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California. And my birthday. Nikki was the first person to call this morning, followed by my parents. I was on fire for the show. I was happy that I had made it to another birthday, happy that Zac seemed to be eating more and had more energy, and especially happy that the next day I would fly home to my wife and son for the holidays. Who knew what the next year would hold? For the first time in several years, we didn’t have thousands of project ideas going back and forth. Sure, we wrote on the road as inspiration hit, but none of us were jumping to start the record, tour, record, tour cycle again. We had talked about doing something in Tulsa for our fan club members, but we had our families to help us with that and we were sure they would pitch in if it meant more time with us.

Taylor and Carrick planned a birthday party at his house for me. We walked in and someone immediately put a drink in my hand. I downed it without even bothering to ask what it was. Some mix of alcohol that made me glad I started drinking young so I didn’t spit it right back out.

“Yeah, thanks,” I said, pushing past the crowd and to the kitchen to make an actual drink.

“Hi, Ike. Great show tonight,” some blond with legs too long for her skirt took my hand and twirled herself under my arm. I danced with her for just a moment.

“Thanks so much,” I said, trying to move away.

“What do you say we go back to your bus, just like old times?” she whispered in my ear.

“Didn’t you hear? I’m an honest man now.” I laughed it off and took a few more steps toward the kitchen.

“We liked you better when you were dishonest,” a brunette draped her arms over my shoulders. I took her hands and placed them back by her side.

“Ladies, I’m flattered. We had fun, but this old rock star has settled down. There are plenty of single guys here.”

“But none made like you,”

“Most of them are better,” I said, again trying to get away, but the gaggle of girls had only gotten bigger. What must this look like from the outside I wondered briefly. Since most everyone had a phone in their hands these days, I had to be careful of perception. Isn’t that what I got mad at Avery about a few months ago?

“You’re so humble. It’s so sexy,” the brunette said.

“Sexy is finding your soulmate and being there for them, no matter what. One-night stands aren’t sexy.”

“Oh, come on Ikey. We were more than a one-night stand, and you know it. Don’t you ever think about me? About us?”

“No, I don’t,” I had finally made my way to the kitchen and poured a whiskey neat for myself.

“Aren’t you going to make us one?” someone from the pack whined.

“Well, of course I will.” I made very, very weak drinks, coke and just a drop of whiskey and passed them out.

“Ooooh, that’s strong. I feel it going to my head already,” the blond said.

“Me too,” echoed the chorus of girls.

I smiled at them. Fake drunk. Frat boys had gotten girls drunk off nothing but kool-aid by simply convincing them they were drinking a fruity mixed drink. That, of course, wasn’t my intent. I was just trying to prevent their behavior from getting any worse. I guess my plan backfired. I should have known, though. If a person wants to act drunk, they will, no matter how much alcohol they consume.

“Ikey, lets dance,” They tried to pull me to the floor.

“Ladies, I wish I could, this tour has taken a lot out of me and I’m already feeling a bit tired.”

“Oh, poor Ikey,” the blond said. She pulled me over to a recliner and her group immediately surrounded me, cooing over me, playing with my hair, and all but sitting in my lap.

“I did one semester of nursing school,” the brunette said. “I can take care of you.”

“Oh,” I said, trying to get the attention off me. “When do you graduate?”

“I dropped out,” she said. “It was too hard. They made me, like, do stuff. I thought nurses just bossed orderlies around.”

“So, what are you doing for money now?”

“Daddy’s credit card had plenty of money on it. I don’t need to work. Mommy says my job is to find a rich man. Are you rich?”

“I don’t think I’m rich enough for you,” I said.

“Oh,” she said with a frown. She left the group and sauntered across the room to watch Carrick play video games.

“So, you’re poor now that you have a wife?”

“The wife made me poor, the kids made me poorer, I’m afraid.”

“Ewww. Tough luck, then.” she said, flicking her hair as she walked away. The rest of her group followed the leader to find men with deeper pockets.

I only enjoyed a moment of peace before I started worrying about Zac. I looked around the room. He was playing video games with Carrick. He seemed to have plenty of energy the way he was jumping around. Taylor was sprawled on the couch, talking to someone. I didn’t know who it was or if it was even someone I had met before. Well, Taylor had a way of talking to people. Usually I did, too, but I wasn’t feeling it tonight. The end of tour brought the bittersweet feeling of concerts ending but the excitement of going home.

“Hey, man, one more birthday drink?” Demetrius slapped my shoulder.

“Oh yeah, for sure,” I said, following him to the kitchen. He poured me a whiskey neat and handed me the glass.

“Cheers to another tour,” he said, holding up his glass of scotch. I clinked my glass with his and downed my drink in one gulp.

“Damn, man. Here,” he laughed and filled my glass up again.

“Thanks, bro.” I took this one a little bit slower, since I still had a buzz from the drinks before.

“No problem, man. So, any idea when you will need me for next year?”

“Not yet. We are going to take things slower, I think. Stay home a bit more. But maybe a few shows in Tulsa.”

“Ok, then. Just let me know,” he said as a girl wrapped her arms around his waist and dragged him away.

I wandered over to join my brothers. Even though I just spent months on a tour bus with them, I had a sudden sad feeling that with the holidays coming up and everyone having their own family units, I wouldn’t get much of a chance to see them until after the first of the year.

“Hey man, how is your day?” Taylor asked when I sat beside him on the couch.

“It’s good, good. But it’s not really my day anymore since it’s after midnight.”

“Ahh. So now we are just getting drunk to get drunk? Is that it?”

“Apparently so,” I said. “And, end of tour party as well.”

“Ah, yes,” Taylor nodded. He looked a little sad.

“Not happy to be going back to your family?” I asked him.

“Of course I am. But the end of tour is always sad to me. Like Christmas night when the celebrations are over. Part of your is glad for the calm, and the return to normal, part of you misses the crazy. You know?”

“I know exactly what you mean.” And for once, I did. I had the least in common with Taylor. His thoughts were always so out in the clouds. But he did have a way of putting thoughts you never knew you had into words. And when you hear it, you know immediately that you’ve believed it all your life. It’s strange to be related to one of those rare people that have such a strange connection to the universe that they seem to live in another dimension. I think that’s why so many of our fans favored him – that strange air of mystery about him. The otherworldliness that just draws you in because you’ve never seen anything like it before in your whole entire life.

Taylor stood and stretched. “I guess it’s time to round up Zac and head back, what do you say?”

“Yeah, I’ve got a few business meetings tomorrow to wrap up the money part of things. I need to have my head clear for that.”

“Good luck with that,” he said. Taylor walked over and put a hand on Zac’s shoulder, but he shrugged it off. The wild colors and sounds of video games always held his attention even when schoolbooks and band practice sessions couldn’t.

Taylor stood in front of the TV until he got a reaction. Zac threw down the controller. “Thanks a lot.”

“We are going to head back to the hotel. Are you ready?”

“Well, I guess you and Ike are, so I guess that means I have to be, too.”

Taylor sighed. “Isaac has business to take care of tomorrow. Some of that business has to do with us getting paid. Does that make you any more ready to go?”

“I am perfectly capable of walking back myself.”

“We know you are,” I stepped in, “But I would rest much easier if you come on back with us.”

“Why should I care?” Zac’s hands were twitching, the first sign of Zac attack – a fit of hyper that had to run itself out. The fans used to call it that because it was cute. They had no idea what the behind the scenes reality of dealing with a true attack was like. It had been a while since one happened. I hoped that meant he was getting back to the old Zac.

“You don’t have to care at all,” I said. “I’m heading back to the hotel. Stay here as long as you like.”

“Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, I’m ready,” he said, practically bowling me over as he ran out the door.

Taylor and I rushed to keep up with him. It was only a short walk back to the hotel. Zac twirled and giggled the whole way. Taylor and I laughed, thinking that maybe he got a hold of something that helped get him back to the Zac we were used to.

“And then he said, just two ducks!” I couldn’t hold it in. That stupid joke was the funniest thing I had heard in a very long time.

“Zac, are you ok?” I heard Taylor asked as Zac bounced out the elevator door. “You look hot.”

“Yes . . . “ Zac said.

I looked at him, but he seemed okay to me.

Taylor laughed when I repeated the punch line.

“Goodnight,” I called when I got to my door.

“Goodnight,” he said. Then. “Ike.”


“Just, umm, keep your phone close by. Something’s up with Zac.”

“I’m sure it’s fine,” I said. “But, I’ll make sure it’s charged just in case.”

“Thanks, goodnight.”

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