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I didn’t talk to Jordan for days. I couldn’t. I meant it when I told him it was a mistake. We got carried away. I played along with his game and let him “seduce” me, but it was meaningless. Just a game.

Still, I couldn’t get my mind off him. Everything at the studio was so tense. I’m sure Isaac and Taylor noticed that something was wrong with me, but they know better than to ask. If we spent too much time prying into each others’ mood swings – especially Taylor’s – we’d never finish an album. And Taylor was having one hell of a mood swing. He barely said a word to either of us all week. Somehow, despite how odd it is, it didn’t really interrupt the flow. If anything, it was easier to work without him pulling us off in a thousand different hyperactive directions. So I didn’t question it. I was too busy trying not to let my own raging emotions get in the way.

It was so hard for me to even think the word gay, but it wouldn’t leave my mind. My stomach turned every time I remembered Jordan telling me that’s what I must be. As much as it pained me to admit it, I could understand why he would think that. But people have cyber sex for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with them really wanting to have sex that way or with that person. And yet… if I hadn’t seen something in that him that I trusted, something that made me comfortable with him for company, such as it was, I wouldn’t have done it.

No matter how much time I spent thinking about all of it, it still didn’t make sense in my mind. So I shoved all those thoughts aside and tried to go on about my life the same as I did before Jordan waltzed into it like he owned the place.

After a little more than a week had passed, I finally felt like I was getting back to normal, or as close to normal as I ever am. I went to work, I came home, I sometimes went to the garage to actually paint. The one thing I didn’t do was go online to talk to Jordan. And for a while, things seemed to be going just fine.

Of course Kate just had to fuck things up, although I’m sure she would have said the problem is me. In her eyes, it seemed every problem was me. I came home late from the studio, as I often did, and she was right there at the door, ready to complain about my dirty socks on the floor. Then she complained that I wasn’t there to help her cook dinner, even though she usually bans me from the kitchen for all of our safety, anyway. Then I wasn’t paying enough attention to the kids, even though I’m quite sure Shepherd was happy sitting on the couch watching me play the new Stars Wars game while Junia was off in her own little world in her playpen.

At some point, I couldn’t take it anymore. I started to see red and I just exploded at her. Angry words flowed from my mouth without any sort of thought. But Kate fired right back with her own. Once we run out of insults for each other, we went our own separate ways and sulked. We didn’t speak for the rest of the evening, which was a nice break. By the time the kids are asleep and we’re both ready for bed, we’ve had enough time apart to calm down a little.

We both knew what was next. It was a running joke that our favorite kind of sex was make up sex, but it’s not really a joke. The truth is that it’s practically the only kind of sex we had. We fight, then we fuck, then we go back to sort of existing in the same space until the next fight. It’s a pattern I don’t think either of us knew how to break.

Except, something did break the pattern. Kate even wore her favorite matching underwear set, really trying to impress me. But it just… doesn’t. My anger and frustration with her was still just below the surface, just barely obscuring my frustration with myself for what happened with Jordan. It all added up to me being… well, soft. Limp as can be. Nothing Kate did, not her hands or her mouth, could elicit a reaction out of me.

Finally, she gave up and rolled over, huffing loudly. I knew we would fight about this again, but she was exhausted enough from the evening’s fight not to press it, I guess. Soon she was fast asleep, but I was still wide awake, my mind and stomach both turning. I couldn’t lay there and brood about this all by myself. I just couldn’t.

There was no one I could turn to. Except for one person, and I highly doubted he would listen to me after everything I had said. But I had to hope.


A week had gone by since I’d heard from Sam, and I’d given up hope of talking to him again. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure if I would even want to. I had enough stress in my life without having to deal with his baggage, and it seemed like he had plenty to spare. I went online every night, blatantly ignoring the tiny shard of disappointment I felt at his ‘offline’ status. It didn’t matter, I told myself. I didn’t want to talk to him anyway.

I convinced myself that the weight on my chest every day was normal, or at least had nothing to do with him. I refused to admit that I’d let him affect me. Who was he to me? No one important; a name online, without even a face to match. We’d talked, we’d gotten off, no big deal. So what if he’d gotten me to be more honest with myself than I’d been in over a decade?

So when I saw his name flash, I swallowed down the irrational gasp of hope, bit my cheek to stop from smiling. I waited, watching; when I received his message, my hands hovered over the keys. He didn’t deserve a response. I was stronger than that. And yet… a short moment later, I closed my eyes briefly, sending my reluctant reply.


peregrin2201: jordan… are you there?
peregrin2201: please… please talk to me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hello
peregrin2201: i was afraid you would ignore me…
peregrin2201: wouldn’t blame you if you did
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: now why would you think that
peregrin2201: because of how i ended our last conversation
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh? i don’t really remember…
peregrin2201: i dunno if you noticed, but i was a douchebag….
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: is that so
peregrin2201: yeah, it is
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: i told you in the beginning, i have a way of really putting my foot in my mouth
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you weren’t the only one
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i shouldn’t have assumed anything
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s none of my business
peregrin2201: i shouldn’t drag you into my problems… like i have
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, everyone’s got problems
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just forget it
peregrin2201: are you sure?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what’s said is said
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: doesn’t matter
peregrin2201: okay…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how are you, sam
peregrin2201: not so good, to be honest, but you don’t need to deal with my shit…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh* look… i’m still here
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay?
peregrin2201: i know…
peregrin2201: it’s just the same old shit with my wife, i guess
peregrin2201: not much new about this fight
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
peregrin2201: not your fault
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but, i know how much it hurts to have someone you thought cared about you treat you like dirt
peregrin2201: yeah… that pretty much sums it up
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so what happened
peregrin2201: like i said, same shit, different day… but it was like tonight, all her little complaints about me just piled up and up..
peregrin2201: everything she ever nagged me for
peregrin2201: all in one night
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sounds like she really loves you
peregrin2201: no, it really doesn’t, does it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, you would know better than me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wouldn’t you?
peregrin2201: you’d think so… sometimes i’m not so sure
peregrin2201: at least she still wants my body… apparently…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: although she has a strange way of showing it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh?
peregrin2201: well, from the way she nagged me about eating too much, needing to go work out, etc, i kinda have to wonder…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: people like that are usually just projecting their own unhealthy self-image issues
peregrin2201: but once we go to bed, she’s singing a different tune. acting all sweet.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well of course she’s sweet when she’s trying to get into your pants
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s how it works, isn’t it?
peregrin2201: she’s got nothing to worry about, though. i mean, the shadow of my ass weighs more than her.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ugh, one of THOSE…
peregrin2201: those?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: a twig
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: with the body of a twelve year old
peregrin2201: well… you said it. not me.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: probably jealous that you’ve got more curves than she’ll ever have
peregrin2201: i’m not sure i’m supposed to have “curves…”
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: in the right places
peregrin2201: i can’t really be the judge of that…
peregrin2201: but if you say so
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know what happens when you let other people be the judge of how you look?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: THEY JUDGE HOW YOU LOOK
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just a tip
peregrin2201: well… yeah, i suppose
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no offense but are you ever sure about anything?
peregrin2201: apparently not…
peregrin2201: it’s not just my looks though… it’s everything. everything i did tonight was wrong, according to her.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can see why you gave up some of the most formative years of your life to be with her… -_-
peregrin2201: well, i didn’t really see it that way
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hindsight’s always 20/20
peregrin2201: she was there for me… she wanted to be with me, or at least it seemed that way… i didn’t really see a downside
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know the old saying, “if it looks to good to be true…”?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam, why did you IM me
peregrin2201: because i didn’t know who else to talk to about this…
peregrin2201: no one else would listen or understand
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: i’m just so alone here…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know the feeling
peregrin2201: and that’s why you’re the person i came to. because i knew you’d get it.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and here i am…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and yes, i do get it
peregrin2201: thank you for putting up with me
peregrin2201: i don’t deserve it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *smirk* i didn’t say that…
peregrin2201: yeah, but it’s how i feel
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *deep sigh* if i give you a hug, will you freak out?
peregrin2201: i’ll try not to…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just a hug…
peregrin2201: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i promise not to rape you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: much
peregrin2201: it’s not you… it’s just me. that sounds lame, but…
peregrin2201: just a little rape, then?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah well
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it has been a while
peregrin2201: yeah, tell me about it…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulls you into a manly, totally non-gay hug*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: a little pent up, eh?
peregrin2201: something like that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *rubs your back slowly*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wife not doing it for ya?
peregrin2201: you could say that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *reaches up to stroke your hair*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: kind of… frustrated?
peregrin2201: you could definitly say that
peregrin2201: i mean, it’s not like i didn’t want to… with her…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …?
peregrin2201: nevermind… just forget it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …but?
peregrin2201: it’s… nevermind
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why aren’t you with your wife?
peregrin2201: well, she’s asleep now…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: uh huh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: let me rephrase
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why aren’t you screwing your wife?
peregrin2201: because…
peregrin2201: god i don’t even know what happened
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: i just… couldn’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you couldn’t… what?
peregrin2201: you’re really gonna make me spell it out, aren’t you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m not psychic, you know…
peregrin2201: yeah but you know what I’m saying…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: really? and how would i know that?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because as i clearly just stated
peregrin2201: i think you know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: IM NOT PSYCHIC
peregrin2201: please don’t get mad at me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fine, don’t tell me, it doesn’t matter to me
peregrin2201: jesus, fine. i couldn’t get it up for her, okay?
peregrin2201: my own damn wife and i was fucking soft as can be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m… sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: really i am
peregrin2201: yeah, okay…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what?
peregrin2201: not your fault, again
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe you just weren’t in the mood
peregrin2201: i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you usually have a hard time?
peregrin2201: it’s hard to be in the mood after hours if her nagging
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no pun intended…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i suppose that’s one explanation…
peregrin2201: maybe sometimes it takes a while. like i said, our sex life isn’t really that exciting anyway
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so maybe she’s just a bad lay
peregrin2201: i suppose that’s possible
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: which you would know, if you had played the field and had someone to compare her to
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just saying
peregrin2201: she wanted to wait, so we waited
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *rolls eyes*
peregrin2201: looking back, possibly not the best decision
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mhm, you think?
peregrin2201: it seemed kind of wise, at the time. we were both pretty scared of… if she got pregnant…
peregrin2201: like you said, we were young
peregrin2201: we weren’t ready…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s why they make condoms, sweetie
peregrin2201: yeah well those don’t always work, do they?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: erm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: touche
peregrin2201: sorry, that was kind of a low blow
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: meh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m used to those
peregrin2201: heh
peregrin2201: Sorry…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: my dirty mind strikes again
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not what i meant, but yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so… anything else you wanted to get off your chest?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: since we’ve got nothing better to do
peregrin2201: you don’t really want to sit here and listen to be bitch about my wife
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you seem like you could use an ear
peregrin2201: And how apparently she doesn’t even turn me on anymore
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m… withholding comments on that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but you might as well talk
peregrin2201: i just don’t know what happened…
peregrin2201: well, i do know. nothing happened.
peregrin2201: not for lack of trying, but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well you said she was laying into you all night
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: doesn’t exactly set the mood for romance
peregrin2201: yeah, she was
peregrin2201: the make up sex is usually the only time it’s really exciting though
peregrin2201: half the time i think that’s the only reason we pick fights
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: gee, that sounds healthy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sorry
peregrin2201: well, it seemed to work for us…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but not anymore?
peregrin2201: not tonight
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so you had an off night
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not like this is a common occurrence, right?
peregrin2201: not… really
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you don’t sound so sure (shocker)
peregrin2201: It’s been a while though, since either of us even tried
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …how long is a while
peregrin2201: umm… a few weeks?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: JESUS
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: a few WEEKS?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hell, even me and my wife have sex at least once a week…
peregrin2201: but is it good?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, it’s not bad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve had better
peregrin2201: nothing to write home about?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …especially recently
peregrin2201: take it or leave it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you could say that
peregrin2201: you must be married to my wife’s twin
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not really
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m just not as into chicks as you are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (supposedly)
peregrin2201: speaking of low blows…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that was uncalled for
peregrin2201: it’s okay…
peregrin2201: i deserve worse than that after I was such a douche to you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i don’t totall agree with that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess i partly earned it
peregrin2201: let’s just forget about that conversation, okay?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay, i guess we could do that
peregrin2201: i think we should
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: alright
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: consider it forgotten
peregrin2201: okay good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: where does that leave us?
peregrin2201: i don’t know…
peregrin2201: that’s kind of my mantra, if you hadn’t noticed
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i noticed -_-
peregrin2201: i’m just… frustrated
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *raises eyebrow*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that so?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that must… suck
peregrin2201: and i don’t know anyone else who can help me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i see
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i’m here, if you need me…
peregrin2201: i mean, its not like i don’t still want… umm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: want what?
peregrin2201: sex…. just cause i couldn’t get it up for her…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i see
peregrin2201: i’ve missed you, you know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you have?
peregrin2201: yes
peregrin2201: i have
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush* i guess…
peregrin2201: i missed… talking to you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: me too…
peregrin2201: and maybe not just the talking…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
peregrin2201: you know what i mean
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i missed it too…
peregrin2201: do you think we could…
peregrin2201: try it again?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …i don’t know…
peregrin2201: please
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
peregrin2201: if you don’t want to… it’s fine
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well… i’d be lying if i said i hadn’t thought about it
peregrin2201: i can always go take a long shower… all alone…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh trying to guilt trip me?
peregrin2201: depends. is it working?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …maybe
peregrin2201: dont you want me, jordan?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: erm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: damn it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know i do…
peregrin2201: and i want you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: are you sure?
peregrin2201: yes… please, I need this…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: prove it
peregrin2201: *grabs you by your hair and pulls you close, crushing my lips against yours* please, jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grabs your hair in one hand, your shirt in the other, kissing you back hungrily*
peregrin2201: do you believe me now?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes
peregrin2201: *purrs* mmm, good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your neck, pulling on your hair*
peregrin2201: oh fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you like that?
peregrin2201: i love it when you pull my hair
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulls your hair harder, yanking your head to the side, biting down on your neck*
peregrin2201: *moans* oh fuck, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pushes my hips against yours*
peregrin2201: fuck… i’m so hard already…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh yeah?
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grinds my hips against you, one hand squeezing your ass*
peregrin2201: *grabs your hand and places it on my dick* see?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mm *squeezes you through your jeans*
peregrin2201: fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *starts stroking you while sucking on your neck*
peregrin2201: *growls* fuck… please don’t tease me… not tonight
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you need it, don’t you
peregrin2201: god yes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *unzips your jeans, pulling them down*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: boxers?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *bites your neck hard*
peregrin2201: yeah, boxer briefs this time…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay *pushes them down and out of the way, grabbing you roughly*
peregrin2201: oh, fuck.. *moans*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *yanks your hair again* you like when i do this?
peregrin2201: god, jordan…
peregrin2201: yes, i fucking love it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *drops to my knees, taking you all in one gulp*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how bout that?
peregrin2201: FUCK
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *staring up at you as i suck your cock*
peregrin2201: *rocks my hips forward, trying to fuck your mouth*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holds one of my hands up to you, brushing my fingers against your lips*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: “suck”
peregrin2201: *takes your hand by the wrist, sucking your finger into my mouth and licking it greedily*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mmf
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good boy
peregrin2201: mmm…
peregrin2201: please, jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *stands up, pushing you to the bed* on your knees
peregrin2201: *obeys, getting on all fours for you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, such a good boy tonight
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kneels behind you, running my hands over your thighs, up to your ass*
peregrin2201: if i wasn’t good, would you have to punish me?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, does someone want to be punished?
peregrin2201: fuck… not tonight… tonight i just need you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *stands up, unzipping my jeans and stripping
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: get over here
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *stroking myself as I pull on your hair*
peregrin2201: *crawls toward you* yes…?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *yanks your head towards my cock, slapping it against your lips*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: suck me
peregrin2201: *wraps my lips around your cock, taking as much of it as I can*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s it *grabs your hair with both hands, forcing myself down your throat*
peregrin2201: mmm… fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you can talk, you’re not sucking *reaches back and slaps your ass hard*
peregrin2201: *moans around your cock, sucking as hard as i can*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good boy *rubs your back as i thrust into you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *shoves you off of me*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: turn around
peregrin2201: fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *smacks your ass harder*
peregrin2201: *obeys, bracing myself*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pushes one finger all the way in*
peregrin2201: oh god… jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you like that sam?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *starts pumping in and out*
peregrin2201: yes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *adds a second finger, stretching you, while reaching up and pulling your hair*
peregrin2201: *moans* god, jordan… feels so good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i want you to finger yourself
peregrin2201: oh god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: are you?
peregrin2201: fuck, jordan. yes.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *adds a third digit, twisting my hand with every thrust*
peregrin2201: *growls* oh… god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you want it?
peregrin2201: yes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tell me
peregrin2201: i want you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pushes even harder*
peregrin2201: fuck me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you want me more than your wife?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *curls my fingers up*
peregrin2201: fuck… yes…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what was that?
peregrin2201: *digs my fingernails into the sheets*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *curls fingers again, hitting your prostate*
peregrin2201: god, jordan… fuck, you’re so much better than my wife. want you so much.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulls my fingers out, replacing them with my cock, shoving it all in at once*
peregrin2201: OH FUCK
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam
peregrin2201: *screams aloud, arching my back*
peregrin2201: god… fuck, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grabs your hair like reins with one hand, smacking your ass with the other as i start to thrust into you*
peregrin2201: oh god… tou feel so good, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck… you too
peregrin2201: *growls*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *fucks you harder, slapping your ass until you’re red*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tell me again
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: who do you need
peregrin2201: you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what was that?
peregrin2201: i need you, jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *yanks your hair*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grabs your hips, nails digging in as i drill you*
peregrin2201: *whimpers* god… you’re driving me fucking crazy here…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you love it when i fuck you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t you
peregrin2201: god yes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *rakes my nails down your back*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you need me
peregrin2201: *moans* yes…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *angles my hips, aiming for just the right spot*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no one makes you feel this good, do they
peregrin2201: no… no one ever has… fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not even your wife
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *hits your prostate*
peregrin2201: fuck… jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you gonna come for me sam?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *hits your spot again, and again*
peregrin2201: yes… gonna come so hard for you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck, me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you want me to fill you up?
peregrin2201: yess *reaches down and grabs my dick, trying to match your pace*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulling your hair*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re mine
peregrin2201: god… come inside of me, jordan… please…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *slamming into you, probably bruising your hips*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: shit
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam
peregrin2201: god…
peregrin2201: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *slams into you one last time, shooting into your ass*
peregrin2201: so good
peregrin2201: fuck
peregrin2201: *strokes my dick harder, comes just a few seconds after you* god, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *deep breath as i pull out, collapsing to the bed*
peregrin2201: fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think… we both needed that
peregrin2201: i know i did
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: things seeming a bit more clear?
peregrin2201: you mean…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know what i mean
peregrin2201: jordan, i’m just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do i really need to remind you?
peregrin2201: really messed up right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh really
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well let me enlighten you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: peregrin2201: fuck… not tonight… tonight i just need you…
peregrin2201: please
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh wait
peregrin2201: don’t throw my words back at me again
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it gets better
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: peregrin2201: god, jordan… fuck, you’re so much better than my wife. want you so much.
peregrin2201: i know what i said, okay?
peregrin2201: please stop
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m not doing anything
peregrin2201: i know what i fucking said
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: then you should know what that means
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m just stating the obvious, baby
peregrin2201: you think I like admitting all of that?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you haven’t admitted ANYTHING sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: other than apparently you like to use people
peregrin2201: i just… can’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: can’t what
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: let me guess…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: or, you’re not sure
peregrin2201: i can’t change everything i thought i knew about myself
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…. i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can see how unhappy you are
peregrin2201: i know how this all looks…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you want to know how it looks to me?
peregrin2201: probably not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it looks to me like you have such am amazing heart, that you longed to be loved with everything you had
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and that caused you to jump into the first serious relationship that came your way, without giving yourself a chance to really explore who you are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and now, you’re being faced to come to terms with that lost chance
peregrin2201: you keep calling me amazing… i’m just not. You’re wrong.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m wrong about a lot of things but not that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh sam… *pulls you close, holding you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we both got dealt a shitty hand
peregrin2201: if you’re right about all the rest of it, then I’m a fucking fraud and a liar and…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses you before you can continue*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *strokes your cheek gently, looking into your beautiful brown eyes*
peregrin2201: you know I’m right though… that’s what i would be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh* nobody’s perfect
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i… wasn’t entirely honest
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i was…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but my intentions weren’t exactly pure
peregrin2201: what do you mean?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wanted to push you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: to get you to admit to what you wouldn’t admit
peregrin2201: why?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you need to be honest with yourself sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s the only way you have a chance at being happy and if anyone deserves to be happy, it’s you
peregrin2201: i was doing alright without you here, “pushing” me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, obviously you weren’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, you didn’t exactly seem like you were ready to admit to being gay
peregrin2201: i could have been fine…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fine, maybe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but not happy
peregrin2201: i still don’t know if I can… say it…
peregrin2201: it would change everything, jordan. everything.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it wouldn’t change who you are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and isn’t that what matters?
peregrin2201: my marriage, my kids, my reputation…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: marriage – doesn’t sound that healthy to begin with
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: kids – won’t affect them
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: reputation – those that matter won’t mind, and those that mind don’t matter
peregrin2201: none of its that simple
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what makes you so special that everything hangs on your sexual orientation, hm?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re not ashamed are you?
peregrin2201: it’s just not. you’ve just gotta understand, my reputation matters a lot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: really? you don’t seem the type to put weight in reputation
peregrin2201: gee, let’s see. i couldn’t get it up for my wife so i had cyber sex with some guy i’ve never met.
peregrin2201: can’t see anything there to be ashamed of
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well fuck, i don’t know what you’re thinking
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and its not like you have to tell people HOW you figured it out
peregrin2201: i don’t know either… i’m so fucking confused right now…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can see that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: can you at least, for now, admit it to yourself?
peregrin2201: and my reputation does matter… if shouldn’t but it does
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that you’re at least not 100% straight?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it would be a start
peregrin2201: i can admit that much…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, is there anyone in your life, anyone at all, you would feel safe telling?
peregrin2201: its still scary as hell
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know it is
peregrin2201: no… only you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: trust me, i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, at least you know there’s one person in the world who knows, and doesn’t care
peregrin2201: i mean, my family… i can’t tell them…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not anyone?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know what that’s like
peregrin2201: i don’t think so… most of them are… very religious
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can relate to that too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m one to talk… very few people know about me and none of them are related to me
peregrin2201: you’re the only person who knows about me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i feel honored
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: now don’t you feel a tiny bit better?
peregrin2201: i dunno if it’s an honor to share in my emotional breakdown, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *strokes your cheek gently*
peregrin2201: i feel a lot of things… better might be one of them
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah? what else?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *strokes your hair, kissing your cheek*
peregrin2201: confused, scared, a little disgusted with myself, to be honest
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: disgusted? why?
peregrin2201: not because i’m… but because if how it’s all happening
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ah
peregrin2201: i don’t mean because of you, either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mhm…
peregrin2201: just… i feel like such a fraud.
peregrin2201: like i’m hurting or could hurt so many people
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, you didn’t lie intentionally
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mostly
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how else do you feel?
peregrin2201: i know but I’m still a liar…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your nose, looking into your eyes*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we all make mistakes
peregrin2201: umm… oddly relieved, although that may just be the afterglow talking haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think it’s more than just the afterglow
peregrin2201: like everything makes more and less sense all at the same time
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *nuzzles nose against yours*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know the feeling…
peregrin2201: *giggles* so affectionate…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *barely brushes my lips against yours*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: is that a bad thing?
peregrin2201: no, not really… it’s cute
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
peregrin2201: you’re cute
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: especially when you blush
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😀
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *trailing my fingers up and down your chest*
peregrin2201: Mmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *nuzzles your neck* sam…
peregrin2201: yeah?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how do you feel now?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *looking into your eyes*
peregrin2201: scared, but… kinda okay.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah?
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *bites lip nervously*
peregrin2201: what is it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *presses my forehead against yours lightly*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m… glad that you came back
peregrin2201: i’m glad i did too…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: really?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *brushing my cheek against yours*
peregrin2201: i’m sorry i freaked out on you before
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: all is forgiven…
peregrin2201: you sure?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mhm *laces my fingers with yours*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: very sure
peregrin2201: good… that’s one more weight off my chest…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holding our hands between us*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it means a lot that you’re still here
peregrin2201: i really am so glad you’re still willing to listen to me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: of course i am
peregrin2201: even if you did kinda turn my world upside down, and then i treated you like shit for it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, like i said, all is forgiven
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m still here and so are you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your nose again*
peregrin2201: and I’m not going anywhere
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: really?
peregrin2201: really
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *reaches up to touch your face*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: keep talking like that and
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: yeah? and what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *breathing against your lips*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think you know…
peregrin2201: i’m not psychic either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh touche…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: for all my advice, there’s still some things i have a hard time admitting…
peregrin2201: i won’t force you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know you won’t
peregrin2201: it kinda sucks being forced, even if it has to happen…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ouch
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i told you i was sorry…
peregrin2201: i’m sorry
peregrin2201: i didn’t mean it like that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i believe you
peregrin2201: i’m just saying, apparently i needed someone to drag me kicking and screaming from my closet
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know… some things are better left unsaid
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your eyelids*
peregrin2201: okay, if that’s how you feel
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know…
peregrin2201: say whatever you want, or don’t. i won’t push you.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you really are amazing, sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: have you ever wanted to say something
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: NEEDED to say something, so bad it hurts
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but you’re too scared of the repercussions
peregrin2201: i… i guess i have
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you try to wager what’ll happen
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: whether it’ll be worth the risk
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *holds you close, stroking your hair*
peregrin2201: *purrs*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh, i love when you purr…
peregrin2201: if you’re not ready to say whatever it is, that’s okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think… maybe i might be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your shoulder, your neck, your ear*
peregrin2201: mmm… how is it that you know all the right spots?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just trying the spots i like
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: they say… when two people are… compatible… they’ll have the same tastes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: in that respect, anyway
peregrin2201: interesting…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like they were made to please each other… *nips at your earlobe*
peregrin2201: you are pretty pleasing… heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so are you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *nuzzling your cheek, kissing your jaw*
peregrin2201: mmm… don’t tell me you’re ready for round two?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh, no…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i like this
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *nuzzling against your cheek, looking in your eyes*
peregrin2201: good.. i don’t think I can handle that again tonight, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s nice to find someone who doesn’t mind… this
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *snuggles closer to you*
peregrin2201: this?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mhm
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: this… *kissing your cheek*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i like this… *kissing your nose
peregrin2201: what, laying here and letting you kiss me? how could i mind that?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: yes?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: aww, you’re killing me with all this blushing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i may be…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *brushes my lips against yours, sharing your breath*
peregrin2201: mmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: falling…
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: for you
peregrin2201: umm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your lips*
peregrin2201: jordan, i… i don’t know what to say…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh, speechless again?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re cute when you’re flustered…
peregrin2201: i just don’t know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *hugs you closer, pulling you in for another kiss*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, what’s not to know?
peregrin2201: jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah, sam?
peregrin2201: you know I think you’re really amazing, right?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: but i’m… this is all so fucking new to me, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: thats okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m not going anywhere
peregrin2201: i’m not saying I want to stop again
peregrin2201: not saying that at all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …but
peregrin2201: i just… i need to figure myself out.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but i
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just
peregrin2201: i’m so confused, you know that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh god…
peregrin2201: i know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh god
peregrin2201: please don’t be upset
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how could…
peregrin2201: i’m not going anywhere either, okay?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no, i just..
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you have ANY idea
peregrin2201: any idea what?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what it took for me to
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh god…
peregrin2201: yeah, i think i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no you don’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just made a complete idiot of myself
peregrin2201: you might recall that i’m kinda going through this little crisis over the fact that i’m fucking gay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: except that i already knew you were
peregrin2201: yeah well i didn’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well thats not my fault is it
peregrin2201: no and i didn’t say it was
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god i feel so stupid…
peregrin2201: but can you understand that i’m freaking out anyway? i can barely even say that… and then you…
peregrin2201: please don’t feel stupid
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why shouldnt i
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: give me one good reason why i shouldn’t feel like a total moron
peregrin2201: you can’t help what you feel
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah but i didnt have to broadcast it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck…
peregrin2201: look, I am the last person with any right to judge people for putting their feet in their mouths
peregrin2201: i don’t think you’re a moron
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well what DO you think of me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: actually
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i probably don’t want to know
peregrin2201: i think you’re amazing and so sweet, way sweeter than I deserve, and you make me feel so good
peregrin2201: and so… safe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t make this harder than it already is
peregrin2201: but jordan, this is all happening really fast
peregrin2201: it doesnt have to be hard
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m not asking for a commitment here
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: in case you forgot, i’m technically taken too
peregrin2201: i know, but you said…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: said what
peregrin2201: that you were… falling for me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …it doesn’t mean anything
peregrin2201: jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, it’s just talking… just online
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not like its real
peregrin2201: don’t say that…
peregrin2201: please
peregrin2201: i was wrong, okay?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no, you weren’t
peregrin2201: yes, i was
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i let myself get too wrapped up in it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not real, it doesn’t matter
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just…
peregrin2201: it is real, jordan.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what is
peregrin2201: you made me realize that i’m gay. how is that not real?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay so THAT was real…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but the rest…
peregrin2201: so why can’t your feelings be real?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because…
peregrin2201: because why?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just because
peregrin2201: that’s not a reason
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because it hurts too much, damn it
peregrin2201: why does it hurt?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why the fuck do you think?
peregrin2201: i really don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because you don’t feel the same
peregrin2201: i’m not telling you to fuck off. i’m not trying to let you down easy, either.
peregrin2201: i don’t know WHAT i feel right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god damn it sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why did you have to make me say it…
peregrin2201: because i’m an idiot and i didn’t know what you were going to say
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: really
peregrin2201: jordan, i do… really like you. i do. i don’t want to lose whatever this is we’ve got.
peregrin2201: i mean that.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you really had no clue?
peregrin2201: i sort of suspected but i didn’t know you were gonna say it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s my luck for me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: the one time i open up…
peregrin2201: please please don’t beat yourself up over this
peregrin2201: you didn’t do anything wrong
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes i did
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i got too wrapped up in the fantasy
peregrin2201: i’m still here, aren’t I?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because you’re too nice
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you don’t want people to get hurt
peregrin2201: i’m really not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *sigh*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well it’s too late to take it back…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: thank you so very much
peregrin2201: i’m here because I care about you and i’m not letting that scare me away, okay?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i need to think
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: this is…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think you were right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we both got in over our heads
peregrin2201: no i wasn’t
peregrin2201: maybe we did but i don’t wanna go back
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you sure are stubborn…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s… cute
peregrin2201: i’ve been known to be cute haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you will NOT make me smile
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pout*
peregrin2201: no? i’m not cute?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nope
peregrin2201: not as cute as you when you pout…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not gonna let you get to me… *crosses arms*
peregrin2201: i thought i already had?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grumble* so you’re gonna tease me about it now?
peregrin2201: i’m sorry
peregrin2201: you’re kinda cute when you’re angry…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *bites lip, trying not to smile*
peregrin2201: aww
peregrin2201: *kisses your cheek* come on, turn that frown upside down…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blushing, but turning face away*
peregrin2201: okay, have it your way… *kisses the side of your face and neck*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *clenching fists, biting back a whimper*
peregrin2201: *grabs your fists and forced them open, threading my fingers through yours*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *turns to look you in the eyes, giving what i hope is an intimidating stare*
peregrin2201: it’s not :p
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know… you shouldn’t stick that out unless you intend to use it…
peregrin2201: heh…
peregrin2201: If I do that, we could be hear all night…
peregrin2201: which isn’t necessarily a bad thing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i never said i forgave you yet…
peregrin2201: forgave me?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pout*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you made me say stuff… and i didnt wanna…
peregrin2201: you made me say stuff too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah… but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay…
peregrin2201: i know it’s not exactly the same
peregrin2201: and you don’t have to apologize to me for that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *looks up at you with sad eyes*
peregrin2201: i gotta… come to terms with a lot of shit, you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
peregrin2201: and you really are helping me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m glad i can be helpful…
peregrin2201: but it’s just so comfy in my closet…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh well maybe if you’re not willing to come out
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe you’d at least like some company? *hopeful pout*
peregrin2201: there’s definitely room for two
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *tiny smile*
peregrin2201: i wish…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …what?
peregrin2201: i wish i wasn’t going to sleep on the couch.., alone… tonight
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you want
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you could… imagine me there
peregrin2201: not that the couch is big enough for both of us anyway…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: we’ll have to get pretty cozy…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t think that would be a problem 😉
peregrin2201: me either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so we maybe… take things slow?
peregrin2201: i think that’s a good idea
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… that does imply more than friendship…
peregrin2201: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: are you okay with that?
peregrin2201: i think… i’m really gonna try
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i didn’t mean earlier
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: when i said it isn’t real
peregrin2201: i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s kind of sad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: this… you… my… feelings for you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: feel more real than any “real” relationship i’ve had
peregrin2201: i know… all of this is more real than anything else i’ve ever been through
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ll, um… i’ll try to keep… my feelings… in check
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know this is new for you
peregrin2201: just don’t feel like you have to lie or anything, okay?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay
peregrin2201: be yourself with me, please
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ll try
peregrin2201: and i’ll be myself, for like the first time ever, i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam, i have to ask
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i know i’m going to regret it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but it’ll kill me if i don’t
peregrin2201: then ask…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you think…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like, could you see…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god why is this so hard
peregrin2201: some things just are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you see any chance in the distant future of maybe… feeling the same?
peregrin2201: I think….
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *hides*
peregrin2201: maybe?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …really?
peregrin2201: jordan, the future looks really scary to me right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: at least you’re not alone
peregrin2201: but the one good thing i’ve got.., is you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know what to say :’)
peregrin2201: you don’t have to say anything
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: kiss me?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: please?
peregrin2201: of course
peregrin2201: *touches your cheek softly and presses my lips to yours*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *looks into your eyes adoringly*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so tender…
peregrin2201: i can be sweet when i wanna be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wonder where you learned that from…
peregrin2201:iI have a pretty good teacher… i’ve learned a lot from him…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sounds like you really respect him…
peregrin2201: i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i hope he deserves it… i doubt it
peregrin2201: i think he does
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sounds like he means a lot to you
peregrin2201: he does…
peregrin2201: you know that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *touches my lips to yours*
peregrin2201: do you think… we can both sleep a little easier now?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …i think so
peregrin2201: and we’ll talk tomorrow? you won’t run away?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i won’t run away
peregrin2201: because if so, i’ll stay up all night and force you to keep talking
peregrin2201: don’t think i won’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh don’t tease… i might hold you to that
peregrin2201: it would be nicer than my bed on the couch…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tempting… but i don’t need to cause any more problems for you
peregrin2201: don’t worry about me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: can’t help it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we always worry about the people we
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: i’ll just imagine you’re beside me… an the couch will be fine
peregrin2201: aww
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ll be picturing you by my side as well
peregrin2201: goodnight, jordan… 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: goodnight, sam…



Whatever I expected when I went back to Jordan, it was definitely wasn’t… that.

I was gay. I was fucking gay.

I should have seen this coming, especially when he tried to tell me. All the signs were there, and I just refused to look at them. I didn’t know what love was when I decided it was what I felt for Kate. I didn’t give myself time to try anything else, not even when I found my fantasies occasionally occupied by other men. I told myself that meant nothing. I lied to myself for so long that I didn’t even remember the lie anymore.

Jordan changed that. He forced me to confront everything head on. That was why I ran back to him, after all. Because I knew he would. And if he didn’t, I was pretty sure I could still convince him to give me what I was beginning to realize that Kate just couldn’t.

Then he said… he was falling for me. In the middle of my own emotional breakdown, it hadn’t even occurred to me to consider his feelings. Of course I had thought that it meant more to him than it did to me, but I didn’t realize it meant that much. The thing was, it was beginning to mean hell of a lot to me. He had listened to me, been there for me, and opened my eyes to the truth.

It was a scary truth. No, it was a terrifying truth. But with him there for me, maybe I could face it. Maybe I could even feel the same way.


I took a long, shaky breath. I hadn’t expected to ever hear from him again. And yet, he’d come back. But what a night… My head and heart were still reeling from the emotional whiplash. I was proud of him, for finally admitting his true feelings to himself. And yet, I was more embarrassed than I’d ever been in my life. How could I have thought it was okay to admit something like that? What had I really expected?

And yet, he wasn’t leaving. He had promised to talk to me again. He’d tried to cheer me up, to make me feel better. He’d even said he could see himself feeling the same way… maybe. A slow smile crept across my lips… he said he cared about me. He said he likes me. The smile turned into a grin, as I re-read our chat. He was tender, and sweet, and gentle. He even said he’d be willing to try…

Try what, exactly?

My smile faltered, then fell. Try what? A… relationship? We were both married men. My breathing grew shallow, my lips parting slightly as realization dawned on me. We were both married. Taken. Nothing could come of this. Ever. I shook my head slightly, trying to silence the voice in my head, but I knew it was the truth.

What was I doing? I was getting emotionally involved with someone I could never have. I probably wouldn’t even get the chance to meet them face to face. What was I doing? I sat back, rubbing my tired eyes. I started to wonder if it had been a mistake, the whole thing. I needed time to think; time away from Sam. I needed to clear my head, to distance myself. I was wrapped up in the passion of the moment, the romantic sweet-talk. I needed time to come back to reality.

The next night, I opened my laptop as usual; but as soon as I saw Sam’s username, I immediately closed it again, not even bothering to check my emails. After a few minutes, I opened it back up, but quickly signed out of my instant messenger. I felt a weight on my chest, but I ignored it, doing what I needed to and heading to bed.

The following night was the same; Sam was on, but I avoided him. Work the next day was slow, giving me far too much time to think. I replayed our chats in my mind, my heart swaying between resolve, and regret, and back again. Another two days went by the same way, the dull ache not lessening as I’d hoped, but growing.

I was moody, on edge, easily upset. No amount of coffee could awaken my senses, and no amount of work could distract me from my thoughts. I worried people would start noticing, start asking questions about my increasingly perpetual bad mood. My responses grew shorter, snippier. I got a couple of not-so-nice looks from Ike, but luckily Zac seemed to be off in his own little world.


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