; he lived in Tulsa. It was a terrifying thought, but at the same time, my heart ached, so desperate to look into the eyes of the man I loved, the man who loved me. I sighed heavily, my emotions once again clouding, but I wouldn’t let the doubt and fear overcome the joy. I’d worked too hard, waited too long, to let it slip away.


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