I did it!

Yes, I did it! I survived Camp NaNoWriMo yet again. It’s still July, but I figured it was time to post a little recap of what I’ve written this month. Like November last year, I worked up a bunch of projects rather than adding in any brand new stories to the pile. And here’s how I did…

  • Beating Heart — Wrote about eight chapters of this one. While I’m a bit behind that in posting, I’m actually almost finished writing the entire story. It definitely needs editing, but I’m getting there.
  • Loaded God Complex — Lindsay and wrote a total of nine chapters of this one altogether. That actually puts us a little behind where we needed to be, so we may take a short break from it. In the meantime, we can get back ahead on our other stories, maybe. I’m still really happy with where this one is going.
  • Songs Left Unsung — This was supposed to be my focus this month, but I only managed around eight chapters on it. Still, after being stuck for a month, I’m happy with that progress. I have some things outlined, and I think it will be about eighty chapters by the time it’s done. Eighty. How insane is that?!
  • Worlds Collide — This one is done! I wrote three chapters and the epilogue this month. Done!

So that’s it for this month. I think Beating Heart and Gravity will be the next ones to be crossed off my to do list, but even that may take a few weeks or months. Loaded God Complex and Songs Left Unsung will definitely keep going for quite a while.

You may notice that I’ve added a new story to the Coming Soon page and the Currently list, In the Dark. I’m actually just outlining it now, but it will likely be my project for NaNoWriMo. More on that when it gets closer. I’m also considering a month long drabble/oneshot challenge, but I think I may be putting too much on my plate. Oh well.

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