Better late than never?

Well, the beginning of April was so hurried and harried that I completely forgot about my tradition of posting blogs here every three months. So, it’s a week or so late, but here it is, alphabetical by story.

Bled Dry — Finished! We’re holding off on the sequel for now, getting it all plotted out for work during July’s Camp NaNoWriMo session. Plus, we have a few others to work on before then…

Cherry Lips — This one is going slowly, but I’m very happy with how it’s turning out. I’ve posted a few chapters this year and hope to post a few more.

I Will Try To Fix You — We’ve finally posted a few new chapters of this fic, and have only two more planned. This one should be finished in the next few months.

Kiss and Tell — I’ve been very slow with this one, as tends to happen when you get close to the end of a fic and want to be sure you do it justice. I do apologize for that… and to those who were hoping for a different couple to end up together!

Like Ashes Series — So far, I’ve posted a fair bit of my story for this challenge, but I’m editing and posting it slowly while I await some of the other authors. I think we’re all onto something good here, but we’re busy people, so it may be a while before all of it is available to read.

Truth Is A Whisper — Yes, it’s done. But April 5 was the four year anniversary of when we began posting it, so we put a few little extras up on the site in honor of that.

Where We Belong — Two more chapters of this one have been posted and it’s just starting to get interesting. At least, we hope it is, and we hope to post more of it soon, before we devote our attention to Bled Dry’s sequel.

So, what can you expect to see soon? Well, there’s the aforementioned Bled Dry sequel, Flesh and Bone. As I said, Amber and I will be working on it for July’s Camp NaNo session. And this month, I’m working on a fic called Our Glory Days, which you can read more about on the same page I just linked to (the coming soon page). I don’t know when it will be posted to the site, so just stay tuned for that and any other news!

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New year, new fic!

I’ve got some pretty exciting updates to talk about today, if I do say so myself!

First, I’ve added a bunch of new and old oneshots to the site. You’ve probably seen them all elsewhere online, but now they’re all collected here (or on the Extras pages for the fics they’re related to). I’ve also added my first chapter of Kiss and Tell in months upon months.


A Lesson In Tightropes is here! It’s just the prologue for now, but more will be posted soon. I also hope to start posting the other fics in the series (titled Like Ashes) soon, and will post here when I do.

Until then, enjoy these new chapters and oneshots 🙂

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Another year gone…

Okay, it’s not quite the end of 2015 yet, but I figured I would go ahead and wrap things up, since I don’t see things changing much in the next three days. I do have some new things I’ll be posting early in 2016, though, so check back in a week or so for some of that stuff. For now, here’s where things stand at the end of another year…

I didn’t get a ton written this year, really. At least, it doesn’t feel that way. On my own, I did manage to finish In the Dark, which was a pretty big accomplishment. I had hoped to finish Kiss and Tell, but that didn’t quite pan out. It doesn’t lack much, though, so hopefully it will be done in the next few months.

The only solo story I debuted this year was Cherry Lips, and writing it has been slow going. I did post a chapter a few days ago, so hopefully I can get back to work on it in 2016, but I have to say that finishing Kiss and Tell is more of a priority.

On the collaboration side, I was quite a bit more productive. Amber and I added the first chapter in over a year to I Will Try To Fix You, came very close to finishing Bled Dry and posted the first few chapters of a new story called Where We Belong. But the biggest accomplishment we made, by far, was finally finishing Truth is a Whisper.

So, what does 2016 hold for me and my hanfic? Well, all the stories listed above that didn’t get finished in 2015 will hopefully be finished in 2016. Some of those will be easier said than done, but I’ll constantly be working toward that goal even if I don’t achieve it. I will also be posting A Lesson in Tightropes soon, so check back for that and some other little updates (such as adding all of my Christmas oneshots to the site) in the next week or two. Also, that link will take you to the Coming Soon page, where you might notice a new story on the list that I hope to write and publish in 2016.

Mainly, I hope to have a more productive 2016 and cross a lot of things off my to do list that have been on there, languishing, for far too long. I like always having things to work on, but some things have taken far too long to finish, and I do apologize for that. But 2016 will be better; I can already feel it.

Check back soon for even more substantial updates!

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A day early!

Good news! I’ve finished NaNoWriMo with just a day and a half to spare. I was really unsure I would finish at all this year, so finishing with any spare time at all makes me really, really happy. The fic in question is A Lesson In Tightropes, the first story of a long, collaborative series I hope to post more about soon. Not only did I manage to write 50,000 words (and then a few), but I’ve actually finished the entire fic. The bad news, though, is that it will take me a while to get it edited and posted. I hope to have the first chapters up in January, but we’ll see.

The other bad news is that with NaNo sucking up my last month, I still haven’t had time to work on the other stories I’ve let fall by the wayside for the last few months. I had really hoped to have two or three of them finished this year, but it hasn’t happened–at least not yet. There’s still time.

To end things on a good note, though, you should all go check out this post on my LiveJournal about a special Christmas gift I’ll be working on soon for all of my readers. It’s open to the public, so feel free to leave a comment (just sign any anonymous comments so I know who you are, please) with any other little oneshots you’d like to see.

I’ll be posting those oneshots over the next month leading up to Christmas, and I’ll post a yearly wrapup at the end of it, as usual. Hopefully I’ll have some more news on my other fics by then.

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Something old & something new!

I have big, big news today. Some of you already know one thing I’m about to say, since it was actually posted a few days ago, but I figured I would combine my news into one post.

First of all, Truth is a Whisper is done! The final chapter has been posted and except for the soundtrack, Amber and I are absolutely, 100% done with that story. It’s been a long, strange trip and we’re so happy you’ve all taken it with us.

But we’re not done yet! Our newest collab, Where We Belong has been posted. It’s a tour fic featuring our favorite pairing, Zarrick, and we hope everyone who is enjoying their tour happening right now will enjoy this fic, too.

Pretty exciting, huh?

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Three quarters!

Wow! Three fourths of this year done. It’s been a pretty crazy, eventful year for me, and I’m not just talking hanfic-wise. In fact, I feel like I haven’t been very productive with my fic, but when I thought about what I was going to write in this update, I realized that wasn’t true at all.

First of all, let’s talk solo stories. The progress there hasn’t been so great, I’ll admit. I did add a little to both Cherry Lips and Kiss and Tell during Camp, and have added even less to them since then. The former is on a bit of a hiatus while I struggle to figure out how to get it where it needs to go, and the latter is very nearly finished. I’d like to have Kiss and Tell done by the end of the year, and I think that’s possible, but I’m not setting any sort of timeline for Cherry Lips at all.

Then there are my collabs with Amber…

Bled Dry is very nearly finished, although our progress on it has been slow. A little preview of the sequel to it is available on the Coming Soon page, but it will take us a while to get that sequel ready to post.

Believe it or not, we have finally, after over a year of silence, updated I Will Try To Fix You! That update was chapter nine, and we’ve planned for it to have only twelve chapters, so it’s very likely we will be able to finish it this year, too.

And last but certainly not least… Truth is a Whisper. We have only two lost chapters and one regular chapter left to post. Can you believe it? There’s no doubt this one will be done in the very, very near future, and you can count on a big celebratory post here when it is.

So what’s next? You can see that a lot of the stories listed above are nearly finished, and some will be in just a matter of days. Well, there’s not one but two new fics on the Coming Soon page. At the request of a few other fans, Amber and I have moved our full length “Zarrick” fic up our to do list, and of course, I still have my NaNo project, the first fic of a big collab series. Plus, I have a little Christmas surprise planned that I’ll post more about in the beginning of December.

It’s definitely been a productive few months, and I think these last few months will be even busier!

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I survived!

I survived another session of Camp NaNoWriMo! Here’s where I stand on a few of my fics now:

Cherry Lips is coming along pretty steadily, although I will soon run out of chapters to post. Still, I managed to write up to chapter fifteen last month and just posted chapter thirteen today. Considering the fact that I’m writing by the seat of my pants, it’s going pretty well and I’ve been happy with the response to it so far.

Kiss and Tell is coming along even faster. I’m within five to ten chapters of the end, I think. I’ll have another one posted within the next few days, and then I’ll be better able to judge what everyone thinks of the twists and turns the plot is taking. I’m still nervous for how everyone will react to the story’s conclusion…

I had hoped to work on two of my collabs with Amber last month, but I was only able to write one chapter of Bled Dry. Better than nothing, I suppose. With the two of us on different sides of the country and living pretty different lives with different schedules, it’s difficult to coordinate things and get much writing done, but we’re hoping to have at least one story done very, very soon.

And speaking of collabs… I certainly don’t need another project, but I had an idea a week or so ago anyway. It’s going to be a big series with, at last count, seven other authors (maybe more by the time it’s done). Each author will write their own entire fic, and I’ve just posted a little preview of mine on the Coming Soon page. So look for A Lesson In Tightropes, a story from the Like Ashes Series, to be posted at some point before the end of 2015!

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Halfway done!

Well, another year is halfway over and it hasn’t been that bad of a year for me, hanfic-wise! Here’s a quick update on my progress on a few fics over the last few months.

Amber and I have been working pretty steadily on two of our collaborations, and we’ve made some really great progress. We keep saying that both will be finished by “the end of the summer,” which is a little bit vague but the most achievable goal I think we can set.

Bled Dry is just a few chapters from ending, but we have a sequel in the works for the future. It will take some work and planning to get that sequel ready to share, so there will be a delay between the end of Bled Dry and the beginning of the sequel.

Truth is a Whisper is a little bit closer to ending, but we’ve delayed that ending some with the lost chapters we’ve been posting. Those lost chapters show the past, future and some different points of view. These are mostly quite short and fun, and we’re excited about showing them as well as finally getting to the end of the “real” story.

On my own, I’ve been mostly working on two stories lately.

It’s been pretty smooth sailing for Cherry Lips, which I debuted in May. Mostly, I’ve just been editing and posting the chapters I wrote in April’s session of Camp NaNoWriMo, but I do hope to write some new ones soon.

Kiss and Tell, though, has been effectively on hiatus since March, as I struggled to figure out how to get to the climax of the story (not to mention where to go after that!). I finally did manage to write one chapter, and while it’s too soon to say my writer’s block is entirely gone, I do feel a little better about it.

So what’s up next for me? Mostly, more of the same. I hope to add a few chapters to Cherry Lips and Kiss and Tell during July NaNo, as well as writing at least a little bit of what I have left on those two collabs. I’ve set my goal at 25,000 words, a relatively low goal, which I think is good for me given that I’ll be out of town for the first week or so of the month.

Speaking of which, if you’re going to be at Red Rocks and you spot me, say hi! It’s a little weird to get recognized in person, but it happens. And check back here soon to see my latest fic updates!

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It’s here!

Well, that was faster than expected. The first chapter of Cherry Lips has been posted! I hope to keep posting a chapter or so a week, but we’ll see how it goes. As always, if you enjoy it, please, please sign the guestbook and let me know.

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April (fic) showers!

Okay, so I’m a day late — oops! I just wanted to update you guys on my fic progress in April, even though there’s not a lot to say about it.

I did win this session of Camp NaNoWriMo, albeit with a rather small goal of 20,000 words or roughly ten chapters. Those were all on my new story, Cherry Lips. I hope to get it edited, come up with a layout and post the first few chapters in May. Of course I’ll post here when it goes live 🙂

In addition to that, Amber and I were able to get one more chapter of Truth is a Whisper out, bringing it closer and closer to the end. We missed having it done by the three year anniversary, but we knew that was a lofty goal. Hopefully we will have the next (last!) few chapters out soon. We also got a little work done on Bled Dry, so hopefully we will have some chapters of it to share soon, too.

I also plan to get back to work on Kiss and Tell in May!

As always, check here for my latest updates 🙂

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