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One thing I knew about myself was that I wasn’t good at listening to people. Not like Jordan was. I didn’t even know what kind of advice I could offer to him when his situation seemed so much worse than mine. It wasn’t like I couldn’t relate in some way, but I didn’t want to make it all about me, either. He just needed someone to listen to. I kind of wanted to be that person for him. It seemed like he didn’t have anyone else, and I knew that feeling, too.

I didn’t think I had fucked it up too badly, though. It seemed like he still wanted me, which was good, because I was beginning to realize I didn’t want this cyber thing we’d started to end. When I logged back online for the third night in a row, he was there again, waiting for me.


Where the previous day had dragged on, the next one flew by; the minutes didn’t crawl as they had before, instead disappearing before I could count them. I was even less focused, my mind buzzing with thoughts of Sam, and everything he’d gotten me to open up about. It felt good to get all that off my chest, but I knew that nothing was really going to change. And realizing how unhappy I was, but knowing there was nothing I could do, left me with feeling cold.

But somehow, I couldn’t find any regret. It did feel good to let it out, to be truly honest with myself about my lot in life. And it wasn’t that I loathed it so much; I had a wife that truly cared about me, and four beautiful children who were my world. I reminded myself that while this wasn’t the life I’d chosen, or hoped for, it wasn’t all bad. I was grateful for all I had, for all the blessings in my life; and now, I reminded myself with a smile, I had one more person to be grateful for.

Zac asked if we could cut rehearsal short, saying Kate needed him at home for something, and I was all too happy to oblige. Nat was going to visit her parents for the weekend, taking the kids with her, so I was online far earlier than usual, this time alone in the house. I took the opportunity to be comfortable, setting my laptop up in the living room and lounging on the couch. I laughed at myself for getting so excited about chatting with a total stranger, but Sam was more than that now. He meant a lot to me; more than I’d expected, and more than I probably meant to him, I realized, my mood dampening a bit. But as his name popped up, I broke out in a gleeful grin, determined not to let my insecurities stand in our way.


x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hey 😀
peregrin2201: hey
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re on early tonight
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not that i’m complaining 😉
peregrin2201: i guess i am
peregrin2201: a little anxious i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i’m glad you’re here
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i actually have the house to myself tonight
peregrin2201: oh, nice. i’m “working on a painting”
peregrin2201: aka “do not disturb”
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nice
peregrin2201: it’s the only way to get the wife off my back, really
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: although, i’m kind of glad you’d rather talk to me than her
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow that sounded bad…
peregrin2201: but not entirely untrue
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
peregrin2201: at least you don’t nag…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i try
peregrin2201: or judge me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: never
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …did something happen?
peregrin2201: nothing new. just the same old bullshit.
peregrin2201: she can be a little… overbearing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: need to talk about it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do owe you…
peregrin2201: it’s just that… it’s like nothing i ever do is good enough for her
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
peregrin2201: pretty sure she only tolerates me being out here in the garage so much because it means i’m out of her hair for a while
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙁
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry…
peregrin2201: i hope it doesn’t sound like i don’t love her.. it’s just like that’s not always enough
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t want to cause problems between you
peregrin2201: you’re not…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know the feeling, believe me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam… i want to thank you for last night
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you didn’t have to listen…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it means a lot that you did
peregrin2201: it’s no big deal. you needed someone to be there for you, so i was. what are friends for?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: friends…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, i thought tonight we could get to know each other a little better
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you want, anyway
peregrin2201: what did you have in mind?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’d love to learn more about you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: anything, really… little things
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s the little things that make up how well you know someone
peregrin2201: true
peregrin2201: i’m not that interesting, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha i’m sure you’re more interesting than you give yourself credit for
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tell you what, we’ll trade question for question
peregrin2201: okay
peregrin2201: you can start
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay, let’s see….
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: favorite food
peregrin2201: anything beef… a good burger (with bacon, of course) or a really nice steak
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mmm
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love grilling
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m kind of a pyro, haha
peregrin2201: a quality i admire in a person
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: the grilling and the pyromania, haha
peregrin2201: especially the grilling. i cannot cook to save my life.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: in fact, it usually endangers my life when i try
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i’ve been told i’m a pretty good cook
peregrin2201: i can make a mean frozen pizza, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe i’ll have to come cook for you sometime
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😉
peregrin2201: as long as you don’t try to get me in the kitchen haha
peregrin2201: i’ll burn the house down, i swear i will
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i might try to “get you” in the kitchen…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: welll… that’s different
peregrin2201: okay, my turn to ask you something, right?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yup
peregrin2201: hmm….
peregrin2201: if you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ooh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good one
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i think i’d like to go someplace private
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: someplace relatively uncivilized
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like, an island, or a forest, or something like that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: solitude
peregrin2201: a forest would be nice
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: only bad thing would be the lack of internet conection haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: on a more realistic note, i’ve heard israel is actually really beautiful
peregrin2201: bit of an internet addiction, huh?
peregrin2201: ooh, yeah that would be amazing to visit
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha just a bit
peregrin2201: i can relate
peregrin2201: gotta have a wifi connection for my gaming
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah, i have a thing for blogging
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and, certain people i’d miss talking to…
peregrin2201: 😉
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😉
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay, my turn again…
peregrin2201: yup
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what did you want to be when you grew up, when you were a kid?
peregrin2201: well, other than being an artist or a musician… i dunno, i didn’t really plan anything other than that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: does that mean you already do one of those?
peregrin2201: a little bit, but i just sort of mess around with it
peregrin2201: i guess i never really wanted to grow up though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no one does
peregrin2201: true
peregrin2201: i’m gonna cheat and steal that question
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i thought about going to school for architecture for a while…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i guess every kid wants to be a rock star
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😉
peregrin2201: of course
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve been known to kill it at kareoke now and then
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not to brag…
peregrin2201: haha
peregrin2201: i imagine that’s a handy skill to have
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: meh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it doesn’t hurt
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay, so…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what’s one thing about yourself you’re proud of
peregrin2201: oh wow…
peregrin2201: umm…
peregrin2201: that’s a tough one, honestly
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: shouldn’t be THAT hard
peregrin2201: it just really took me by surprise
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: there’s got to be something you’re proud of…
peregrin2201: i guess… i’m pretty determined, you know? good at seeing things through. problem solving.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: a very admirable quality to have
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😀
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: one more people should have…
peregrin2201: i suppose so
peregrin2201: now that you put me on the spot, i have to force you to answer that one too
peregrin2201: i promise i’ll come up with my own question next time
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha alright
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i guess… kind of the same thing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do what i think is right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no matter what
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (hence the shitty family life)
peregrin2201: that can come back to bite you in the ass sometimes, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha too true
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but, i can’t help it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i always put others’ needs and happiness before my own
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, i guess you could call me selfless…
peregrin2201: which is admirable, but not really healthy for you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just look at it as doing the right thing, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *shrug*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i like making other people happy
peregrin2201: some really smart guy once told me i needed to make myself happy too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that person must really care about you, to give you such good advice
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um anyway…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: vanilla or chocolate
peregrin2201: chocolate, definitely
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: likewise
peregrin2201: okay, my turn… gotta think of my own question this time…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yup
peregrin2201: hmm…
peregrin2201: favorite movie?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm….
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: this is spinal tap
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😀
peregrin2201: oh, good choice
peregrin2201: that’s in my top ten, for sure
peregrin2201: but star wars has to be number one
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i had a feeling…
peregrin2201: because i’m a geek?
peregrin2201: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha maybe…
peregrin2201: am i that predictable?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not predictable…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well it just seems like something you’d like
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im sorry, i shouldn’t assume
peregrin2201: it’s okay if you’re right haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you could change one thing about your life (not yourself) what would it be
peregrin2201: oh wow…
peregrin2201: well, like i said, i do love my wife, but… i just wish things were different. i don’t even know what’s wrong with us, i just wish it wasn’t.
peregrin2201: does that even make sense?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think i understand
peregrin2201: if anyone would, i guess it would be you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well I’m glad to be here for you, you know that
peregrin2201: i just want to be happy with her again
peregrin2201: same to you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i hope you find a way to work things out
peregrin2201: maybe i will, maybe i won’t.. who knows…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i suppose…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’d rather be in your position, personally
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: things are never going to get better than they are now for me
peregrin2201: you don’t know that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re sweet
peregrin2201: and you know, the grass is always greener, right?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wish i had some greener grass…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean
peregrin2201: haha…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: afraid i smoked the last of mine, or i would share…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: interesting
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so.. you smoke then?
peregrin2201: not as much as i’d like to, these days
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i haven’t in a long time
peregrin2201: i used to a lot more, but… certain people don’t approve
peregrin2201: well, a certain person
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: the wife?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just guessing
peregrin2201: guessed it in one
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no offence, but she doesn’t seem very supportive
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just saying
peregrin2201: i swear she used to be… she was there for me during a really rough time in my life…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i’ve leaned that being there for someone, while admirable, doesn’t neccessarily make you a good match for them
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i learned that the hard way
peregrin2201: maybe not…
peregrin2201: i was just a teenager then
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you met your wife when you were a teenager?
peregrin2201: umm, i was like 14 when we met
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: no offense, but isn’t that a little young to settle down?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: or, a lot young?
peregrin2201: well we waited a few years to get married, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: a few… so you were what, 17? 18?
peregrin2201: a little older than that
peregrin2201: but not much
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: jeez…
peregrin2201: well i was 20
peregrin2201: she was 22
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s still young to get married
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but then who am i to judge
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i was 19…
peregrin2201: i’m starting to agree
peregrin2201: we had been together for years, though… it didn’t seem strange at the time
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can’t even imagine…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, you basically grew up dating this one girl?
peregrin2201: i had… a few other girlfriends. we didn’t start dating right after we met. but she was the only serious one.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry, i don’t mean to pry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just… wow
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: being that dedicated…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t you ever feel like you missed out, though?
peregrin2201: for a long time, no. i didn’t.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean, did you have any time to just be you?
peregrin2201: umm… not really. not ever, i guess.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulls you into a hug*
peregrin2201: it’s really not as bad as it sounds…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… how can you expect to be happy, if you don’t even know yourself?
peregrin2201: i know myself…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: they why don’t you know why you aren’t happy?
peregrin2201: i…
peregrin2201: i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what are your dreams
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what are your aspirations for your future
peregrin2201: are you going to be mad if i say i don’t know again?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i could never be mad at you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry if i’m making you upset…
peregrin2201: you’re not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not my place
peregrin2201: you’re just asking questions i really have no clue how to answer
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well maybe that’s where you should start
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: here’s another question for you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you loved this woman enough to commit before you were legal to drink…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: then why are you getting MORE satisfaction (or so you’ve said) cybering with a strange man?
peregrin2201: umm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: did you ever think maybe…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you might be
peregrin2201: no…
peregrin2201: i love my wife, i really do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay
peregrin2201: it’s just… our sex life is pretty boring, okay?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
peregrin2201: it’s fine
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but you have to admit…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re obviously not 100% straight
peregrin2201: i wouldn’t say it’s that obvious
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh really
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *runs my fingers through your hair, nipping your neck*
peregrin2201: i mean, besides this i’ve never been with a guy
peregrin2201: can you… not do that right now? please?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why not?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you liked it last night
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and the night before
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *presses our hips together*
peregrin2201: maybe i’m not really in the mood right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry sam, really
peregrin2201: jordan… please don’t do this right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: let’s just forget i said anything, alright?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: i think that’s probably a good idea
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re mad at me
peregrin2201: i just don’t like what you’re implying
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what i’m implying?
peregrin2201: that i’m…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that you’re gay?
peregrin2201: yes
peregrin2201: i’m not, okay
peregrin2201: please, just… let’s drop the subject
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why did you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you’re “not gay”
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: then what was last night
peregrin2201: you’re mocking my words now
peregrin2201: i don’t know what it was, okay?
peregrin2201: i don’t know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ll tell you what it was
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it was… amazing…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and wonderful
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and you wanted it just as much as i did
peregrin2201: it wasn’t real, okay? it was just… words on a screen…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i told you things
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: things i never told anyone
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: things i never told MYSELF
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and you think
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you think it wasn’t real?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
peregrin2201: look, i’ve told you stuff too but… it’s just cyber sex, okay? it doesn’t mean that’s what i want to actually do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i thought…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i thought you cared
peregrin2201: i didn’t say that i don’t…
peregrin2201: it’s just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but its just “words on a screen”
peregrin2201: well that’s all it really is, isn’t it? you don’t know me. yet you think you know that i’m gay.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah, i do
peregrin2201: you’ve never even really met me, but you’re still judging me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how dare you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how dare you say i’m judging you
peregrin2201: that’s what you’re doing!
peregrin2201: telling me i don’t know my own sexuality
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s not judging sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if a guy gets off with another guy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if he’s attracted to another guy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s kind of the DEFINITION of gay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but whatever
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just words on a screen
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so why bother
peregrin2201: now you’re mad at me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because you’re…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: grr
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what do you want me to say, sam
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i opened up to you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i TRUSTED you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and then you throw it in my face
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so tell me, what am i supposed to say?
peregrin2201: i don’t know, okay? i don’t fucking know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: look, i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: can we just….
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know, start over?
peregrin2201: i don’t know…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: this was supposed to be a good night…
peregrin2201: i don’t think i can
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam
peregrin2201: i need to think… or not think. i don’t know.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: please… don’t do this
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just forget i said anything
peregrin2201: how can i forget that?!
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay, fine…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re not…
peregrin2201: i really can’t do this. i’m sorry.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam please
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *reaches out to you*
peregrin2201: please don’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t go
peregrin2201: i’m sorry, jordan…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sam please
peregrin2201: i just can’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: please
peregrin2201: maybe this shouldn’t have even happened…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: :'(
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry
peregrin2201: i can’t… i just can’t do this, okay?
peregrin2201: i’m sorry… i just need some time by myself to think about this… i think i got in way over my head
peregrin2201: i think we both did
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fine…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: go, then
peregrin2201: i will. i’m going.
peregrin2201: bye, jordan



My mind was reeling when I stepped away from my laptop, slamming it shut decisively. Jordan was wrong. He had to be wrong. Who was he to say anything about my life anyway? He didn’t know me. I hadn’t even given him my real name and I had only revealed a few other facts about myself. So what if he had seen a side of me that no one else had seen?

But that wasn’t really me. That was just… part of the game. What happens online stays online, right? It wasn’t anything real, just like I had told him. I carried my laptop back to the bedroom and looked at my wife laying in our bed, fast asleep. That was real. Not what I “did” with Jordan.


I slammed my laptop shut in frustration. There was being naive, and then there was plain denial… and Sam was halfway into Egypt. But that was only half of it… After everything I’d shared with him, everything we’d shared together, to have him brush it off as just “words on a screen”… It hurt far more than I was willing to admit.

I started to think maybe I was getting in over my head. After all, wasn’t Sam right? It wasn’t real, was it? I didn’t really know him, so how could I really be… But no, it was real… I knew it was. But if Sam wanted to pretend it wasn’t, then fine. I wasn’t going to waste my emotions on someone who didn’t, couldn’t return them.

And yet, the next night, when I sat staring at my computer screen, waiting half the night for a message that never came, I couldn’t stop my eyes from misting, couldn’t lift the weight on my chest. The next night was even harder, and the next. After the third night with no sign of him, I sighed dejectedly, resigned to never hearing from him again. It hurt, but I would get over it. I’d have to. I just hoped he would be honest with himself, someday.


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