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Won and Lost and Won Again

Last summer we took threes across the board
But by fall we were a cover story, “now in stores”
Make us poster boys for your scene
But we are not making an acceptance speech
I found the safest place to keep all our old mistakes
Every dot-com’s refreshing for a journal update
So long live the car-crash hearts
Cry on the couch so all the poets come to life
Fix me in forty five

lucky little lady (cityofnight) wrote,
2007-12-24 21:03:56

merry fucking Christmas

Okay, I’m not as depressed or pissed off or whatever as that subject line makes me sound. I’m just not a holiday person. Christmas presents are cool, although these days my family just sends gift cards. But it’s not like I’m even Christian, so it’s really not my holiday, you know?

I didn’t post about it back then, but I did at least agree to spend Thanksgiving with them. Well, with my mom’s side of the family. My dad is too attached to his new wife’s family to bother trying to spend time with me. He definitely prefers them, probably because the wife came with a big package deal of multiple male grandsons for him. Meanwhile, it’s just me and the cats.

Which, of course, I was constantly reminded of during my week with mom and all of her family. There are approximately a billion of them, because they just keep reproducing over and over and over again. Every time I get together with them, there’s a new baby or boyfriend or fiancé to meet.

One of my aunts actually had the nerve to ask me why I was still single. For one, I’m only in my mid-twenties, so I’m not really sure it’s time for that question yet, according to the average age women are getting married these days. Secondly, it’s really none of her damn business. I didn’t say either of those two things, though. I just said that if I knew why, maybe I wouldn’t be. She laughed and changed the subject, so I guess that wasn’t really meant to be the start of some hard-hitting interrogation or something.

You know, I like that it’s still warm here in December. It makes it a lot easier to just not celebrate the holidays, because it doesn’t even feel like holiday season. Possibly the best thing about moving to California, in fact.

Well, maybe there are a few other things I like about this state…

Did I mention I got my weed card as a Christmas present to myself?


December 25, 2007, 11:22:18

Hell yeah getting your weed card. You’re gonna love that legal green.


  December 25, 2007, 13:01:39

  Maybe next time I can bring my own to share…


emi (fourleafclovers) wrote in jtaylorfans,
2008-01-03 17:32:04

just wondering…

Has everyone gotten their fan club packages? I just signed up a week ago and I’m just wondering how long it will take to get mine. I’m in Colorado, so I dunno if that makes a difference.

By the way, I’m Emilia. I’m a broke college student and Taylor was my first crush after I realized he wasn’t a girl.


January 3, 2008, 18:01:27

I signed up at the end of October when he first announced it, and I got mine around Thanksgiving. I was out of town when I got it, so I dunno for sure what day it arrived. I live in California too, but I don’t think it shipped as soon as I signed up for it. So I wouldn’t expect it to take that long now that everything is in production. But it still may take a while since you’re farther away.


January 3, 2008, 19:19:02

Your last line is too funny! I think we all feel that way. And now he’s just the hottest thing ever, isn’t he? As for your question, I’m in Texas and I signed up about two weeks ago. Still waiting for mine, too.


  January 3, 2008, 23:18:56

  It’s so true, though! He’s like a fine wine, just getting better and better with age. Not that he’s old, although he is older than   me.

  I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one still waiting. I just really want the EP! And I’m so curious to get those handwritten lyrics…   I wonder what I’ll get…


January 4, 2008, 01:31:22

Y’all do know I can see what you write here about me, right? 😉

But seriously, I am so sorry that some of the fan club packages are delayed. I’m gonna do my best to get every single one of them sent out this week. If I end up with carpal tunnel syndrome from writing all those lyrics, I know who to blame.


Jordan Taylor (sacredfool83) wrote,
2008-01-13 13:39:19

A little more about the Sunny Day EP

This post is massively overdue, I know. Not that I told any of you it was coming, but I have had it in the back of my mind for a while. Zac and I went back to Oklahoma for the holidays and stayed until everyone got sick of us, and I really didn’t have time to sit down and write out a real post while I was there. It was all I could do to keep up with replying to comments, and I know I didn’t even say as much in some of those as I wanted to.

Anyway, I hope everyone who is interested in it has picked up their copy. If not, what are you waiting for? No, I’m seriously asking. Leave a comment and tell me why you haven’t bought it. Actually, don’t. That might hurt my feelings, and I’m pretty sensitive.

Okay, okay, I swear I’m getting to the point. I just wanted to let y’all know that I’m already working on some new music. As much as I love this EP, I have so many more songs I want to share. These three are just one little sampling of what’s to come, and I hope they give you a good feel for where I am musically right now. The last EP a few years ago was a bit of a jumble, but these songs are way more personal and meaningful to me. It takes a lot of guts to share real pieces of yourself with the world, and I really hope you guys enjoy and appreciate every piece I decide to share. I would never dare call anyone out and let them know a song is about them (although Girl Who Inspired Wondering Why – you totally know who you are, just saying), so while they are all personal, they’re also art. I hope they mean something—anything, everything, something totally different—to everyone who listens to them.

I am really just so excited about everything I have to share, but it’s not quite time yet. Fan club members will get some sneak peaks and rough drafts as I go into the studio and start actually recording things in a more professional manner.

I know I’m being kind of cryptic right now, but more will be coming very, very soon, I promise. I’m thinking of starting some Skype hangouts with fan club members to share even more. What do y’all think?


January 13, 2008, 14:02:28

So proud of you and so looking forward to what comes next! Excited to help with the merch designs, too. And the Skype idea is great.


January 13, 2008, 14:18:17

Ooh, so cryptic, I love it! I think I can speak for all of us when I say that Wondering Why Girl is crazy, but if she weren’t, we would all be sad you were taken.

I will be all over Skype! Can you say camgirl?


January 14, 2008, 17:22:04

I bet the climate change coming back from Oklahoma to California sucked. I definitely like hearing more about the creative writing side of things, though.


January 14, 2008, 19:03:59

Like Carolina said, I love the insight into your creative process! As a writer myself (though not a songwriter), it’s really interesting to see. You should post more about that kind of thing.


January 15, 2008, 10:10:36

Finally got my EP! It’s sooo good. I love Lost Without You. And yes to Skype, please.


Secret Birthday Project

January 27, 2008, 16:17:11

Hey, girlie! You were cracking me up on Skype last night. It’s great having someone with such a smart, but dirty, sense of humor around. I feel like I’m the only one with a dirty mind sometimes—besides Taylor himself, I mean!

Anyway, I know it’s early since his birthday isn’t until March, but I wanted to get started on this right away. I was talking to Mia yesterday too and she loved the idea of us putting together a little gift basket to send to Taylor for his birthday. If you want to buy something for it or just contribute money, let me know. I have this awesome guitar strap in mind for him that I wanted to get the Pisces symbol engraved in. So if you could throw a few dollars my way for that, I would really appreciate it.

Let me know!


Re: Secret Birthday Project

January 27, 2008, 19:07:02

I wanted to die after I made that “battery operated” comment! I’m not normally like that, I swear, but I had a little wine beforehand.

As for the birthday thing, I’ll have to think about it. I bought a house last year so money is pretty tight and will be for like the next thirty years, haha. But if I can scrounge up a little extra, I’ll let you know. Is there a deadline?


Re: Re: Secret Birthday Project

January 27, 2008, 19:22:18

No, no that comment was perfect! It made him blush, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. I love the way he interacts with you, but I have to admit I’m kind of jealous, too.

I don’t have a deadline set yet, but I need to figure one out. Probably by the end of next month so I have time to get it in the mail and get it to him before that day.


Re: Re: Re: Secret Birthday Project

January 27, 2008, 19:27:09

Okay, if I have a month, I should be able to come up with a few extra bucks.

And as for your other comment, I have NO idea what you’re referring to. He picks on me, but he does that to everyone. I’m just another fan.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Secret Birthday Project

January 27, 2008, 19:32:49

I think you’re downplaying it. Maybe it’s just because you guys have actually met in person. Which for the record, I cannot even imagine what I would do if I met him. I mean, I saw him at that mall appearance years and years ago, but that’s different. If I saw him now… the things I would do!

But I don’t think I’m the only one who sees it. I can’t explain it, but it’s obvious. He’s different with you.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Secret Birthday Project

January 27, 2008, 19:38:33

Honestly, he’s just like any other guy. I think that’s what surprised me the most when I met him. He was just… a guy. He has a stage persona and then there’s his real, off stage personality. It was really… I dunno, humbling? That’s not the word. But I really appreciated getting to see what seemed to be the real him. And he wasn’t flirty like he is online. I can’t explain it, but he was just so different. It kept me from getting starstruck, for the most part.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Secret Birthday Project

January 27, 2008, 19:44:01

Ugh, I just can’t even imagine! Even if he is different, I would still be so starstruck. I think you just proved my point, though. If he felt comfortable enough with you to turn that stage persona off, then he felt something for you. Of course, you know he’s the friends with benefits type, so I wouldn’t get too attached if I were you.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Secret Birthday Project

January 27, 2008, 19:50:24

If that’s all he wants from me, then he’s not going to get even that. It doesn’t matter who he is. I’m not looking for that kind of thing in my life right now. I want something serious.


After sending that message, Carolina closed the tab and shut her laptop. She had come so close to saying way too much to Delanie, who she really didn’t know at all. She seemed nice enough; she was a writer, too, although some of what she had written was more blatantly fanfic.

What Carolina had said was true, though. If Taylor was the sort of playboy that his fans kept portraying him as, in spite of the evidence to the contrary that she had seen with her own two eyes, then she didn’t want anything more than friendship from him. Any more than that would just break her heart.

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