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This page is just a catchall for any other random stuff related to the story that I want to add. This page will not be updated very often.

About the story

Some version of this story has been floating around my head since 2001. I think I tried to write it twice back then, with little success. These characters, in some form or fashion, these modern day Bonnie and Clydes, fascinate me.

In 2007, I had a dream. A very, very vivid dream. I woke up the next day and began writing this story, about 8000 words flowing out of me over the course of a few hours. For two years after that, I continued working and reworking on the story, coming up with several different drafts. When I rewrote it as a hanfic, it made complete sense to me for the first time.

I know this is a weird story. It isn’t for everyone’s tastes, and I get that. This idea was just one that I had to get out. It started out as just a smutty oneshot, but it’s really about exploring the relationship between these two characters. I’m not saying it’s a perfect relationship at all. Zac and Colleen have a really fucked up dynamic and I make no excuses for that. But it’s that fucked up dynamic that makes them so fascinating to me.

Oh, and the title! For the first year it existed, the story was untitled. After several months of not even looking at it, I felt reinspired and opened the file up. That was summer 2008, when I was way into Panic! At The Disco’s second album, Pretty. Odd. The lyric “little deaths in musicial beds” from That Green Gentleman really stuck with me. “La petite mort” is a French term referring to an orgasm, so I liked the way the phrase Little Deaths held double meanings as a title for this story.


All songs and lyrics used within this story are the property of their writers and performers.

As for the pictures, most of the Hanson pictures come from Hitz Pics or MMMBoptastic.com. Other pictures used for the characters can be found at the following sources:

Colleen: Emily Browning 1
Davey: Jonathan Kroppmann 1, 2
Jesse: Taylor Kitsch 1, 2