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This page is a catchall for any and all other stuff related to this story. Since the story is a quick and dirty affair, there probably won’t be much added to this page over time.


About the Story

The idea for this story has been floating around on my hard drive for a few months. I visit the NaNoWriMo forums a lot, and they have sections for adoptable plots, lines, and so on. I had adopted the opening line for this story, originally picturing the boy on the floor as Taylor.

When this challenge came along, I decided it was time to bring out this plot. I fiddled with the opening line a bit, changing it significantly from the original adoptable. Eventually the plot grew and developed and became what it is now.

From the beginning, I knew this story would have a unique structure. Choosing to put the chapters out of order, in a Present-Past-Present-Past-etc pattern, was really important to me to tell the story the way I wanted to. It doesn’t have a strong plot, but the chapters each function as sort of vignettes that come together to show the whole picture.

And I’ll admit, I just picked the title off a list I have saved of phrases that I like the sound of. It fit with how I envisioned the story, though for no particular reason, really.



Here are all the awards I’ve won for this story. Thank you to everyone who has voted for it.



All songs and lyrics used in this story are the property of the writers and performers. Pictures of Hanson come from Hitzpics.com.

All other pictures can be found at the following sources:

Shelby Price — Valentine Fillol-Cordier 1, 2
Alex Campbell — Alex Pettyfer 1, 2
Portia Campbell — Alona Tal 1