That was fast!

Barely more than a day after posting that I was almost done with NaNoWriMo, I actually am done! I’ve now written 50k between five of my stories, so I wanted to write a little blog here to let you guys know my progress on each story individually. So here goes.

  • Audience of One — 23 chapters, roughly 50% finished. I have a vague outline for the rest of this story, and I think it will run around 50 chapters all together. There’s a fairly restrictive timeline for it, but since it’s my story, I can change that if I want to. We’ll see what happens. What I do know is that I’m just a few (5-10) chapters away from the big climax of the story, which I am really looking forward to writing.
  • Interwoven — 36.5 chapters, roughly 80% finished. I didn’t write as much chapter-wise on this story because I didn’t need to get all the way to 50k, since I left this one for last. But that’s okay. I’m still very close to finishing it and the chapters are all outlined. It’ll be quite a while before you guys get to read all of it, though. I’m only just now ready to post chapter 11.
  • Songs Left Unsung — 29 chapters, roughly 50% finished. Okay, I honestly don’t know how far I am from finishing this story. I know the big picture, but my outline gets pretty vague after the last chapter I wrote. So… we’ll see what happens. It feels like I’m just approaching the climax of the story though, which may be halfway or it may be a little further along.
  • Untold — 12 chapters, roughly 66% finished. It feels like this story is much, much closer to being finished than that percentage suggests. My outline only has 18 chapters, and I’ve already started drafting chapter 13, so in terms of the actual number of chapters remaining… yeah, almost done. Yay. It’s been a difficult one to write.
  • Worlds Collide — 12 chapters, roughly 33% finished. I’m actually most proud of my work on this story, even if it’s the least complete of the five. I have, at least vaguely, the whole story planned now. The first of three story arcs, as I see them, is finished now. That’s where my guess of 1/3 finished comes from. I’m not sure how long the other two arcs will be, but right now I’m predicting a total length of 30-40 chapters. It’s sad that right now, I consider that fairly short.

So there they are. All five stories, just a little bit closer to finished.

Also, I forgot to mention in my last blog that I did a few tweaks to all of my story layouts. Nothing major, just a few fiddly changes/fixes that had been bugging me. Plus, on the finished stories page, I added chapter counts to each story. Just seemed like an important piece of information that was missing. And I think that’s all I wanted to mention in this blog.

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