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The One With The Full Spank Bank

I remember the way I felt after I lost my virginity. It was one of those things that gets built up so much, especially in the minds of teenage boys, but it never seemed like that much of a life changing event to me. Sure, it opened up a whole new world of sexual experiences to me, but I still felt like me afterward. Nothing had changed. Since then, nothing I did in bed really made that much of an impression on my life; each new thing was just another checkmark on my sexual to do list.

Still, those sort of things have to change something, however small about a person. If the threesome changed anything about me, I couldn’t tell what it was. Sure, Zac seemed to spend a little more time drinking, but otherwise, everything seemed the same. Nothing about our swords crossing, as he’d so crudely put it just a few days before, changed anything—or so it seemed. On the outside, at least, everything was exactly as it had been.

On the inside, though… well, I really had no clue what Zac was thinking. I could only imagine it was nothing good. I didn’t think kissing me was so bad, though. I had no doubt that Zac could and had done worse than me. I’d seen some of the girls he hooked up with in college when he was completely shitfaced; drunk Zac had worse taste than sober Zac, if that was even possible. The fact that drunk Zac had chosen to kiss me didn’t speak very highly of my attractiveness, maybe, but I knew I was hotter than at least a few of the girls he’d had sloppy drunken sex with over the years.

In any case, he wasn’t talking about the threesome, which I figured was probably for the best. I couldn’t imagine he would have anything good to say about it if he did.

As for me, I really just didn’t see the big deal. Sex was sex, and good sex was good sex, regardless of who you had it with. It wasn’t as though Zac and I had really done anything together; two kisses hardly even counted at all.

And yet… there was just something really strange about seeing that particular side of Zac. We’d always tried to give each other fair warning before bringing any girls into the dorm room, so somehow we’d avoided any awkward naked scenes. I’d definitely never seen him completely nude or actually having sex before. That was a line that, while I couldn’t remember either of us actually drawing, we’d never crossed. Now we had. Now I knew what Zac looked like when he came, what position he apparently favored… the size of his dick…

These were details I didn’t need to know, and details I couldn’t seem to erase from my mind no matter how hard I tried.

But the world still turned. The sun still shone. And we still went off to work at Double Entendre’s, because Ruby would rip our balls off if we missed work over something as silly as a little threesome. The fact that this would severely diminish our attractiveness did not, apparently, stop it from being one of her favorite threats to make.

Not that she knew about the threesome. No one did. It was another unspoken rule, it seemed, that absolutely no one needed to know what had happened at that party.

Although I still thought there had to be some way we could leverage the whole sex thing and make some extra cash, I did my best to be all business at work. The less suspicious I acted, the less Ruby would catch on that anything out of the ordinary had happened. I was pretty sure she already had the (correct) idea that Zac’s epic failure of a date had been with the girl he met at work, but she hadn’t dealt out any punishment for it… yet. It was safest all around to be on our best behavior, really.

We ended the night with Sexy And I Know It, because it was quickly becoming our signature routine and it definitely left a lasting impression even long after the music ended. It left us all on a high, too, giving each other high fives and praise as we made our way backstage to change back into our street clothes.

“Did you see the rack on that brunette in the front row?” I asked no one in particular. “If her dress had been any lower cut, I would have had to tip her.”

From behind me, I heard Cade chuckle. “Can’t say that I noticed.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” I shot back, giving his reflection a smirk. “Where did Zac go? I’m sure he would have appreciated her endowments just as much as I did.”

“He got changed and hurried out while you were in the bathroom,” Cade replied. “I think he’s out front, though.”

“He better be. He’s my ride,” I said.

Cade chuckled. “I’m sure he’s still here, unless he has another date. Oh, by the way, you weren’t late because of me the other night, were you?”

“No,” I replied. “Well, almost. But it was worth it. Thanks for helping me out.”

“Anything for you, Princess,” he said with a wink.

I was really glad Zac wasn’t in the room to hear that. Not only was he still bugging me about hanging out with Cade, but I was just certain he would have something sarcastic to say about Cade calling me Princess.

But Zac was my ride home, which meant I did need to find him, despite the fact that I would rather pluck my eyebrows than share an enclosed space with him right then. Just in case he decided to do something stupid and skip out on me, I hurried to finish cleaning myself up and change back into my street clothes. My costumes were a bit of a mess, but I tried to hang them up as neatly but also quickly as possible. I was still fiddling with my leather vest when Ruby came bounding into the ready room.

“Still raking in the dough, boys!” She practically squealed. “I’m so proud of you guys. I think the male bonding is definitely helping. Boosts morale, you know?”

“It’s certainly… informative,” Cade said.

Ruby chose to ignore that remark entirely. “Well, anyway, I think you should definitely keep it up. You’re all scheduled for Tuesday off, so…”

“So, my place?” I offered, knowing that Ruby would volunteer me anyway.

Ruby clapped and gave a little squeal. “That’s perfect! Let me know how it goes, okay? And try not to blow all of your money on a poker game this time. I don’t pay you guys to gamble it all away, you know.”

After we all assured her that we wouldn’t lose our entire weekly earnings, she finally dismissed us. I followed behind her as she left the room.

“Hey, Ruby, have you seen Zac?”

“Mhm,” she replied. “He’s at the bar. It’s a good thing he’s off the clock now, too.”

That didn’t sound good at all. By the time I made it to the bar, I could see that my suspicions had been confirmed. Zac was waving a beer around in one hand, talking animatedly, and no doubt drunkenly, with a blonde in a very short skirt. She looked easy enough, but she was facing me, and I could see from the expression on her face that she definitely wasn’t buying what Zac was selling.

He didn’t seem deterred by her lack of interest, though. In fact, he seemed utterly oblivious to it. As I came closer, I could hear him ask what she was drinking, fishing through his pockets quickly for a few bucks to buy her another drink.

“No, really,” she said. “I need to get going. I’ve had enough to drink tonight.”

“Well, my night’s barely started,” Zac countered.

She gave him a pat on the arm. “And I’m sure it’s going to be great night. You’ll have to tell me all about it the next time I’m here.”

“But, I—oh, fine,” Zac replied dejectedly, evidently finally catching her meaning.

His head hung low as she walked away. Once she was a few yards away, he finally looked up, tipping back his beer and downing the rest of it. He set the empty bottle on the bar with a loud thump, rather rudely signaling that he wanted another.

“Make it two,” I called out. “But I think that’ll be the last for Zac.”

He jumped a little at the sound of my voice, then pointed toward the door his failed conquest had just exited through. “Did you hear that bitch?”

“I heard a nice young woman turn you down, if that’s what you mean.” I tossed a few bills on the counter as Rob handed me my beer.

“I don’t know what her problem was,” he huffed. He was actually pouting. It was kind of adorable, but I didn’t think that was what he needed or wanted to hear from me right then.

“Wasn’t Christina enough for you?” I asked. “I’d think she would be enough to keep your spank bank full for quite a while.”

Zac coughed and sputtered, practically choking on his beer.

“Okay,” I said, patting him on the back. “I think you’ve had enough to drink.”

“Yeah, that’s my problem,” he mumbled.

I was still trying to pry the beer out of his hand when Cade and Eduardo emerged from the back, calling out greetings and farewells to the staff. By that point, most of the patrons had cleared out, so they weren’t as mobbed by adoring fans as they were some nights.

“Hey, Zac!” Eduardo called out. “See you Tuesday!”

“Tuesday?” Zac repeated, his brows knitting together in confusion.

“Oh, we’re throwing another little party,” I explained. “I figured Ruby mentioned it; she said she saw you out here.”

He shook his head. “Must have slipped her mind.”

“Well, anyway, I figured we would have a few drinks, some snacks, just hang out. Or we could play poker again.”

Zac just shrugged indifferently and grabbed my beer. I shot him a dirty look, but I was too tired to fight him to get it back.

Cade stepped in closer and slung an arm around Zac’s shoulder. “We had a good time at the last party, didn’t we? Hearing all about your incredible skills with the ladies and whatnot.”

“Yeah. Tons of fun,” Zac replied, completely monotone, then threw his head back and chugged the rest of the beer.

“Alright, alright,” I said, laughing nervously. “I better get him out of here before he drinks Ruby out of business.”

“Do you think I could? That sounds like a challenge.”

I rolled my eyes. “It sounds like we’d both be out of a job if you did. Tell me again how much you don’t want to do porn, because I can’t think of any other marketable skills you’ve got.”

With a shrug, he replied, “It was just a joke. I’m pretty sure I would die of alcohol poisoning before I could finish, anyway. And I couldn’t bear to put you through the torture of losing me.”

“It would tear me apart,” I replied, my voice devoid of all emotion. Although he was driving me crazy at the moment, it wasn’t really an untrue statement.

Cade finally removed his arm from Zac’s shoulder, giving him a pat on the back as he did so. “Well, while you two do or don’t drink all the alcohol, I’ll be getting my beauty rest. See you guys later!”

Zac watched Cade walk away, then turned back to the bar and grabbed his own abandoned beer. After a few sips of it, he asked, “So we’re really having those two over again?”

“Yeah, so?” I replied. “What’s the problem? They’re nice guys.”

“Right. Nice guys.” Zac nodded.

“They are,” I said. “But I’m not gonna stand here all night and debate it. I’m tired; let’s go home.”

“Yeah, okay,” Zac replied. “You should probably drive.”

“You think?” I asked in mock surprise, then held out my hand for the keys. With a roll of his eyes, Zac fished them out of his pocket and handed them over.

As we walked to the parking lot, I tried once again to pinpoint exactly what had changed in our world in the last few days. Of course, I knew the cause—the threesome. Even someone as open minded as myself could see that it was the sort of life experience that just changed a person, at least temporarily, until the novelty wore off. Maybe Zac just needed a little time to get back to normal… whatever that actually was for him.

“Hey, Tay,” he said.

I glanced at him, walking a few feet away from me. “Yeah?”

“I hate my life.”

I rolled my eyes, even though I doubted he could see it in the dark. “Yeah, I hate your life, too. Must be horrible to get paid to have women ogle you.”

“And pay me for sex,” he added. “Don’t forget about that one.”

“Trust me,” I replied. “I won’t forget about that one for a long time.”

“Yeah,” he said, a little softer. “Me either.”

I wasn’t certain, but I thought he shuddered a little as he said it.

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