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I didn’t remember the last time I actually slept through the night easily. If it wasn’t one of my kids keeping me up, it was just my own mind not allowing me to rest. Something, I didn’t quite know what, was nagging at my mind lately. Kate seemed to sense it, but she didn’t say anything. As long as I wasn’t picking fights with her, then she just assumed it wasn’t any of her business, I supposed.

Sometimes it was easier when the two of us just didn’t talk at all, anyway. That was part of why I had put in my art studio in the garage. Kate didn’t object to it, since it meant I wouldn’t be cluttering up the main house with my art projects and splattering paint all over her precious carpet. The studio became my little escape when the two of us were fighting, or like right now, barely speaking.

On this particular night, though, none of my paintings were turning out like I wanted. Everything I tried looked like crap and I had to stop before I got too frustrated and put my fist through one of the canvases. I dug one of my pipes out of its hiding place in a box full of paint, and lit it up. After a few hits, I felt a little more relaxed. I decided to pull out my laptop and go online for a while, hoping a little mindless internet surfing would ease my mind even further. Maybe I was feeling nostalgic for my teen years or something, but somehow I found myself in a chat room.

Apparently, no one uses chat rooms anymore – just me and one other person, I guess.


I sighed as I settled into my chair and opened my browser. It’d been a long, hard day of rehearsing, and all I wanted to do was zone out online for a while, and eventually go to sleep. Nothing all that interesting popped up, besides the usual emails and PMs, so before long I was running out of things to do. I looked at the clock, surprised at how early it was. Man, I have no life, I thought to myself, laughing. It was true. All my time was spent either with my family or my band; I couldn’t remember the last time I’d talked to someone whose last name wasn’t Hanson.

It wasn’t like I didn’t have friends; there were Will and Demetrius, Muff, Ashley… I realized that all the “friends” I could name were also involved with the band. Damn it, I really do have no life. As I stared at the computer screen, I felt a new determination. I was young, charming, witty; people loved me. So why couldn’t I make a new friend? I opened a new tab, and began searching for a chatroom that interested me. I found a music-related room, and clicked to join it; I stopped when asked for a username.

I wanted to come up with something original, but cool, but not anything that would clue people in to my real identity. It wasn’t that I wanted to be someone else, but I figured it would be easier to chat with someone if they didn’t know my celebrity status. Finally settling on x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x, I got into the room. Only to find it empty, except for one other person. Shrugging my shoulders, I clicked the text box; I didn’t know what to expect, but I was bored enough to talk to just about anyone.


x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hey
peregrin2201: hi
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how’s it goin
peregrin2201: pretty good, feeling kinda silly though. you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tired… long day at work
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why silly?
peregrin2201: just being in a chat room. didn’t even know they still had these.
peregrin2201: i know the feeling. about work, i mean.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh yea, I haven’t been in one of these rooms in ages.
peregrin2201: yeah i feel like i’m back in the 90’s or something haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh man, don’t say that… you’ll make me feel old lol
peregrin2201: well i feel old saying that lol
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how old are you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you don’t mind me asking
peregrin2201: nah, it’s cool. i’m 26.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s not old
peregrin2201: i feel about twice that old most of the time
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha i can relate to that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: they say you’re as old as you feel…
peregrin2201: then i’ve got one foot in the grave lol
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha you and me both…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, what kind of music do you like?
peregrin2201: classic rock, mostly. back when music was good.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: there’s good music out there now, you just gotta know where to look
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but that’s cool, i like the old stuff too
peregrin2201: yeah that’s true, but there’s a lot of shit out there too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: amen to that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so what’re you listening to now?
peregrin2201: led zeppelin II
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ooh, good choice
peregrin2201: underated, if you ask me. everyone’s all about stairway to heaven.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, well people tend to go to the mainstream
peregrin2201: i sound like such a snob about music, but if there’s something worth being a snob about, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha yea
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you like fleetwood mac?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (thats what i’m listening to)
peregrin2201: yeah, they’re pretty good. which album?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um, pandora radio
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: landslide, live in boston
peregrin2201: ahh that’s a good one
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, stevie’s voice just gets me, ya know?
peregrin2201: definitely one of the best female voices out there
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: for sure
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: do you like her better with fm, or solo?
peregrin2201: with fleetwood mac, i think. the whole band just had such a great dynamic, you know? even when they were fighting.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, some of their best work came out of their fighting
peregrin2201: the whole rumours album, for example
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i was just typing that lol
peregrin2201: haha, you know your music pretty well then. that’s rare these days. how old are you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 28…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (god that sounds old)
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and thank you
peregrin2201: ah that’s not so bad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: music… it’s kinda my life
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i mean
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can’t picture going a day without music
peregrin2201: same here
peregrin2201: as you might as noticed haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh yea, that’s cool
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im surprised, theres not too many people our age who listen to the good stuff
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what other bands do you like?
peregrin2201: well… classic rock wise, i love ac/dc, grateful dead, paul simon, billy joel. lots of older stuff, too. motown.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: impressive
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: most of the same for me
peregrin2201: cool
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: a lot of singer-songwriters too, like cat stevens, james taylor
peregrin2201: oh yeah, definitely. carole king, too.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: love her
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: shes really cool
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think tapestry is an amazing album
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (going mainstream, shame on me)
peregrin2201: haha, well i was about to say i love u2, so i won’t judge you for going mainstream
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea joshua tree is such an iconic album
peregrin2201: oh, absolutely
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: my family actually went to the joshua tree national part a couple years ago
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s… something else
peregrin2201: yeah, it is. i’ve been there too.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nice
peregrin2201: i’m starting to think you’re secretly me from two years in the future haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha maybe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so, where you from?
peregrin2201: oklahoma
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …what part?
peregrin2201 tulsa
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …really
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: thats cool
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh… “well they tell me i was born there, but i really don’t remember”
peregrin2201: three dog night. nice.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, love that song
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: btw, what’s your name
peregrin2201: eh.. just call me pippin. gotta keep a little anonymity online.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh yea, gotta watch out for all those creepy old guys, eh?
peregrin2201: yup, you just never know lol
peregrin2201: for all you know, i could be a creepy old guy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well so could i
peregrin2201: true
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe we both are
peregrin2201: so what’s your name?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: jordan
peregrin2201: ah, that’s a cool name. sounds more like a real name than mine, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha yea well
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: pippin’s… cute
peregrin2201: it kinda suits me. like the lord of the rings character, you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh yea
peregrin2201: foolish, tends to stick his foot in his mouth, but he means well
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i never really got into those… but i have friends who are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha, i know a few people like that
peregrin2201: what can i say, i’m a bit of a geek
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s cool
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think everyone’s a geek about something
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just depends what it is
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like, im kind of a music geek i guess
peregrin2201: anything i’m into at all, i geek out over. like music, and obviously lord of the rings too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, for me its music, photography, writing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i like to read a lot, too
peregrin2201: i don’t read nearly as much as i’d like too. mostly geeky stuff, too. lots of comics.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, i’m more into poetry, novels, stuff like that
peregrin2201: all the stuff i’m not smart enough for haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sure you’re plenty smart
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: lord of the rings isn’t exactly an easy read
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i could never get through it all
peregrin2201: it takes some real devotion, and lots of free time. or several years.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, devotion i have, but not so much with the free time
peregrin2201: yeah it took me months to read it when i was younger. any time i couldn’t sleep at night, i’d just stay up reading.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wish i had more free time
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m always busy, between work and family
peregrin2201: me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i have no life, haha
peregrin2201: same here. i’m currently hiding in the garage with my laptop just to get a little me time haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha the garage? that can’t be too comfy…
peregrin2201: i spend a lot of time in it, so i’ve got a pretty nice set up
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: its good to have a little hiding spot… i wish i had that
peregrin2201: it would be better if i didn’t have to hide, haha. i feel like a spy, sneaking around my own house just to get a little privacy.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aww, that’s too bad that you feel you have to hide
peregrin2201: ahh, the family can just be a little smothering sometimes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: understandable
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: my family is always on my case
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: its weird… even with so many people around, sometimes i just feel so…
peregrin2201: alone?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh yea…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: feels pretty silly to say that
peregrin2201: nah, i get it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just… i never have any “me” time
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i always have to focus on everyone else
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not that i mind, really, i’m not selfish
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but i just wish i had someone to talk to, not even about anything important
peregrin2201: god, i feel the same way. i guess that’s why i’m in a chat room right now lol
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh… im just glad there was someone here 🙂
peregrin2201: i was in here all by myself forever. i was about to give up haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aww well thanks for waiting
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’d feel pretty silly if i logged on to an empty room
peregrin2201: i felt pretty silly sitting in one lol. sorry you got stuck with just me though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aw but i’m having fun talking to you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: longing for the golden age of music together
peregrin2201: it’s always good to meet another music lover
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: indeed
peregrin2201: that’s how i know you must be a good person
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: thanks
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blushing a bit*
peregrin2201: or possibly a creepy old guy. it’s tough to say, with classic rock fans. haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hahaha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well you seem really cool, too
peregrin2201: thanks. i’m glad someone thinks so.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im sure more people do than you think
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we’re our own worst critics
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and you’re humble… thats usually a good sign
peregrin2201: well i might be my worst critic, but i know plenty of other people who are vying for that title
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aww
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ooh, second hand news… i love this song
peregrin2201: ooh that’s one of my favorites
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mine too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: “won’t you lay me down in the tall grass, and let me do my stuff?”
peregrin2201: haha, get out of my brain! i was about to quote that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and people say music wasn’t sexy back then
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you don’t have to be cussing to be sexy
peregrin2201: it just wasn’t so in your face and blatant about it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, theres definitely something to be said for subtlety
peregrin2201: call me a prude, but i’m pretty sure you don’t have to prance around in your underwear to be a good singer
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: exactly
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: although a tight pair of jeans doesn’t hurt
peregrin2201: sure, if you need to hit those high notes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: gives the crowd a real show, too
peregrin2201: oh, that too. i guess. not always a good show haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: depends who’s showing
peregrin2201: true
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: lets face it, certain bands have mostly female fanbases for a reason
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: doesn’t mean they’re not talented
peregrin2201: true
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: the beatles had mostly female fans
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so did the rolling stones
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it wasn’t until later that the guys jumped on the bandwagon
peregrin2201: but it’s a proven fact that adding an instrument makes like any guy look way more attractive to most women
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: true, true
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: by the way, do you play anything? 😉
peregrin2201: a few instruments. dunno if i’m really good at any of them.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ooh, versatile. nice
peregrin2201: hah, i guess you could say that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s good to be multi-talented
peregrin2201: i’m musically ADD, i guess lol
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so what else do you do for fun?
peregrin2201: a little bit of everything. art, video games.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: art? thats cool
peregrin2201: it’s a nice creative outlet, i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea it is
peregrin2201: just a little drawing and painting every now and then, you know. i like it.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i bet you’re good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sounds like you’re pretty good with your hands
peregrin2201: haha, i guess you could say that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: any other hidden talents i should know about?
peregrin2201: ah, i dunno… jack of all trades, master of none. that’s me.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well you sound pretty interesting
peregrin2201: thanks 🙂 so do you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh, i don’t know about that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m nothing special
peregrin2201: oh, i don’t believe that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blushing again*
peregrin2201: aww
peregrin2201: but seriously, you seem very cool. intelligent, thoughtful and awesome taste in music. what more can i guy ask for in a random chat room buddy? haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aww stop hehe
peregrin2201: hey, i mean it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, thank you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know we don’t know much about each other yet
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but i like you already 🙂
peregrin2201: i like you too 🙂
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😀
peregrin2201: it’s weird, chatting with someone online. it’s easier to be honest in a way, because you don’t have to worry about trying to impress them.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, even if you’re not trying, you’ve impressed me so far
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i agree, i feel like i can really be myself with you
peregrin2201: didn’t say i wasn’t trying, but it’s just… relaxing. freeing.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so much of my life, i feel like i have to wear these masks…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: just to suit the people i’m with
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i feel like i don’t ever get to be just jordan
peregrin2201: damn, i know that feeing
peregrin2201: you put it better than i could have though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh well… people say i have a flair for the poetic
peregrin2201: that’s a good thing. not enough poetry in the world today.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, yes
peregrin2201: not to sound like a prude, but people are just so… vulgar. most people can’t really communicate for shit.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes, exactly
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i don’t think you’re a prude
peregrin2201: i’m just an old man in a 26 year old body, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha i feel that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but i agree… especially when it comes to music today
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s all bitches and hoes, drugs and sex
peregrin2201: haha, exactly
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: theres no poetry to it, no beauty
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: music should move you, not beat you over the head
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sorry to keep bringing it back to music… like i said, thats my life haha
peregrin2201: haha, it’s cool
peregrin2201: it’s pretty much my life too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay, if you had to pick a song to describe your mood right now?
peregrin2201: oh man… let me venture outside my led zeppelin playlist for a moment, as much as i hate to
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: ahh… it’s gonna sound depressing, but probably “why does it always rain on me” by travis
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: awww
peregrin2201: how lame am i? haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha not at all
peregrin2201: what about you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, let me think…
peregrin2201: kinda puts you on the spot, doesn’t it? hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh yea, i should have expected it though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: turn about’s fair play, no?
peregrin2201: exactly
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow… this is harder than i thought
peregrin2201: just the first one that comes to mind
peregrin2201: doesn’t have to be super deep
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve just seen a face, the beatles
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ironic… considering we’re in a chatroom
peregrin2201: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and the lyrics aren’t quite right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… you get the idea
peregrin2201: i think it’s my turn to blush now…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh, i bet you’re cute when you blush
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: at the risk of sounding like one of those creepy old guys, what do you look like?
peregrin2201: ahh, i dunno if i would ever call myself cute
peregrin2201: umm… well, i’m pretty average, i guess. not too tall, not too short. in decent shape, i guess. brown hair, brown eyes.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nice, i like brunettes 😉
peregrin2201: i guess i do too. i’m not too picky about looks, really.
peregrin2201: never thought i had any room to be picky, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nothing wrong with having standards
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: personality is great, but there has to be some physical attraction, when it comes to that sort of thing
peregrin2201: yeah, i guess so
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that sounded a little shallow, didn’t it?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: :-/
peregrin2201: nah, you’re kinda right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just don’t see the problem with being honest
peregrin2201: me either, even if i do end up with my foot in my mouth sometimes, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh yea, i have to watch my words sometimes too
peregrin2201: so, at the risk of also sounding creepy? what do you look like?
peregrin2201: (and i promise my next question isn’t what color underwear you’re wearing haha)
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh i don’t think i could ever think of someone as cool as you as creepy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: a little on the tall side, skinny, dirty blonde/light brown short hair
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: blue eyes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha, if you ask, i might tell you 😉
peregrin2201: short hair? interesting…
peregrin2201: kinda funny, i have long hair for a guy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think long hair on guys is great
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: more guys should grow their hair out
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i used to have long hair, but it got to be too much of a hassle
peregrin2201: yeah, it’s not that bad for a guy though. whether my hair is short or long, i’m still lucky if i remember to brush it haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well sometimes the grungy hair look is kinda…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sexy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: does that sound weird?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
peregrin2201: it’s not the first time i’ve heard that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know, it’s just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: dirty can be kinda fun, ya know?
peregrin2201: haha, i guess so
peregrin2201: the dirty rocker thing seems to turn a lot of girls on, i’ve noticed
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, i can’t deny, a guy in a tight band tee, with ripped jeans, and long grungy hair, even gets me a little hot under the collar
peregrin2201: …you pretty much just described me right now
peregrin2201: right down to the holes in my jeans haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mm… is that so?
peregrin2201: yup… glad to know it’s working for ya, i guess haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh… you could say that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: out of curiosity, facial hair?
peregrin2201: at the moment, just a little stubble
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nice
peregrin2201: i’ll wear a goatee sometimes, though. just depends on my mood.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i bet that looks good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: let’s see, likes classic rock, appreciates poetry, has long grungy hair and stubble and ripped jeans…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: guess this is my lucky night
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: definitely glad i stopped in 😉
peregrin2201: haha, well you sound pretty good to me, too. again, likes classic rock and poetry, and doesn’t mind grungy dudes?
peregrin2201: yeah, you’re pretty much my dream girl
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: …oh really?
peregrin2201: maybe that’s a little too bold of me to say to someone i’ve just talked to online…
peregrin2201: but you do sound pretty awesome
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i’m flattered
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blushing a lot now*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and as much as i would LOVE to just accept your generous (and in my opinion, undeserved) complements…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i REALLY hope you won’t stop talking to me after this…
peregrin2201: …..
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, it’s just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: arg, i don’t even want to tell you, but i’d feel too horrible…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: promise you won’t run away? please?
peregrin2201: well… okay. i mean, we’ve all got skeletons in our closet.
peregrin2201: i’m sure it’s not that bad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *deep breath*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because i’m really having fun talking to you
peregrin2201: i’m having fun talking to you too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i think… i think we could definitely be friends, at least
peregrin2201: yeah, me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um, at least online friends
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay… well
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know how you said i’m your dream girl?
peregrin2201: yeah…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you got the second part wrong…
peregrin2201: wait, what?
peregrin2201: oh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea… im sorry
peregrin2201: umm… so, about that putting my foot in my mouth, thing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im really sorry
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i forget sometimes, that jordan’s a girl’s name too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but please…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god i sound so pathetic
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but please don’t stop talking to me cuz of it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i must sound so pathetic and needy…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s just
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i haven’t had anyone to talk to in so long
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and… i really do like talking to you
peregrin2201: i really like talking to you too… i just feel like a massive douchebag for just assuming
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: its okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: trust me… it wouldn’t be the first time i’ve been mistaken for a girl
peregrin2201: promise you don’t hate me for being a douche?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: never
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and you aren’t
peregrin2201: yeah well, guy with long hair… i’ve been there too haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im just sorry for making you uncomfortable
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh yea… when i had my long hair, it was pretty bad
peregrin2201: i can live with being uncomfortable… just don’t like feeling so dumb :/
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re not dumb
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: please, don’t diss yourself like that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i meant everything i said… you really have impressed me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and i really am grateful to have met (well sort of met) you
peregrin2201: you’ve impressed me too…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: like i said, i’m not that special
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but thanks anyway
peregrin2201: it’s rare enough for someone to flirt with me… i mean, if that’s even what you were doing
peregrin2201: i hope i’m not assuming agin
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i wasn’t sure if you’d picked up on that, heh
peregrin2201: it just never occurred to me that a guy would flirt with me
peregrin2201: i was just catching on haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, you seem pretty flirt-worthy to me
peregrin2201: i’m a little bit slow
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i hope… you don’t think less of me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: for flirting with a guy
peregrin2201: no, of course not
peregrin2201: i’m not like… homophobic or whatever…
peregrin2201: i just wasn’t thinking, i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think it’s kind of cute when guys don’t know they’re being flirted with, actually
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: makes it more fun, ya know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😉
peregrin2201: well then i’m your man. i usually have no clue unless the girl throws herself at me
peregrin2201: and i can honestly say if a guy has ever flirted with me before, i didn’t know it at all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha well the way you described yourself, i’d imagine that’s pretty often
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: the first part, that is
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: although the second part wouldn’t surprise me, either
peregrin2201: oh… not really. at least, i don’t think so.
peregrin2201: even the girls that do… they don’t really want to get to know me
peregrin2201: it’s just not very flattering, to me. when someone just wants me because they think i’m hot or something
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: understandable
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: for what it’s worth, i think you’re more than just hot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (although you do sound hot, too)
peregrin2201: well, i could be totally lying about my looks
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t think you are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you seem like the honest type
peregrin2201: i’m not… just saying. that’s the mystery of it all.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: then again, that’s the thing about online…
peregrin2201: yup
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so you said you’re wearing your ripped jeans, right?
peregrin2201: yeah..
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: out of curiosity, where are the rips? the knees?
peregrin2201: yup
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: nice
peregrin2201: well, there’s one on the thigh too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: would it make you uncomfortable if i told you i think that’s pretty hot?
peregrin2201: umm… to be honest, just a little…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im sorry
peregrin2201: it’s flattering, i’m just not sure how to reply…
peregrin2201: don’t feel bad though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh you’re blushing again, aren’t you?
peregrin2201: possibly…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well i have to admit, i’m a bit torn
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t want to scare you off, but the thought of you sitting there, all flustered…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s a pretty nice mental image
peregrin2201: can i be totally honest?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: of course
peregrin2201: in a strange way, i don’t think i mind a guy flirting with me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh?
peregrin2201: it’s kinda more flattering and… genuine that most girls have been with me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, i’ve found guys are less fake
peregrin2201: i guess that’s true
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we can’t afford to be, considering our… limited options
peregrin2201: i never really thought about it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but what can i say… i’m greedy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (meaning i’m bi)
peregrin2201: oh
peregrin2201: that’s cool, i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’ve been living straight by default for a while, i guess… but if i’m really honest
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and again, i really hope i don’t lose you for this, but i feel like i can be honest with you
peregrin2201: you can be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, there’s just something about being with a guy…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s…i don’t know, different
peregrin2201: i guess it would be…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha obviously
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but besides the obvious
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t know how to describe it
peregrin2201: well i wouldn’t know at all…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sorry… i’m probably sounding more and more like one of those creepy old guys
peregrin2201: nah, you’re just talking about stuff i’ve really got no clue about
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, there’s a certain allure in innocence
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that sounded creepy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im sorry haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
peregrin2201: just a little bit pedo-ish there haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha i swear that’s not what i meant
peregrin2201: i think i get what you’re saying
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah?
peregrin2201: maybe. i dunno, innocent is probably a good word to describe me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: cute would be another
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: 😉
peregrin2201: i mean, i’ve not even been with that many girls…
peregrin2201: yup, definitely blushing now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hehe aww
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im surprised, you sound like a real catch
peregrin2201: i dunno about that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re too modest
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s adorable, but i wish you could see yourself the way i see you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m sure i’m not the only one, either
peregrin2201: well… i’m glad you see me that way…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i see you as intelligent, charming, witty, talented, interesting
peregrin2201: i just never really… played the field or whatever. never really got the hang of dating.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and hot
peregrin2201: i can agree with a few of those…
peregrin2201: i am pretty witty, i guess. i’m more the funny guy than the ladies man, you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, the smart girls (and guys) are the ones who go for the funny guys
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: looks may fade, but laughter lasts forever, ya know?
peregrin2201: that’s the way i try to see it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i did the whole “ladies man” thing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it was fun while it lasted
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but really, i’d love to have someone to just have fun with
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: all kinds of fun
peregrin2201: same here… just someone who won’t judge me for anything
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: doesn’t sound like you’ve got anything to judge, anything bad at least
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know i’ve said this probably a dozen times, but i’m really glad i came in here tonight
peregrin2201: i guess… some people seem to always find the flaws though
peregrin2201: it’s like i just can’t please them no matter what
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well screw em
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: or… don’t actually haha
peregrin2201: well…easier said than done
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you shouldn’t have to please anyone other than yourself
peregrin2201: …that sounds dirty
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: now who’s the flirt
peregrin2201: i’m sorry, my mind is pretty much always in the gutter
peregrin2201: don’t you think that’s bad advice though? i mean, you shouldnt be totally focused on only pleasing yourself…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and my mind is usually in the gutter too, by the way
peregrin2201: then i’m glad to have some company down here haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t mean you should be selfish, but then again, a little bit of selfishness is okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just mean, you can’t live solely for others
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you have to take care of your own needs
peregrin2201: i suppose so…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because you can’t always count on others to take care of your needs for you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: this is sounding dirty again…
peregrin2201: i’m not sure i even know what my own needs are anymore
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: are you happy?
peregrin2201: well, i guess i should be
peregrin2201: i have a great job, my family… all that stuff. But i dunno.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i didn’t ask if you should be
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: are
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: happy?
peregrin2201: no, i guess not
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well then, there’s your biggest need
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: everyone deserves to be happy, especially someone as outstanding as you
peregrin2201: i haven’t really admitted that before
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not easy, is it?
peregrin2201: i don’t know what could be missing, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s always the hard part…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe you need to get laid, haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha im sorry
peregrin2201: well… that could explain it, i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ah… im sorry
peregrin2201: never really helps that much
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know how it feels to be left… unsatisfied
peregrin2201: i just… never really get that excited about sex. i mean, it’s alright but…
peregrin2201: it’s not the cure to all the worlds problems
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: can i ask you something?
peregrin2201: sure…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: have you ever… thought about
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: trying it with a guy?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not assuming anything
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: please don’t take it the wrong way
peregrin2201: no… i can honestly say i haven’t
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh, okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well nevermind
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: some people just aren’t that into sex, i guess
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (i’m not one of them, haha)
peregrin2201: i mean, not like seriously considered it. people think about a lot of stuff theyd never do, you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so… it has crossed your mind?
peregrin2201: i guess, but it’s not like i ever really thought i would, you know?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i understand
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: too bad…
peregrin2201: i mean, i’ve though about having a threesome but that’s not gonna happen either. just a thought.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, kinky
peregrin2201: dissappointed in my lack of a sex drive? haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha not at all
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and who says it’s not going to happen?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: if you want it, go for it
peregrin2201: well… i dunno. i wouldn’t even know what to do. i can barely even flirt with chicks.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sometimes just being yourself is more than enough
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’ve caught my attention, at least
peregrin2201: i’m sure not all guys go for geeky rockers, though
peregrin2201: i’m sort of an acquired taste haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mm, i’m sure you are…
peregrin2201: oh god… i didn’t even mean to set you up for that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hahaha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: see, you don’t even have to try
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re a natural
peregrin2201: at what?! flirting with dudes? haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: apparently
peregrin2201: i guess that could be a handy skill to have
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: indeed… handy…
peregrin2201: so, it’s not really different from flirting with girls? just try to be funny and hope for the best?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh pretty much…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: does that mean you’re flirting with me?
peregrin2201: umm… well, i was trying to, sort of, before i knew you were a guy…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mhm… i did notice
peregrin2201: and i guess i haven’t really stopped. i mean, you’re still the same person…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i am
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: odd question, but is your hair down, or pulled back?
peregrin2201: it’s umm… kinda in a bun? it’s getting pretty long
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i bet it’s nice
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: kinda wish i could run my fingers through it…
peregrin2201: i might purr. that’s like my favorite thing.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: omg… stop
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you purr?
peregrin2201: it’s been known to happen…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: thats… hot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulls your hair tie out, rubbing your scalp slightly*
peregrin2201: i’m… glad you think so
peregrin2201: oh my…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: does that bother you?
peregrin2201: no… actually it doesn’t…
peregrin2201: i’ve just never really done anything like this… i mean, especially with a guy
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we can stop if you want…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but if you’re willing to try, you might have fun
peregrin2201: no… we don’t have to stop…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: okay
peregrin2201: you’ll just have to teach me what to do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *runs fingers through your hair, scratching lightly*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hehe just do what feels right
peregrin2201: mmm *leans into your touch, purring a little*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *trails down to the back of your neck, massaging*
peregrin2201: i bet you give a good massage…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh so i’ve been told *gets behind you, massaging your shoulders*
peregrin2201: skilled with your hands? nice…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mhm… been told that too
peregrin2201: *leans back against you, still purring*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god that’s sexy…
peregrin2201: glad you like it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *leans against you, breathing lightly on the back of your neck*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh i definitely do
peregrin2201: *shivers… but in a good way*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *places a hesitant kiss to the side of your neck*
peregrin2201: you don’t have to be hesitant…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh yea?
peregrin2201: i think… i’d like to kiss you…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: same here
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *turns you around, barely brushing my lips against yours*
peregrin2201: you don’t mind the stubble, do you? it might tickle…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not at all… i don’t mind it a little rough
peregrin2201: mmm… i think i might like rough
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you sure you’re ready to take this step? for someone who’s never thought about being with a guy…
peregrin2201: it’s definitely new… i’m a little scared, to be honest
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well like i said, we can stop if you want
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but to be perfectly honest, i really hope you don’t want to
peregrin2201: maybe i have thought about it before… just a little…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh… is that so…
peregrin2201: it was just a thought… but this isn’t so scary, maybe because its online?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: might be a good way to ease into it, you know?
peregrin2201: i don’t wanna stop, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m still waiting on that kiss…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ;-p
peregrin2201: heh…
peregrin2201: *pulls you closer and kisses you back, running my tongue along your bottom lip*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mmff
peregrin2201: i’m sorry, is that a good sound?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *wraps a hand in your hair, pulling you closer as i nibble your bottom lip*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hell yes it is
peregrin2201: mmm, again with the hair… keep that up and this isn’t gonna last very long
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (heh, talk about the 90?s… i haven’t done this since i was maybe 16 or 17)
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh yea? well, i can’t have that…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *releases your hair, grabbing your hips and pulling you close*
peregrin2201: *moans against your mouth, letting mine fall open*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *brushes my tongue against yours, tasting you*
peregrin2201: mountain dew…
peregrin2201: hope that’s okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s fine by me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: as long as you don’t mind me tasting like coffee 😉
peregrin2201: i’m not a big coffee drinker, but… i think that suits you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
peregrin2201: i could learn to like coffee 😉
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh yea? well how bout another taste?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses your neck, nipping at your ear, my hands snaking under your tee shirt over your back*
peregrin2201: *purrs again* you weren’t thinking of leaving a mark, now were you?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, would it be a bad thing if i did?
peregrin2201: it would be pretty fucking hot, actually
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well then…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *bites down hard on your neck, one hand reaching to grab your ass, the other grabbing a handful of hair as i suck on your tight neck*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i hope you know how hard you’ve got me…
peregrin2201: oh fuck…. *purrs, grabbing a fistful of your shirt*
peregrin2201: umm… yeah not gonna lie, i don’t remember the last time i was this hard
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hmm, sounds like a problem…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: what was i saying about needs being taken care of?
peregrin2201: i think i definitely have a need you could take care of…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mm, gladly…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *reaches down and grabs you through your jeans*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mind if i ask…?
peregrin2201: ask…?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: size?
peregrin2201: umm… about seven inches, i think? and pretty thick
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mm… nice
peregrin2201: yeah, you think so?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *starts stroking you through your jeans*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i definitely think so
peregrin2201: mmm…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think thickness is even better than length
peregrin2201: yeah?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *nibbles your neck in the same spot, lapping at the bruised skin*
peregrin2201: more of a handful that way? or a… mouthful?
peregrin2201: *purrs, rolls my hips toward you a little*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mm fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grinds my hips against yours*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and yes, both
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and then some
peregrin2201: mmm, what about you? size, i mean?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: um
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: about eight i think?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: maybe eight and a half
peregrin2201: damn
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not as thick though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not thin, just… average
peregrin2201: it still sounds very nice, though
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you think?
peregrin2201: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well… its all yours if you want it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *claims your mouth again, moaning against you*
peregrin2201: umm… well, why don’t you show me what to do first
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulls back, pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it aside*
peregrin2201: i’m a quick learner and i bet you’re a very good teacher…
peregrin2201: *blushes*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: always happy to lend a hand
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, the thought of you blushing…
peregrin2201: i was hoping for just that
peregrin2201: but maybe more than only a hand…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kissing your neck and shoulders as i reach down and unzip your jeans*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh i’ll give you as much as you’re willing to take
peregrin2201: *moans, reaches down to help you push my jeans down*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kisses my way down your chest and stomach, kneeling in front of you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: are you by any chance… taking care of yourself?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: because i am
peregrin2201: yeah… i am…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *brushing my fingers lightly against your skin, biting my lip in anticipation as i look up at you*
peregrin2201: god, the thought of you on your knees in front of me… that’s really hot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: its hot from my point of view, too
peregrin2201: *runs my fingers gently through your hair, watching you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *barely grazes my tongue up your shaft, swirling around the head before sucking in just the tip*
peregrin2201: mmm, you’re gonna be a tease about it, huh?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i like to tease
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: the waiting, the tension, is almost as sexy as the actual sex
peregrin2201: you’ll drive me crazy like that… but that’s okay
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *takes more of you in, inch by inch, moaning as you fill my mouth completely*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, i bet you taste amazing
peregrin2201: *lets out a low moan* all of it, huh?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *works my way down until i’ve got all seven inches down my throat*
peregrin2201: show off :p
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *releases you slowly, dragging my teeth slightly*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: it’s been a while in real life, but online, i’m always a pro
peregrin2201: mmm… fuck… *sucks in a breath, tangles my hand in your hair*
peregrin2201: well i think you’re doing an amazing job…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *winks up at you before picking up a rhythm*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: why thank you, i aim to please
peregrin2201: oh, you are very pleasing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you ain’t seen nothing yet
peregrin2201: *begins to thrust my hips, matching your rhythm*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *works all the way down, pushing even further until i’m deep throating you*
peregrin2201: oh god..
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck this is hot…
peregrin2201: yeah… i know
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *reaches down to stroke myself as i suck you*
peregrin2201: mmm…
peregrin2201: what if i pulled your hair a little? would you like that?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god yes…
peregrin2201: *tugs on your hair, making you speed up a little*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *unzips my own jeans, wriggling out of them without taking my mouth off you*
peregrin2201: showing off again :p
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: practice makes perfect
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulling back to stare at you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i want you to touch me
peregrin2201: oh yeah?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: please
peregrin2201: *slides my hand slowly down your chest before taking your cock in my hand, beginning to stroke it*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mmm yea
peregrin2201: you may be bigger than me, but i think i can figure out what to do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh i’m sure
peregrin2201: *slowly builds speed, keeping a firm grip on you, reaches out to kiss your neck*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *tangles a hand in your hair, thrusting my hips against your hand*
peregrin2201: *purrs* you really know how to press my buttons, don’t you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mhm, likewise…
peregrin2201: *matches your rhythm, thrusts my hips against yours as well*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grips your hair harder, biting your neck again, my hand stroking you*
peregrin2201: mmm… god, i’m gonna be covered in your marks
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i think thats sexy as hell
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’d love to mark you
peregrin2201: me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *arches my neck, winking at you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: consider me your canvas
peregrin2201: mmm… *licks a trail across your neck before biting down*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grips you harder, my other hand reaching down to grab your ass*
peregrin2201: you like that?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yes
peregrin2201: let’s make the other side match… *turns your head, bites down on the other side of your neck*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fffuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *bucking my hips against you, grabbing your ass tightly*
peregrin2201: *moans, kisses a trail up and down your neck*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *whimpers a bit*
peregrin2201: fuck, that’s hot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea?
peregrin2201: i bet you sound so fucking hot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: mm, you too…
peregrin2201: you just like making me purr…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *slides the hand on your ass down, tentatively brushing against your opening*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i bet you growl, too, don’t you?
peregrin2201: oh yeah, i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: thats fucking hot
peregrin2201: *sucks in a deep breath, tries to relax against your touch*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i can stop if you want
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i don’t want to push you too far
peregrin2201: no… its okay…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so you’ve never…?
peregrin2201: once or twice, i tried it…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yeah?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and?
peregrin2201: it was kinda weird but… not so bad. i bet it would be better if you did it to me.
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not gonna lie, the image of you fingering yourself while jacking off…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that’s fucking sexy as all hell
peregrin2201: it’s not gonna be just an image soon… fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck, seriously?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re not the only one
peregrin2201: teah, seriously… feels way better than i remember
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: tell me how good it feels
peregrin2201: fuck… you wanna hear me growl?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck yea… growl for me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *slides one finger all the way in*
peregrin2201: *growls deeply, but relaxes against you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea i bet you’re tight… fucking hot…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *starts to pump in and out slowly, sucking on your neck*
peregrin2201: oh god… *purrs again*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *adds a second finger* i just love the noises you make
peregrin2201: *growls* fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea? you like that?
peregrin2201: yes… fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *fingers you harder, grinding our hips together*
peregrin2201: mmm… i think i want… more…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you want it?
peregrin2201: yeah… god, fuck me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: holy fuck you’re hot…
peregrin2201: please
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: shit…. begging… fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: get on your knees
peregrin2201: fuck… so are you… making me feel so good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, you’re making me feel so good too
peregrin2201: god.. *gets on my knees for you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *kneels behind you, lining myself up*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you sure you want it, baby?
peregrin2201: fuck, if you stop now… *growls*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: oh fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *drives halfway into you*
peregrin2201: oh god… *whimpers*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you’re so fucking tight for me
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *rubs your back soothingly*
peregrin2201: you feel so good though…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *starts to push further in*
peregrin2201: *moans, arches back*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grabs your hair, using it for leverage as i slide the rest of the way in*
peregrin2201: oh my fucking god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god you’re hot
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: and tight
peregrin2201: mmm your cock feels so good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you want me to fuck you?
peregrin2201: yes… fuck me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: how bad do you want it
peregrin2201: so fucking bad… please…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i love when you beg
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *starts to thrust slowly*
peregrin2201: fucking tease… *growls*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: god, that fucking growl!
peregrin2201: and it’s all for you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *picks up the pace, one hand gripping your hip, the other in your hair*
peregrin2201: mmm, fuck…
peregrin2201: *thrusts back against you, matching your rhythm*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *pulls your hair harder, pulling almost all the way out before slamming into you*
peregrin2201: oh god
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you like that?
peregrin2201: *whimpers* yes
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *does it again, pushing my hips against yours as hard as i can*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *angling my hips to aim upwards, trying to hit the sweet spot*
peregrin2201: *nearly screams* god, you’re so good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, you like getting fucked?
peregrin2201: fuck… yes, i do
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *aims for the same spot, again and again, hard as possible*
peregrin2201: oh fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck, i can’t remember when i’ve been this turned on
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ever
peregrin2201: god me either
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *grabs your hips with both hands, crashing into you fast and hard*
peregrin2201: *wraps my hand around my dick, stroking it an trying to match your pace*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: un uh… let me take care of that for you
peregrin2201: oh yeah? if you insist…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *leans over you, reaching around to stroke you as i continue to thrust into you*
peregrin2201: *braces self, groans* fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im close
peregrin2201: me too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *jacking you fast as i can, twisting my wrist, as i pound into you*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im bout to cum
peregrin2201: oh god…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: shit
peregrin2201: fuck me as hard as you can…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck… so fucking close…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *rams into you at a blinding pace*
peregrin2201: mmm… fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck… im cumming
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: shit
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: ffffffffffkk
peregrin2201: god, i am too
peregrin2201: oh fuck…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: holy…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: wow…
peregrin2201: goddamn… that was…
peregrin2201: that was, literally, unlike anything i have ever done
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: that was amazing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *deep breath* haha
peregrin2201: you were amazing
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *blush*
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: so were you
peregrin2201: if i smoked, i would need like half a pack right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not bad for a supposed beginner…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hahaha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: yea, i’m lighting up as we speak (well, type)
peregrin2201: i wasn’t lying… except maybe about how much i’ve thought about that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well, you pretty much blew my mind
peregrin2201: yeah i don’t even know how i’m still coherent right now
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha yea…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fuck it’s late…
peregrin2201: shit.. yeah
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’d say sorry for keeping you up, but…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’d be lying
peregrin2201: well you definitely did keep me… up
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh likewise
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we should… chat again sometime
peregrin2201: definitely
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: besides the fun stuff though, i really did enjoy chatting with you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: im really glad i met you
peregrin2201: yeah, i did too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: “pippin”
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *plants a gentle kiss on your lips*
peregrin2201: gotta keep a little mystery
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: fair enough
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: will you be online tomorrow night?
peregrin2201: i’ve got the same username on AIM.. add me on there and we can chat all the time
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: all the time, huh?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i like the sound of that
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *MAJOR blush*
peregrin2201: well… pretty often
peregrin2201: i do have work to do, but i’ll definitely make time for you
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: aww
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: likewise
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i may be developing a bit of a man-crush on you…
peregrin2201: aww…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: *i think you’re giving me a permanent blush*
peregrin2201: i bet you look adorable when you blush
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hehe
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: not half as adorable as you, i’m sure
peregrin2201: and i’m very glad to be the cause of it
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: its not just the sex
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: even though that was
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: FUCKING amazing (no pun intended)
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but… it’s the whole package
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (again, no pun intended)
peregrin2201: heh. package
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: heh
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you know me…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: but yea. i think…
peregrin2201: i may be just as bad
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hehe bad can be good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha i really should be letting you go
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i just…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we’ll talk again, right?
peregrin2201: i kinda don’t wanna go…
peregrin2201: of course
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know the feeling
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: don’t worry baby… we’ll talk again
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i promise
peregrin2201: okay
peregrin2201: good
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i know i’ll have sweet dreams tonight…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: (god… no wonder you thought i was a chick haha)
peregrin2201: so i guess this is goonight… or good morning…
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: we can watch the sun come up together
peregrin2201: aww, haha
peregrin2201: god, you are a chick
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: hey!
peregrin2201: not that that’s a bad thing?
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: you weren’t calling me a chick when i was plowing into your ass
peregrin2201: ugh… fuck
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: damn right
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m man enough where it counts
peregrin2201: don’t remind me, i need to actually sleep
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: alright
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sweet dreams baby
peregrin2201: you keep talking like that and i’ll be up all morning too
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: haha
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: well at least you won’t be alone
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: i’m gonna be remembering this all day
peregrin2201: me too
peregrin2201: sweet dreams, jordan
x.nothing.gold.can.stay.x: sweet dreams, “pippin”



When I logged out of the chat room and turned my laptop off, my hands were shaking. It made my stomach turn a little to think about saying and doing all of that with another guy. I mean, he could have been anyone, but he was definitely a he. I gave him the benefit of the doubt since I had stupidly assumed he was a girl – a guy named Jordan flirting with me? It just seemed too weird – and he didn’t back off. He kept right on flirting with me. There was something so different about it, in a good way. It was so flattering, somehow, that some random guy behind a computer screen found something in me that attracted him.

And, even though I’m ashamed to admit it, it turned me on. A lot.

I haven’t imagined being with a guy like that for a long time, and it was never more than an idle fantasy – the sort of thing you imagine, but don’t really see yourself ever following through on. I wasn’t into guys. At least, I didn’t think I was. But this was just an online thing; it didn’t have to mean anything about who I really was.


I took a deep breath, running a shaking hand through my hair, before grabbing some tissues to clean up. I may have exaggerated my activities (I only have two hands, after all), but I hadn’t been lying when I told “pippin” how amazing that had been. I hadn’t cybered in years, but even back then, it had never been so… satisfying. The images behind my eyes had driven me almost blind with need, and when it reached its peak, I’d had to bite back a scream.

I hadn’t lied about the crush, either. There was something about this guy I liked, in between the musical taste, the modesty, and the sense of humor. It had felt so good to talk to someone, but finding someone who seemed to understand, that made it even better. Strange as it felt, I really felt like I could be honest with him, so much more than with anyone else I knew. Maybe it was just the anonymity of online, but I wasn’t so sure.

As I collapsed into bed beside my soundly-sleeping wife, I stared at the ceiling, replaying the conversation in my head. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel quite so alone. I didn’t care how needy I sounded; I knew I wanted to talk to him again, and I could hardly wait til the next time. I didn’t try to wipe the grin from my lips as I drifted into a very sweet dream, filled with Led Zeppelin, purrs, and a pair of deep brown eyes.

